"Right to bear arms" should mean ...

by Simon 616 Replies latest members politics

  • designs

    The NRA exerts huge financial and political pressure on our elected officials. John McCain received $481,000.00 from the NRA. The message went out clearly from one political spectrum- Gun ownership is a Right but National Health Care, which possibly could have treated a schizophrenic like this, is something to be feared.

    The US military industrial complex is a monster- 168 children have been killed in Pakistan since 2011 by our Drones.

  • besty
    The 1st issue, to me, is why the heck is the murder rate in the U.S. 3.5 times as high? Secondly, it's clear the the availbility of weapons has a direct influence on weapons used (perhaps it means that the availability of weapons is driving the murder rate?).

    see the subject line for a clue :-)

    modern firearms are exceptionally good at killing people - when r'body in the country got one, you gonna have yourselves some killin's...

  • darthfader

    Besty... you shouldnt adopt the US gun laws in the UK...

    I am mearly trying to state that it's not just gun ownership that is the problem here in the US. Just taking away firearms will not fix the problem. It has to be done slowly over a generation along with other cultural shifts. Also, the US is a vastly different country in geography as well. There are counties in Arizona that would descend into chaos if local ranchers were not allowed to own firearms.

  • EntirelyPossible

    see the subject line for a clue :-)

    modern firearms are exceptionally good at killing people - when r'body in the country got one, you gonna have yourselves some killin's...

    That's A clue. The U.S. being ninth is murder rate means there is a much more nuanced answer. The fact that the EU has a placed called "stab city" means other things are also at play....

  • moshe

    Iowa had a 1.2/100,000 murder rate in 2011, almost exactly the same as the UK. Iowa demographics are similar to the UK, too. Unemployment in Iowa is 5.1%.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Have you ever read the second amendment? It’s not that long or hard to read.

    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

    How would you secure a Country/State/City from a tyrant with a “musket”?

    Please don’t tell us that it is the job of the military or the police, tyrants can come from and or control those as well.

    The second amendment was not designed to protect our right to hunt or for target shooting. It was intended for the people (individuals) to use to dispose of tyrants.

  • ballistic

    Well my 2 cents. I really like guns, and a day out shooting I had a really good time (and came joint first! :) )

    However, if it was suddenly announced on the News that here in Britain new gun laws were coming into force to give us the right to "bear arms" and it was

    easier to own or carry guns, I would not only be shocked but would see it as an encouragement to lawlessness, and a backward step as far as civilisation is concerned.

  • Simon
    The second amendment was not designed to protect our right to hunt or for target shooting. It was intended for the people (individuals) to use to dispose of tyrants.

    Well, I'm sure those 6 and 7 year olds weren't tyrants. In fact, in the last 200+ years when has it EVER BEEN APPLIED?

    C'mon ... give an example of the tyrants that have been deposed because of your law and then tell me it isn't a pile of bullshit sustained by the insane.

  • Mary
    EP said: Translation: I don give a shit how many people, including kids, are killed every day, just don't take away my conenvience of automobiles so I get my stuff from amazon delivered in two day and load up enough Cheetohs in the car for a month.

    Another absurd idea, comparing cars to guns. With that said, I think you are correct when you said:

    SOMETHING is going on in the US that is jacking the suicide rate through the roof. There seems to be an epidemic of people getting so low and so off the rails they are deciding to end it all and take as many people as they can with them. The drug war has created a culture of violence in many larger cities with armed gangs controlling neighborhoods so tightly even the police are hesitant to go into them. Inner cities are becoming ghettos with people that see no way out of the horrors of their life and violence, gun related or not, has become a way of life. We are becoming disconnected from each other as a culture. When we no longer see each other as people, we are capable of horrific acts towards each other and it seems, rather than that being the exception, it's becoming the norm.

    You are unfortunately, spot on with this. My own opinion on this is that the break-down of the family dynamics is playing a huge part it what you described. Too many mentally unstable people having children that they do not provide for mentally, emotionally, or physically. These kids grow up, feeling alienated from their families, they have few--if any friends since they've never been taught how to interact with people, they become more and more withdrawn and enraged and they have no one to turn to. They get more and more depressed, they feel worthless, they develop mental problems and they become isolated and disconnected from others. In addition to feeling like 'a nobody' they watch in fascination how the media gives a huge amount of attention to these sorts of tragedies, and they feel that the only way they can be a 'somebody', is by shooting as many innocent people as possible before turning the gun on themselves. They know that they'll go down in the history books for committing a horrific crime, and in their warped mind, that's good enough for them.

    When someone in this frame of mind can obtain a weapon that can kill dozens of people in under 30 seconds, it's a 'perfect storm' that creates tragedies like this one. Tighter gun control is only part of the solution.

  • Finally-Free
    ... that you can own a musket.
    Because that is what it was refering to at the time.

    In other words, citizens were allowed to own the most advanced weapons of the time.


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