If Jehovah Can Read Hearts Then WHY

by BlindersOff1 301 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • tec

    See Christ, see God.

    It really is that simple.

    Mankind keeps trying to see God through some other means though, including man (and what is in US). Complicating things up, as it were, and obscuring the Truth.



  • EntirelyPossible

    See Christ, see God.

    It really is that simple.

    That's backwards to front and a weak attempt to excuse the horrors of God.

    It really is THAT true.

  • tec

    Christ is the Truth about God (the Father of Christ), EP. That is pretty clear from the one source you are looking at (the bible) to determine something negative about God (regarding Abraham)

    So how can you think that something other than what He shows is truth?

    On the heels of that, if you don't even believe God exists, how can you possibly make a statement as to what is true about Him?

    This is the one thing that I do not get... why some people refuse to look at Christ FIRST, to see God. Why else would we be sent Christ as the TRUTH? Yes, He was sent as the Life. But also as the Word, Image, and Truth of God. Why send these things for people to look TO... if they already had these things in what was written?



  • EntirelyPossible

    That is pretty clear from the one source you are looking at (the bible) to determine something negative about God (regarding Abraham). So how can you think that something other than what He shows is truth?

    Sorry, you are trying to use the Bible to justify cherry picking the Bible. Without all that death and God killing everything, you can't get to warm and fuzzy Jesus who will later kill everything. There is no point in the warm fuzzy pages of the Bible you like without all of the killing you attempt to disown.

  • tec

    EP, are you choosing the parts that you think are true, over other parts that do not conform to what you have chosen?

    If you are going to judge who God is, based on the bible, then at the very least look at what (or who) it points TO... and that is Christ. And what it says at its culmination, which is: "Listen to Christ... Christ is the Image, Word, Truth and Life."

    Now if you want to dismiss Christ, then that is your choice. But HE is the One who shows us the Truth of His Father. His Father is my God; and no other.

    And again I ask, what point is there in having someone come as the Truth and the Image and the Word of God... if man already had these things in writing? What need for Truth, if they possessed the Truth?

    Peace to you,


  • EntirelyPossible

    I am not. Saying the bible points to Christ love and fuziness is to layer an an interpretation and meaning that doesn't actually exist in the Bible. Your theology requires something that isn't in the bible to be there and requires the bloodiness for it to make sense.

  • tec

    Christ is the Truth.

    Christ is the Word.

    Christ is the Life.

    "If you have seen me (Christ), you have seen the Father."

    My 'theology' (my faith) is based upon Christ. And all of the above is in the bible.



  • EntirelyPossible

    Your Christ is bloodier than every human murdered in history combined.

  • tec

    And where do you draw your info from, EP? What authority? What source?

    Because the Christ I know gives life. He does not take it away. He is Life.



  • AGuest
    This douche-nozzle lesson pre-dates Christ. You are math challenged.

    Actually, you're the one who's math... and reading challenged, EP, because Christ existed before Abraham. But I'm thinking that since "douche" is your new word learned for the day, you're probably just having another bad day. 'Cause it's really an "I'm really having a sucky day" kind of word. Sorry for that, truly. BUT... no need to worry unnecessarily - it can pass. This bad day and every other one, too. And all of the reason(s) therefore. All you need say is "Blessed is he that comes in the name of JAH." You know, leave of your "Israel-ish" contending all the time and just, well, submit.

    I PROMISE you the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, won't have you strapping any C4 to your chest, or flying planes into tall buildings, or killing woman and small children. You won't have to attend meetings, go out in field service, wear a suit or a little cap, carry a bag... peddle books or magazines... no tithing... no catechism... no confirmation... no bar mitzvah. You won't have to light any candles or occupy any confessional booths... or count/pray with beads... or sing hymns...

    None of that... unless you WANT to. But you won't HAVE to. All you have to do... is soften your hard heart... and turn your hard-head, with your stiff-neck, and LOOK... at the One you keep cursing.

    He didn't make your life "douche-y", EP. You did. YOUR choices Based on YOUR "smarts." Heck, you don't need no douche-y God, right?

    How's that workin' for you, bruh? Seriously?

    No, no, don't respond. Just THINK about it. Take a minute, take a deep breath... and think about it. And try... for ONCE in your life... to be HONEST with yourself about it. Because all of your "wit", "glib", and "snark," isn't fooling ME. You're mad as hell... and in pain because of it. But... you don't HAVE to be.

    Think on it, brother.

    A slave of Christ,

    SA, who knows that a man who TRULY does not believe in God... doesn't waste time calling "Him" provocative names. Only a man who is MAD at God would bother...

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