A truce between Atheists and Non-Atheists?

by palmtree67 699 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lozhasleft


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Extraordinary claims require explanation.

    When cofty pointed out on another thread about the foot washing seraphs it was a valid comment. Because what is being posted is being supported by extraordinary claims of visions and hearing. Why is it rude to question the authority of the person sharing such ideas? Especially when the person posting the things being 'shared' is saying that they are ONLY ADDRESSING the people who beling to the house of Israel or whatever the claim.

    Also, why is that rude when the person themselves confirmed that this was true. So is using what someone says rude? He did not make it up. The person themselves uses that as an example of their evidence.

  • tec

    (oh, and thanks for the goat, palm... I do love that pic)

    (course, now i'm picturing him thinking... Yeah, ya'll just get sucked in by my cuteness. When I get a bit bigger, Ima come over there and head butt all your a**es)

  • Lozhasleft

    Still you are rushing to defend a comment that was sarcastic and satirical which intended to provoke and aggravate. It had no place in the discussion whatsoever. Condone it if it suits you but don't wrap it up in the pink cotton wool of justification. I won't engage now except for what I've said on the thread itself and here in relation to it. People can see it with their own eyes and make their judgements.

    Loz x

  • palmtree67
  • cofty

    Ok here is the comment that has got Loz upset...

    I don't have faith that God exists - I know He does. - Shelby
    I mixed with many people who made the same claims during the years I was a Christian. - Me
    What people, C? People at your church? Forgive me, but if that's the case, then I understand your skepticism - Shelby
    Of course nobody has met a real christian until they encounter Shelby the humble slave and servant whose feet is washed by Seraphs." - Me

    In my opinion it was a justifiable use of sarcasm. I meant it as a serious observation.

  • palmtree67
  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    well, the intent was nice lol

  • elderelite

    Aguest dear, i wasnt offering that as words of advise to those on this thread, merely responding to FHN's request for a scriptural reference

  • FlyingHighNow
    FHN: "in the abundance of words their does not fail to be transgression" - NWT

    Thank you, ElderElite. That's the one. There are some real jewels in the Bible, the collective wisdom or is it cumulative wisdom of humankind?

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