Killing Ananias and Sapphira

by irondork 313 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • james_woods

    Does anybody else think it is just a LITTLE strange that these two got whacked on the spot for stealing a little pocket change -

    While Satan and the Demons are supposedly still around laughing at everybody after many thousands of years?

    The best thing you could say about this story is probably that it is an ancient urban myth from the second or third centuries - thus nobody really got killed by god.

  • NewChapter
    People can hear and see what they want to hear, and they ignore or set aside what they do not want to hear.
  • elderelite

    Tammy forthe record, i am unfortunatly good at negative things like being a smart ass :-) i own it.

    BUT, and i understand u are going to work, but when you respond, your last post on page 8. YOu plainly say that the spirit can translate teachings clearly sometimes to the languages of men, thus inspiring my remarks above... Thats what i am focusing on. The fact that you are saying god cant convey a message clearly to the beimgs he created. Its insanity.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    EE said:

    She says god DIDNT kill them

    I haven't convinced her God had anything to do with the death of Adam and Eve, either, so I wouldn't hold my breath... :)

    But yeah, you stole my thunder (damned Thor worshipper!), as there are times when God DEMANDS an accounting and retribution for spilled blood (Gen 9). Per the Bible and Jesus, God makes the law: a life for a life IS a cornerstone of Biblical justice, and it's demonstrated throughout by examples.

    The fundamental disparity that makes most people uncomfortable in the Ananias case is that God is applying the death penalty (a criminal punishment) to an offense under civil law (fraud); the punishment far exceeds the crime to anyone used to modern jurisprudence.

    Who else does that kind of thing? First example that comes to mind is Nazis who killed 10 captured resistance fighters for every one of their soldiers, not to deliver justice, as much as to transmit an unmistakeable message.

    The only thing worse than getting a brick thrown thru your front window with a cryptic threat written on it is to have it happen, but then not read the note and not understand the predicament that's being "offered" to you.

    I'm not sure why TEC places greater trust in her internal dialogue than to the visual input, when the two messages are so contradictory....

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition
    Does anybody else think it is just a LITTLE strange that these two got whacked on the spot for stealing a little pocket change -
    While Satan and the Demons are supposedly still around laughing at everybody after many thousands of years?
    The best thing you could say about this story is probably that it is an ancient urban myth from the second or third centuries - thus nobody really got killed by god.

    Just like everything else in the Bible. David was a hothead, an adulterer, a peeping Tom even!! Yet, he had the option to pick and choose who's form of punishment he'd experience, man's or God's. Ironically, he chose God's, and lived long enough to tell the story. Satan essentially attempted a coup de tat, and is supposedly the reason why there's wickedness in society today. He's still running around doing his thang.

    To me though, the best is Peter. Two faced, hotheaded, presumptuous, cowardly, and yet he's the messenger of doom for Ananias and Sapphira. None of it adds up. Contradictions and more contradictions.

  • elderelite

    Oh hell of a point miz! Lets not overlook that peter denied the lord 3 times! Wha bigger blashmey could there be????

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    pietro, il patrone

    he had his thugs snuff out both ananias and saphira mafia style. only cement shoes were not invented back then.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    only cement shoes were not invented back then.

    That's news to me. When exactly was the cement sandal invented? :)

    It IS very interesting that all the tactics and principles used by the Mafia (kiss of death, etc) seemingly comes from the Bible and/or Roman Catholic implementation.... Kinda makes you wonder which came first....

  • NewChapter

    Okay fine---minor detail. Their special sandals were made of pitch and they just stuck to the bottom of the Sea of Galilea. Sheesh---some people require so much evidence.

  • elderelite

    No they were cement. I inquired of my lord and HE told me! It was the holy one of scandinavia, thorleaf flugerhaven who told me! If you dont like it, take it up with him dear ones :-)

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