A truce between Atheists and Non-Atheists?

by palmtree67 699 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lozhasleft

    I agree Tal, I just followed a thread where it seemed things were being debated fairly and evenly enough and then Cofty posted this:

    " Of course nobody has met a real christian until they encounter Shelby the humble slave and servant whose feet is washed by Seraphs."

    This is quite obviously not the way to respect one another and if Shelby reacts, the whole atheist community will be outraged at her, yet again. Fair? No, it just isn't.

    Loz x

  • cofty

    Talesin in the quote you just trawled up as a "proof text" where did I call a believer idiotic?

    I said there was an idiotic assertion in the OP.

    There is an important difference between calling a believer an idiot (bad) and observing that a specific assertion is idiotic (not bad)

    The OP in question was some nonsense about occult roots of atheism if I remember. It was an idiotic hypothesis.

    Do you realise that almost every time you address me it is to insult me and without exception to use grossly exaggerated claims. Your constantly calling me an elder is getting really boring.

    I'm sure its only a matter of time until you do it again.

  • palmtree67
  • cofty

    I agree Tal, I just followed a thread where it seemed things were being debated fairly and evenly enough and then Cofty posted this:... - Loz

    And I answered it on that thread, so why did you bring it here?

    Why are you agreeing with Tal when she just made a blatantly false accusation as I Just explained?

  • tec

    (put the goat one on, Palm.. it is cuter... imo)

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I agree tec...I like the goats.

  • palmtree67

    I was hoping to keep this duscussion away from individual posters and more about the general "feel" of the board and how we can make it more comfortable for all.

    When a JW with doubts starts googling, this site is one of the first that pop up.

    I don't think we are really "newbie friendly" these days.

  • Lozhasleft

    I brought it here Cofty, before you answered actually, and because its relevant here. On here it's been suggested that we don't step in if ones on 'our side of the atheist/believer fence' step in when one of ours is out of order, despite our shared beliefs. I even offered to police myself in that way. I just hope some on your 'side' will take this on board, that while sharing on here towards a truce, you were off doing exactly what you have just heard causes so much of the discord on the forum.

    Loz x


    The way this thread has developed demonstrates that there are no concrete rules for debate, no truce, no predefined destination. That is how debate should be. Our motive for commenting is the defining quality of our involvement. JW.net has worked very well for many years and will, hopefully continue to be place for people to share and debate differing points of view.

    The truth is that we enjoy being challenged, questioned and provoked. Having the opportunity to express our opinions, beliefs and emotion, in a way that some of us were denied for so long. This forum entertains, stimulates and thrives.

    Admit it - you all love it here. We feed of each other and with a little more acceptance, applause and respect for each individuals contribution we can continue - here’s to the next ten years.

  • bohm

    perhaps there should be a new section called "sermons, preaching and things i just made up and crossposted on my own forum" to go along with the politics section?

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