A truce between Atheists and Non-Atheists?

by palmtree67 699 Replies latest jw friends

  • elderelite

    Since there have been billions of pages written outsode the bible i would hardly call it the collective wisdom of humankind, but i do find it quiet wise on many things, especially proverbs where that particular quote comes from :)

  • caliber

    Prv. 15: 1 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but harsh words stir up anger

    So short, so simple but simply true

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    loz...are you rushing to defend aguest?

    I thought the comment was valid.

    Aguest is proud to advertise the foot washing incident...it supports her claim to hearing and visions...be proud with her loz...lol

  • AGuest

    (Shaking head) Oy, vey! ENOUGH, already! PLEASE.

    Why has this thread turned into yet another "AGuest-a-Fest"? Because I commented? Seriously??? Many others commented, as well... yet, the thread hasn't become about them. Can we get back to discussing the question at hand: "A truce between Atheists and Non-Atheists"... whether such is feasible or not... if not, why not, and if so, how to come to it?... and take any other issues we might have, including those about "AGuest", what "AGuest" thinks, feels, says, believes, meant, intended, or did... to another thread? I've started one and I truly don't mind if folks wanna post their... mmmm... "stuff" there (although I can't answer for others, like Simon and Co., who MIGHT mind, depending on the content/tone)... but, please, can we TRY to give this thread (and dear Palm - peace to you!), the consideration both deserve?

    Or maybe just move on past "AGuest" altogether... once and for all?

    If you have an issue with "AGuest"... THIS is not the thread to discuss that. Actually, if you have an issue with "AGuest"... so what? No one CARES any more. Well, except the usual suspects. But no one SHOULD care. Really, GET OVER IT!. Please. For your OWN sake, if not that of the thread, the board, others... your children, spouses, loved ones, neighbors, co-workers, strangers, enemies... the board and other posters' sake! I mean... c'MON, already!

    NO ONE CARES what you a few of you "think" about "AGuest", TRULY. Especially AGuest. No one SHOULD. Including YOU. If they/you do... what does that say about YOU/them?

    Good GOLLY. I mean... seriously... ENOUGH, already. Discuss the TOPIC.

    Peace... 'cause Lord knows so many need it!

    A slave of Christ,

    SA, who thinks... nahh, nevermind. Doesn't MATTER.

  • fakesmile

    i didnt know we were beefin. but i did overhear somone call yo mama a concubine of mohammed. there has never been a problem between theists and non theists. just dont try to shove your beliefe down my throat and get all indignent when i call you out for lack of proof.

  • palmtree67
    (Shaking head) Oy, vey! ENOUGH, already! PLEASE.
    Why has this thread turned into yet another "AGuest-a-Fest"? Because I commented? Seriously??? Many others commented, as well... yet, the thread hasn't become about them. Can we get back to discussing the question at hand: "A truce between Atheists and Non-Atheists"... whether such is feasible or not... if not, why not, and if so, how to come to it?... and take any other issues we might have, including those about "AGuest", what "AGuest" thinks, feels, says, believes, meant, intended, or did... to another thread? I've started one and I truly don't mind if folks wanna post their... mmmm... "stuff" there (although I can't answer for others, like Simon and Co., who MIGHT mind, depending on the content/tone)... but, please, can we TRY to give this thread (and dear Palm - peace to you!), the consideration both deserve?
    Or maybe just move on past "AGuest" altogether... once and for all?
    If you have an issue with "AGuest"... THIS is not the thread to discuss that. Actually, if you have an issue with "AGuest"... so what? No one CARES any more. Well, except the usual suspects. But no one SHOULD care. Really, GET OVER IT!. Please. For your OWN sake, if not that of the thread, the board, others... your children, spouses, loved ones, neighbors, co-workers, strangers, enemies... the board and other posters' sake! I mean... c'MON, already!
    NO ONE CARES what you a few of you "think" about "AGuest", TRULY. Especially AGuest. No one SHOULD. Including YOU. If they/you do... what does that say about YOU/them?
    Good GOLLY. I mean... seriously... ENOUGH, already. Discuss the TOPIC.
    Peace... 'cause Lord knows so many need it!
    A slave of Christ,
    SA, who thinks... nahh, nevermind. Doesn't MATTER.

    I've never seen anyone mention their own name nine times in a post before!

  • AGuest

    Interesting comment, dear fakesmile (peace to you!). Overlooking the Mohammed's concubine comment, for now (because it's just wrong on so many levels... and doesn't apply to anyone I know, anyway, so...), I must say that if one invites another to one's house/table, one should never force-feed such guests - that would be rude and inhospitable; however, if someone crashes another's dinner party, well, then such one pretty much has to take whatever's being "served," do they not? I mean, it's not like they can demand the host[ess] serve something different... and expect him/her to comply... can they?

    If the uninvited crasher starts hurling insults at the host[ess]... or his/her guests... but then begins to "choke" on a particular "dish"... such one shouldn't automatically expect to receive a Heimlich. At least, not until after being allowed to turn [a little] "blue" for a bit...


    A slave of Christ,

    SA (sometimes called "Scheherazade" by dear hubby - peace to you, dear one! - you know, since we're now talking about middle eastern concubines and all...)

  • AGuest
    I've never seen anyone mention their own name nine times in a post before!

    Pales in comparison to how many times others have mentioned it, dear Palm (peace to you!). Perhaps I missed your comment as to those? If so, my sincere apologies.

    Peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,

    SA (shaking head even more, now...)

  • NewChapter

    Uhm----That metaphor is totally lost to me. LOL Didn't understand a word.

    That's okay, I've conjured up some pretty bad metaphors myself.

  • palmtree67
    I hope the person I stole this quote from doesn't mind.....it just seems so applicable here and now:
    Kill your ego? What a horrific suggestion! Oh no... an invitation to share a beer and a laugh seems much more civilized, no? Relax and hush, Ego... you know I love you.

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