A truce between Atheists and Non-Atheists?

by palmtree67 699 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    I am sorry too, NC.

    That thing that you are taking from this thread is one of the good things that came.

    If people have found things to help them, then i am happy for them.



  • still thinking
    still thinking

    tec...I have personally learnt quite a bit from this thread and the process.

    I have learn't that sometimes we all bait. Sometimes we all argue, we are all human.

    But we don't have to take the bait. OR own it. People can say whatever personal things they like. But we don't have to take it personally. We can leave the bait with the fisher. And still feel fabulous!

    A good life lesson IMO. Again, Thanks for the thread Palmtree

  • AGuest
    Again....are you speaking for everyone?

    No. I stated "no one." Surely you can see that... oh, wait... it's you. Dang if I don't keep forgetting that...

    I stated I take issue with what is said, not WHO said it.

    You did. But you DO take issue with WHO said it. Regardless of what you stated. Either way, when it comes to "Jesus" why would YOU take issue at all? At what was said OR who said it? Let's take the first part first...

    Can you say the same with that type of comment?

    No, I cannot.

    that comment seems pretty personal to me.

    Sigh. It was personal, Still. I not only think that what you say is silly... but that you are silly for WHAT you continually say that IS silly. Look, I've admitted to you... more than once... that I am not "nice". I try to be, but not if I have to fake it. And so I also have to fall short. I've also told you, more than once, that I'm not a liar nor an ear-tickler. I'm not going to think you're silly and then say, "Oh, no, I didn't mean that I think YOU are silly, but that you SAID is silly. I think BOTH. I've TOLD you that I think you're silly. That you "still" don't get that (and yes, pun absolutely included)... is silly. Perhaps not to everyone, but certainly to me. And I will continue to think you silly as long as you keep posting silly comments. A slave of Christ, SA

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I'm glad you got that off your chest Aguest. And I hope you feel better. Can we move forward now?

  • palmtree67

    Don't make me bring out the Panda, Aguest.

  • NewChapter

    I do hope we can move forward too, Still. For most of us, we take away that we shouldn't call people negative things but focus on the ideas. Not everyone will take that away, but I think enough will to change the future dynamics.

  • AGuest

    No really, spit it out Aguest. I am not a mind reader...

    Girl... really??? No one's asking to read anyone's mind. See... above.

    if you have a personal opinion of me I'm sure you would like to tell me.

    I HAVE told you. Thing is, you keep thinking that I'm like the "christians" you and others have made up in YOUR minds. I keep telling you... I'm not.

    You seem to be hinting enough.

    Hinting?? Oh, good GOLLY... I don't hint, Still. I NEVER hint.

    Spit it out if you really feel you need to.

    Obviously, you don't know what the term means...

    Otherwise...I'll just ignore such baiting comments.

    Do whatever you wish. But there was absolutely NO baiting involved. I don't hint... and I don't bait. I do get tired of silliness, though. And when I do, I just go on and point it out. I don't hint at it.

    A slave of Christ,


  • NewChapter

    LOL, Pandas have a calming vibe for even the most agitated poster! Do it Palm! Bring on a Panda or two to make people feel a bit happier.

  • AGuest
    I'm glad you got that off your chest Aguest.

    It wasn't on my chest, girl. It just was what it was...

    And I hope you feel better.

    Well, now that you mention it... I mean, at least I don't have to wonder whether you think I'm hinting at something. Now you know I'm not.

    Can we move forward now?

    Oh, Lordy, CAN we? Please???? If ONLY...

    A slave of Christ,


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Ok Aguest...I guess you hadn't quite finished. Feel free to get it ALL off....lol I guess it's carthartic for you.

    In the meantime...like I said. Great thread!

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