A picture so outrageous, it deserves its own thread...

by cedars 184 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cedars


    Cedars of course you can respond. It is your thread. I am giving my view. But trust me, you would get nowhere at all showing those points to a witness.

    I strongly disagree, but judging by your "end of" remark you're clearly not the most open-minded person when it comes to differing points of view.

    This new picture very clearly shows a hierarchical system (with the Governing Body at the very top) which the Watchtower has been criticizing Christendom for for decades.

    If you think that has no relevance, that's your call. I expect you'll find yourself in the minority though.


  • jwfacts

    How does this picture make sisters feel? Parts 1 to 4 are only men. Even number 5, with the congregation meeting, shows the meeting being led by a man. This sort of picture would really irritate the women where I work.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    In our KH the "most spiritual" and "elite clique" sat in the front rows.

  • alanv

    OK If you feel that Jesus is about to be booted out of the heavenly organisation then that is your choice. And I will be the first to apologise if that happens. But in truth it aint gonna happen. The whole idea of the picture is to show how the earthly part is made up, nothing to do with the heavenly part. I think blondie got it right, saying the bit that is wrong is the fact that the first 4 rows had people sitting there. lol. That is about as wrong as this illustratioin gets.

  • besty

    every company boardroom I've been in has chairs like the GB - its what the people at the top of any company expect

    why would the top boys in the WTS be any different?

  • cedars


    That is about as wrong as this illustratioin gets.

    The picture isn't wrong. It's startlingly honest. It shows an organization that is proud of its hierarchical structure despite having spent decades criticizing "Christendom" for having the exact same thing.


  • Pyramid Scheme
    Pyramid Scheme

    Despite the intent, one thing that was ALWAYS my experience.....

    Whether at Bethel or giving an assembly part - everything was VERY thought out to the very minute detail.

    Exactly what to say - Exactly where to stand - Exactly where to place a picture - Exactly how to gesture.....

    A picture is worth a thousand words. Do I believe this is a well-thought out, calculated photo?


    I wouldn't put anything past those guys.

  • alanv

    Cedars I normally am a very strong supporter of yours. You have written some excellent blogs. However you even seen surprised that the governing body members look like themselves. Who do you think they should look like Donald Duck?

    The hierarchy thing is nothing new. This is how the structure has looked for decades. Why are you surprised at it. I'm not saying it is right, but nothing here has changed. This picture will not change the average witness view of the organisation. It is already how they view it. All it does is reemphasise that point. It is part of their mind control. They want everyone to see where they should be in the org. Nothing to do with, comfy chairs, no Jesus in picture or sitting on Africa.

  • EdenOne


    precisely due to that attention to detail that the WT is known for, I think this picture is very very telling that there are significant changes in preparation. I saw already other signs that "1914" is about to be discarded. The recent change in the FDS is only one of them. The recent escalation in the motto "trust the organization" is another. If it wasn't for the face-saving issue of doing so, it would have been done years ago.


  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    I think the fact the GB are higher visually speaks volumes. They could have made the picture so everyone was on the same level, but they chose to depict the different ranks at different heights. Obviousto us but would reinforce obedience and subservience to "higher" authority to the average dub.

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