Jwfacts, Why Do You Equate Miracles With Magic?

by Recovery 398 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NewChapter

    That's cuz I'm demon possessed from that time I played with a ouija board, and all that is left is hate.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    LWT- and you beautiful girl, what costume will she be wearing?

    New Chapter- I also had a ouija board. And had a Barnabas Collins toy-complete with coffin and stakes to drive into his heart! Look at Me, I turned out OK!( No reply necessary)

  • shamus100

    As long as we're being honest here, I'll tell you something. I wear a gorilla suit to work. There, I said it.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Monkey-Do you like it when I call you Magilla, too?

  • shamus100
  • tootired2care

    I guess if I start threads exposing obvious fallacies and asking questions like everyone else here does on this forum I am seeking attention and am a troll.

    No, it can't be that...It sounds like since no one here shares your viewpoint, that its just gotta be Satan and his minions persecuting you because of your Christian stand against toy wizards...LOL.

  • mrsjones5

    " So who's going trick or treating this year?"

    My kids and I like we have for the last 18 years. What's your point?

    This year my youngest wants to be an apple. I'm not sure why but he seems to think its funny so what the hell.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Heh, someone mentioned "distinction without difference" fallacy in a thread discussing two things that don't even exist.... I'll say!!

    This, ladies and gents, is the hilarity that ensues whenever you get earnest people discussing silly theological issues over passages found in a 3,000 yr old book of fantasy, likely similar to past debates taking place amongst theologians over how many angels can sit on the head of a pin....

    The thing is, Recovery is correct on JW eschatology, and (almost) any JW will tell you the same thing: that IS what they believe! So if you want to avoid undermining your credibility and expertise by appearing to not know what the JW position is (only to be easily dismissed), you CAN, but you lose your believability right off the bat. That was the point Black Sheep and I were raising before.

    But no one owes JWs or Xians anything, and they're free to wallow in their own ignorance, just like anyone else...

  • NewChapter

    Yeah, and Recovery didn't come here with any honesty at all. They aren't here to ask real questions, they are here to defend the WT. It's tiresome. JW's believe in the boogy man, and it's sad and depressing, and they will teach their children to be afraid of shadows, but it is what it is.

  • jwfacts

    The Bible does not say that these things [miracles, gifts, etc] would be done away with "after the restraint of the Apostles", that is what the Watchtower says. The Bible shows that the gifts would not be done away with until “that which is complete arrives” and we see “face to face”, which is a reference to going to heaven.

    I don't think that is strictly a Watchtower thought. The ESV Study Bible Online 1 comments:

    Cognitivedissonant - I did not mean to imply that is only taught by the Watchtower or originated from the Watchtower. There is little the Watchtower teaches that was not taken from other sources, particularly the Adventists.

    Recovery - Wow, your response is completely back to front, on two fronts.

    1. The fact that Christianity would apostasize has nothing to do with the gifts being done away with for those that are not apostates.
    2. Paul shows we are now in the last days, which is exactly the point I was making. During the last days the Scripture says there will still be those powerful manifestations amongst his followers.

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