Sandy Hook Massacre - Solutions

by tootired2care 92 Replies latest social current

  • mrsjones5

    What is Asperger's Syndrome?

    Asperger's Syndrome is named after Hans Asperger, the Austrian doctor who first recognised and described the symptoms back in 1944. Asperger's Syndrome (or Disorder) is a neurological condition on the autistic spectrum. However, unlike most neurological conditions there are no medical treatments for Asperger's Disorder. The only treatments with documented effectiveness for addressing various needs of people with Asperger's are psychological and most of those are principally behavioral and cognitive-behavioral.

    In people with Asperger's Syndrome, deficits in social interaction and unusual responses to the environment, similar to those in autism, are observed. Unlike in autism, however, cognitive and communicative development are within the normal or near-normal range in the first years of life, and verbal skills are usually an area of relative strength. Idiosyncratic interests are common and may take the form of an unusual and/or highly circumscribed interest (e.g., in train schedules, snakes, the weather, deep-fry cookers, or telegraph pole insulators). There is some suggestion of an increased incidence of this condition in family members.

    AS is not something that one can catch or that can be spread like a virus. People with AS are just born that way. Despite Asperger's being listed in the APA's Diagnostic manual it is not a mental illness, it cannot be caused by trauma or neglect and it cannot be cured with therapy or a change in lifestyle or attitude. Current research suggests it is not even the result of brain damage and is in fact, at least in part, genetic.

    It is more common in males than females, but anyone of any race or gender can have Asperger's Syndrome, and it is a life-long condition, however how it manifests does appear to change for many people as they grow, develop, and age. It is not a "childhood" illness even though it is called a developmental disorder.

    A syndrome is a collection of symptoms or characteristics that occur together. People with Asperger's Syndrome will have some or all of these characteristics in common and will share many similar experiences. All are of average or above intelligence (the minimum IQ required for a diagnosis is 70) and will be verbal, and while most greatly benefit from extra support and understanding as children, as adults the vast majority become either semi or fully independent.

    People with Asperger's Syndrome are people with different personalities and experiences, just like anyone else. They experience the world differently and therefore their own interactions, style, expectations, and "personality" can be different as a result. It can be very disabling being different, and many experience lifestyle difficulties, anger, anxiety, depression, and health problems. These are not strictly part of the syndrome but more a consequence of living with it, and are not experienced by everybody.

    Aspie is a popular informal term for describing people with Asperger's Syndrome, though there are many others. Many people with AS prefer to say they are an Aspie rather than say they have Asperger's Syndrome.

    Many people want to know how they can tell if they or someone else is a person with Asperger's. There is no specific test for Aspergers. There is no medical test, no genetic test, no definitive psychological test for Aspergers. Aspergers is defined and diagnosed behaviorally. There are quizzes and questionnaires where people with Asperger syndrome will on average score higher or lower than the rest of the population, but in themselves they are not adequate for a diagnosis by themselves. That means that someone who is trained in Autism Spectrum Disorders generally and who has specific experience with Aspergers must get to know a person and through their observations and interviews come to make the diagnosis based on those experiences.

  • tootired2care

    @mrsjones5 - thanks for sharing that. I guess while we wait for scientific breakthoughs in genetic therepy as a more permanant solution. Perhaps putting these these kids savant intelligence to use in pursuit of scientific goals (a respected station in life) would help them not feel like less of a human than their peers. Perhaps scientific research companies can put together a program to harness this potential. There could be fast track for these types of individuals to get into these positions. Government could fund this research in part to ensure that it's not dog eat dog typical corporate BS.

    I have to say if the mom was trying to have her son committed, and at the same time took him to the shooting range and gave him access to her guns she has to be one of the worst parents I've ever known of. In light of this I do stand by my earlier point that better parenting is part of the solution.

  • mrsjones5

    You know what my son Joshua wants? He wants to be treated like a normal human being, he wants people to treat him like the human that he is. Since the age of five when he really began to speak clearly he has said "I'm not autism, I'm Joshua". Keep that in mind if you ever meet an ASD person in real life.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    "You know what my son Joshua wants? He wants to be treated like a normal human being, he wants people to treat him like the human that he is. Since the age of five when he really began to speak clearly he has said "I'm not autism, I'm Joshua". Keep that in mind if you ever meet an ASD person in real life."

    A profound statement not to be forgotten. Thanks for sharing.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • glenster

    "Sandy Hook Massacre - Solutions":

    They're not going to enact federal programs that require people who go off by
    themselves to join a group to go bowling or something or require people who
    can't defend themselves to stay in shelters. They're not going to change the
    censorship laws, ban all guns, or eliminate all liquor and street drugs someone
    could take instead of psychotropic meds.

    With the best of mental health programs, they won't be able to predict that
    because a guy has a Mom with a prepper/survivalist concern but is known as
    friendly and helpful, because he has Asperger's syndrome and is shy and awkward
    socially, and plays videogames, he plans to enact a "three guys, one hammer"
    fantasy of murdering lots of people who don't seem likely to fight back very

    Medicine and science coming up with something that diminishes excess aggres-
    sion, and cures schizophrenia and other mental illnesses, would help. Short of
    that, mental health programs will have a process to have people committed.

    Adam Lanza's Motive: Did Fear Of Being Committed Lead To Sandy Hook Elementary

  • Jim_TX

    Ok... I am writing this, after reading a lot of the suggestions and commentary.

    Keep in mind - I have not been keeping up with the latest reports from the media - many which are usually incorrect or preliminary.

    With regards to the OP's list of suggestions -

    4. Have one armed security person in every school, and metal detector entrance checks.

    Well, I just have to say that having metal detectors in the school at Sandy Hook wouldn't have worked. If I understand correctly, the doors to the school were locked, and the gunman had to shoot through the glass to gain entry to the school.

    As for other schools, many already have metal detectors, and armed guards.

    Anyway, here is my suggestion for a possible solution after sitting and thinking about it.

    I think that there is an opportunity for a company to offer a solution. Will it be a fool-proof solution? No - but it will be a deterrent which may slow down an intruder.

    All schools (I hope) currently have fire alarms and sprinkler systems installed. They usually have hand-pull switches on walls throughout the buildings that can activate a fire alarm klaxon - and probably flash lights.

    What I propose is similar, only aimed at intruders. It would have similar activation hand-pull switches, but also have remote buttons that could be worn by people in charge like the principal and teachers. They could activate the system by simply pressing a 'panic button' on the necklace (ala "I've fallen and can't get up."). Deactivation would only be possible at a central location - I.E. the main office, using a key.

    This would activate intensely bright LED lights in the hallways and also intensely loud klaxons mounted to flood the hallways with intense light and noise. I mean INTENSE!!

    Of course, when these go off, the teachers and other school officials need to get the children inside classrooms (which they probably already do in a 'lock-down' situation), and shut the doors to the hallway.

    What would this do to an intruder? Well, his senses of sight and hearing would be overloaded with intense pain. He would be blinded if he happened to actually look at the lights, and his ear drums would be in severe pain, to the point of rupturing (hopefully). Yes, they would probably start shooting at the LEDs or the horns that are emitting the sound. They may even hit them and silence them (solution - mount them behind bullet-proof glass).

    But! That takes time away from the intruder actually harming innocent school children or adults. It gives the authorities time to respond and move in, taking the intruder down.

    Is it perfect? No. But, it is possible.

    Some may be thinking that there is no way that intense light could 'hurt' an attacker. Well, you need to do a small bit of research, as law enforcement is already using a flashlight that has bright light as the disabling feature for attackers. (

    Yes - if there are any innocents caught out in the hallways, they too will be subjected to this onslaught of intense light and sound. That is why, they will need to do practice drills beforehand.

    An additional added protective device that might be added could be a 'stun gun' feature with tracking. What it would do is shoot a pair of high-voltage electrical barbs at anyone in the hallway. When they are hit, they would be taken down with a large stunning voltage.

    Anyway... these are my thoughts. I know it sounds a bit 'out there', but I don't think that it is too far out there.


    Jim TX

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “…the subject is about how to prevent/mitigate these types of massacres in the future (violations of others freedom) and protect our children, not about preventing people from killing themselves slowly (e.g. drinking…”

    Can a brain be so small it fails to know alcohol can and has killed folks every bit as fast as a gun?

    I don’t have a problem with rational discussion of improving societal safety related to firearms. My point of introducing alcohol into this discussion is to help participants THINK about underlying premises in solutions they've assert.

    Solutions are a dime a dozen. Solutions that will succeed as intended REQUIRE THINKING.

    Any questions?

    Marvin Shilmer

  • tootired2care

    @marvin Shilmer - Solutions that will succeed as intended REQUIRE THINKING.

    Are you asserting that there hasn't been any thinking on this thread?


    Jim I like that concept, perhaps in addition to bright lights some type of GAS could be released too -- like tear gas. everyone would suffer teachers and students but at least this could be the difference between surviving and not.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    Exterior windows in schools should not be so close to the ground that an intruder can simply step through a broken window. If such a low window is needed for aesthetics or “feel” then the lower portion should have a ballistics rating. Such a measure will slow down an intruder giving children and staff more time to seek shelter, evacuate or otherwise find protection.

    Exterior points of ingress and egress should be layered. That is, the exterior barrier (door) should lead to a small foyer area followed by another barrier (door).Each of these barriers should require authorized entry. These types of entry/exit designs allow for an automated mechanical barrier placement that could be nearly impenetrable. We find these in commercial office buildings all the time, but most folks have no idea what the design is all about. Whether an automated barrier is put in place or not, the dual stage ingress/egress will by itself give children and staff more time to seek shelter, evacuate or otherwise find protection in case of forced entry.

    Have an armed security officer on the premise is also not a bad idea, so long as he or she is qualified.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Are you asserting that there hasn't been any thinking on this thread?”

    Don’t be silly! Of course not!

    My point is that solutions that have been offered deserve thoughtful attention for improvement.

    If we build a solution that’s good for the goose then it should be good for the gander. It we find out something about a solution is not good for the gander then it’s probably not good for the goose either. “Gander” in this case refers to the whole spectrum of non-criminal activity that happens to be a culprit in preventable deaths and “Goose” refers to non-criminal ownership of guns as culprit in preventable deaths.

    Marvin Shilmer

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