5 Reasons Why the DEAF Masturbation Video is different than anything before...

by BluePill2 241 Replies latest jw friends

  • cedars

    Actually King Solomon, having read your post again I can only say this - don't bother replying to me.

    I've decided I'm actually not interested in your opinion.


  • donuthole

    DOUBLE LOL @ Solomons crazy scenario where someone goes before a Federal judge for uploading a Watchtower video to YouTube.

  • talesin

    KS, FYI

    Blue Pill refers to The Matrix, have you not seen the movie? --- it's been the topic of much disussion here on the board.

  • NomadSoul

    Watch out Cedars, they're coming to get ya.

  • cedars

    lol, Nomad Soul they'd better wash their hands first! There's no telling what they've been doing with them!

    And they'll be after you as well now - don't you realize you've just violated the posting guidelines by posting that GIF? Our all-wise guru King Solomon, who has been on this forum for two months and already feels compelled to lecture us all on what we should or shouldn't be doing, has given us due warning!

    King Solomon actually makes a number of assumptions about how much information is held about me on various entities, never mind my location. However, even if the Society went to all that trouble to track me down, I'd feel quite honored! I must have been doing something to REALLY get under their skin, and others could pick up where I left off.

    And something tells me King Solomon would love to be the one who puts the cuffs on me...


  • Glander

    King S. - Jesus, get your thoughts together and write book. Your arguments are obviously stream of conscience blather.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Fun quotes from JWfacts.com about masturbation:

    Watchtower May 15 1970, p. 315 Avoiding the Snare of Homosexuality
    Helpful in this regard, then, is appreciating the fact that autoeroticism or masturbation is no mere innocent pastime but rather a practice that can lead to homosexual acts. How so? In that self-induced masturbation may make it easier and more tempting for one to engage in mutual masturbation, which is a form of homosexuality. Sincerely striving against this practice will go far to protect a youth.

    Watchtower 1976 Feb 15 pp.122-3
    Likewise, unclean practices, such as masturbation, which can be a steppingstone to homosexuality , have been dealt with in a serious, yet understanding, way, to help individuals keep clean and pure in Jehovah's eyes.

    Watchtower 1973 Sep 15 p.568
    "If one understands the cause, it is easier to implement the prevention and cure of a bad habit. Did you know, for example, that mothers and fathers who stroke the genitals of their fretful babies to keep them quiet are unwittingly encouraging them to become masturbators later on?"

    Watchtower 1973 Sep 15 pp.564-5 Breaking Free of Self-Abuse-Why? How?

    ...masturbation is unnatural. Granted, small children have little concept of the sexual relationship of male and female. But with adolescence comes an inner awareness that tells the male his satisfaction of sexual desire is to be found in the female, and vice versa. Masturbation (like homosexuality) ignores or bypasses that natural arrangement. It is one form of leaving "the natural use of the female" for "one contrary to nature." The vestige of God-given conscience that is inherent in all humans, therefore, makes itself heard in disapproving of such practice, causing an internal sense of guilt.-Compare Romans 1:26, 27; 2:14, 15.

    Because the practice is one "contrary to nature," the masturbator pays a mental penalty. The habitual practice cripples his social and emotional development , hinders his attaining a healthful outlook and attitude toward the other sex and toward people in general. It can 'turn the person inward' upon himself, making him introverted . Or it can, and frequently does, lead into homosexuality , in which the person, not satisfied with his lonely sexual activity, seeks a partner for mutual sex play.

    But, is not masturbation more effective and satisfying in relieving sexual tension than these nocturnal emissions?

    No; for instead of a simple and immediate release of tension, the masturbator finds that his whole nervous system is thrown into a high state of excitement as tension is built up due to the self-stimulation. Afterward this may leave him with a feeling of nervous frustration and dissatisfaction. Yet he soon has a compelling desire to repeat the act. It is a vicious cycle that is hard to break and that gives no genuine satisfaction.

    That masturbation is abnormal and unnatural is also indicated by the fact that abnormal, mentally deranged people are notorious masturbators . Somewhat similarly, The Bremerton Sun (Washington) states that many mentally disturbed priests and nuns are chronic masturbators.

    Your Youth (1976) p.39 Chapter 5 Masturbation and Homosexuality

    Weakly giving in to sexual desires by masturbation will certainly not give you strength when faced with a situation tempting you to commit fornication-or even homosexuality. Just the opposite, it cultivates wrong thinking and wrong desire. In fact, masturbation can lead into homosexuality . In such instances the person, not satisfied with his lonely sexual activity, seeks a partner for mutual sex play.
    This happens much more frequently than you may realize . Contrary to what many persons think, homosexuals are not born that way, but their homosexual behavior is learned. And often a person gets started when very young by playing with another's sexual parts , and then engaging in homosexual acts.

    Awake! 1980 Sept 8 p.21 Sex and Your Health

    Finally, he comments on the unsatisfactory nature of masturbation: "Psychiatrists say that it is basically an aggressive act toward oneself, usually induced by frustration, as the term 'self-abuse' suggests. The noradrenaline release is therefore likely to be relatively large and little of the consequent rise in blood fats used up in the muscular activity involved." He points out that since such blood fats clog arteries, there might be 'some truth after all' in the old sayings about physical ill-effects of masturbation.

    Awake! 1992 Sept 22 p.16 Does God Answer My Prayers?
    Sometimes the act of prayer itself is helpful. Young Sandy was struggling with the problem of masturbation. She says: "Praying and calling on Jehovah helps me because I know that after I ask him to help me not to masturbate, I'd better not do it."

    Young People Ask (1989) p.201 Ch.25 Masturbation-How Serious Is It?
    A "Tranquilizer"
    This young woman's experience reveals what is undoubtedly the greatest reason why the habit can be so hard to break. She continues: "Usually I masturbated to release pressure, tension, or anxiety. That fleeting pleasure was like the drink the alcoholic takes to calm his nerves."

    I think all of this stuff is WAYYYYY more messed up than the ASL video...

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    By the way...did anyone else think this comment was EXTREMELY disturbing?!?

    Watchtower 1973 Sep 15 p.568
    "If one understands the cause, it is easier to implement the prevention and cure of a bad habit. Did you know, for example, that mothers and fathers who stroke the genitals of their fretful babies to keep them quiet are unwittingly encouraging them to become masturbators later on?"

    Uhhh....how bout mothers and fathers that stroke the genitals of their babies....ARE ABUSING THEM?!?!? Who cares if they masturbate when they are older?!? They were molested by their mom and dad!!!!

    I've personally NEVER heard of a mother or father that would stroke their babies genitals to keep them quiet. Who writes this stuff?!?!?

  • talesin

    Yah, CA, that's pretty twisted ....

  • elderelite

    As i feel like ive been shouting from the rooftops: there more than enough, in ANY language, to make the point, and it isnt the language itself. Its the message.

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