Sandy Hook Massacre - Solutions

by tootired2care 92 Replies latest social current

  • PSacramento

    IS the issues that innocent children got killed or that LOTS of innocent children got killed?

    I think we can all agree that even ONE child is ONE child TOO much !

    Gun control is a given, though many will argue on the degree of Gun control of course.

    The lesson that must be taken and that we must work to fix is the same as all the other mass shootings that we have had over the many, many years:

    Violence is a justifiable option and killing, even children, is acceptable.

    This way of thinking MUST stop !

    Solve the root of the problem.

    When kids shoot up a school because they were bullied, deal with the bullying issue not that they used guns of a certian type.

    When someome is crazy enough and unhinged enough to kill children that aren't even teenagers yet, we must ask ourselves, WHAT did we do wrong? what could we have done to prevent this?

    This being someone believing that killing kids was the way to go !

    All the people that knew him, all family and friends MUST ask themselves, WTF happened and why didn't we see it? or perhpas more correctly, why did we choose to ignore what we were seeing?

  • tootired2care

    Better mental health laws are not the answer, who determines what is better mental health? I think that to be subject to abuses more than being helpful?

    I disagree, mental health is key issue in the last several massacres, and we need to promote better mental health. Let's face it if they don't use guns they will make bombs.

    Who determines if you meet basic proficency when your done with school? They have standardized tests for that. Why can't they have a standardized test for mental health?

  • tootired2care

    The media is a big part of the problem. I want to commend the CT police dept for pushing back on the media. I think police depts should make it their policy to give the media the middle finger until they are good and ready to release information in a controlled way. In other words delay, and bore the media so as to prevent sensationalizing these bastard killers as much as possible.

  • PSacramento

    You know, I have trained in martial arts for over 30 years.

    Served as a sniper in the military.

    I was a well trained killer as they say goes.

    Do you know why I never went around killing anyone? know why I still don't gop around killing anyone?


    You know, sometimes I wonder how we lost that...

  • tootired2care

    @Witness My Fury

    According to this article, gun crime has gone up by 89% in a decade in England and Wales. Can you really say your stricter gun laws have worked? In fact I think it's worse because the average citizen is unble to defend theselves from these thugs in your country.

    Time to rethink your prioritiessolutions me thinks...

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Why do Americans equate gun control with no guns?

    If he only had a double barrel shotgun and a bolt action rifle to play with how many would Lanza have killed do you think? ..... I'm thinking his mother and himself because anything more would have been just too much like hard work.

    By allowing assault grade weapons you are reaping assault grade massacres.

  • tootired2care

    Why do Americans equate gun control with no guns?

    We don't . See my first point above, smaller magazines are a common sense adjustment to existing gun laws than can help to mitigate the damage done in the event it cannot be prevented altogether.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Those are illegally held weapons, so dont muddy the waters...

  • tootired2care

    Those are illegally held weapons, so dont muddy the waters...

    The waters look pretty clear to me. Stricter gun laws in GB have not prevented criminals from getting guns illegally and harming people with them, have they? How is that "the most obvious solution"?

    Mental health is a critical component of the problem, and any real solution worth its salt should include some measure that factors this in IMHO.

  • DavePerez

    There was a tweet the other day which said,

    "One guy tries to use a shoe bomb = Everyone at airport takes their shoes off. 31 school shootings since Columbine = no public policy changes."

    Kinda makes you think, but with guns and ammo sales being as HUGE as they are, any restrictions are going to be difficult; you're going up against special-interest (NRA) $$$.

    FWIW, there WAS a guy who had the Portland mall shooter in his sights (he had a Glock 22), but didn't fire, out of concern for hitting bystanders:

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