If Jehovah Can Read Hearts Then WHY

by BlindersOff1 301 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mrsjones5

    " Slavery would have been a good thing in a society that allowed it so a person could work off a debt that they could otherwise not repay (meaning prison or perhaps forfeit their own life); or as a means to allow them to survive, if they were too poor to have food or shelter on their own, for whatever reason, including war."

    That's not slavery. The idea you're trying to put forth is indentured servitude. Some thing a tad different from slavery.

  • bohm

    Hello i am humpty dumpty, i am now going to explain the concept of slave...

  • AGuest

    Indentured servitude is a type of debt bondage... which is a type of slavery, dear Miz J (peace, chile'!). Seriously, luv. I wouldn't lie to about that. Not about slavery, girl, in ANY form.


    A doulos of Christ,


  • bohm

    When you say "slave is a person forced to work", work might be fun, and force might be as in force yourself, so it might mean a person just having fun!

  • tec

    That's not slavery. The idea you're trying to put forth is indentured servitude. Some thing a tad different from slavery.

    I understand that, for today.

    But was that a reason for slavery back then? Were slaves always captured and taken forcibly, or born... or did they ever give themselves as slaves?

    I question it, because like many things, this could be one that was meant to provide a provision to help people, but ended up being abused and twisted.

    EP, I said it was better to help out of kindness and love. But not so many people are willing to do that, even today. I am not defending slavery (enslavement). Just someone's right to call themselves and BE a slave to someone, if they so choose.



  • bohm

    Surely, back the, slavery was basically just the masters way of saying "i love you"

  • EntirelyPossible

    Indentured servitude is a type of debt bondage... which is a type of slavery, dear Miz J (peace, chile'!). Seriously, luv. I wouldn't lie to about that. Not about slavery, girl, in ANY form.

    Indentured servants today are generational issues, some indentured servants in debt bondage are in that position because their parents generated debt and their children will be born into debt bondage. Is that a good thing?

    I am not defending slavery (enslavement). Just someone's right to call themselves and BE a slave to someone, if they so choose.

    You said slavery could be a good thing. And calling yourself a slave because you want to do things for other people does not in any way make that person a slave.

  • mrsjones5

    Depends on the honesty of the employer. Not all indentured servants were coerced to become so. Ben Franklin was an indenture servant and paid off his debt before becoming a founding father. But I'm not here to haggle over semantics. I'm just observing the usual back and forth which IMHO is getting to be a tad boring.

  • AGuest
    It's hilarious that you and Shelby are defending slavery just so she will feel justified in calling herself something she isn't.

    Ya'll don' hafta wury 'bout hit nun no mo', 'doh. I'se dun gon 'n chainged hit up. Sens ya'll cain't hannle a liddle wurd wut has meanin' to me (n' so shudn't be nobudy elz biznis but mine if'n ah does), ah'll use a wurd ya'll might kin hannel. Mebbe, mebbe not. Don' rightly cair 'dis poynt. Meen da saym ting, but mebbe git'chall wut gits yo'sefs al hot n' bother'd unner da colla of'a MY bak. Mebbe, mebbe not.


    Doolah o' de Lawd,


  • Lozhasleft

    Isn't the point that Shelby has the right to 'see' herself as a 'slave' of Christ. She chooses that position. She isn't paid for what she does. She shares His messages to the 'body of Christ' unreservedly, without payments or favours. She can designate her own role exactly as she performs it. Why is there a taking of such issue with it?

    Loz x offering peace.

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