A picture so outrageous, it deserves its own thread...

by cedars 184 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cedars

    I mean no disrespect to sd-7 or his fine thread on which this picture has already featured, but I think it is just so ridiculous that it deserves a thread all of its own.

    Lurkers and apologists, this is how your precious organization views itself...

    Behold the madness...



  • EdenOne

    The absence of Jesus in that picture is mind boggling. Besides, he can't be any of those angels, because otherwise he would be depicted with a crown, as King, in line with the teaching that Jesus was made King in 1914.

    UNLESS ... they are preparing the ground for changing that teaching, and Jesus isn't YET King....


  • cedars

    Interestingly, when you zoom in on the illustration using the Adobe Reader, you can identify most if not all of the individual Governing Body members...

    governing body illustration


  • recovering

    Eden I commend you for your frank comment. It is refreshing to see that there are some witnesses who are willing to question the teachings of the WBTS.

  • BroMac

    No Waayyy! cedars thats just..... eagle eyed!

  • EdenOne

    I would even go further and speculate this:

    There are two angels that stand out from the others. The cherubs are by the car's wheels.

    IF (this is me speculating) there would be a change in 1914 teaching and Jesus isn't King yet ...and IF (another change) Michael the archangel isn't the same as Jesus ... THEN the two promiment angels could be Jesus and Michael.

    Just speculating here

    Funny enough, Cedars, I had already noticed how the 8 depicted in the picture were so resembling of the actual current members to the GB. But you really nailed it.


  • BroMac

    why does no.3 look like he flies a plane. do travelling overseers live out of a pilot case? in the UK most have a nice flat or bungalow

  • cedars

    It's also interesting to note how the artist has chosen to place the Governing Body and Branch Committees astride a part of the globe in which Jehovah's Witnesses are almost non-existent.

    If you look at the globe beneath the table where a "branch committee" is sitting, you will see that it is depicting the horn of Africa. Here is a map of that particular region of the world...

    Of the countries in the above map, six countries are under ban (Eritrea, Djibouti, Yemen, Oman, Saudi Arabia and Egypt) and one has no witnesses whatsoever (Somalia).

    Even the part of the world featured in this illustration is misleading propaganda.


  • BroMac

    Losch is watching Porn on his iPad

  • BroMac

    All the top men CEO's and Execs have suits and sit on their arses all day while the poor foot soldier does all the work but cant afford a suit.

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