to date JWism has defined my life and i hate that TRUTH

by oompa 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • mamochan13

    Oompa, you've been through so much, and survived it all successfully. I share so much of what you are feeling.

    I never replaced any friends. I have a couple of nice friends I go out for a drink with occasionally, but no one real close. My family is my daughters and that's it, really. I've made a few overtures to my JW sister, but we have so little in common that it's hard to sustain a relationship. I think I would find that to be true of any JW now. It's like hanging out with someone who speaks a completely different language and who has no desire to learn English. The lack of friends never bothered me much, I don't get lonely by myself, which helps, I guess. But I am beginning to feel it more as I get older, feeling more isolated and wondering what the future might hold, particularly when I think of growing old alone.

    We all cry tears inside at times. I think it's a necessary part of cleaning out the rot JWism put there. As a little red headed girl once said, "The sun will come out tomorrow - it's only a day away." It's hard to stay positive, but it can get easier. I think the best way to do that is to keep looking forward, not backward. Hang in there!

  • Jazzbo

    Find yourself some worthwhile group doing something your are interested in and volunteer. Lots of people looking for volunteers. Become a Master Gardener, you'll meet people at the classes and then you are obligated to something like 50 hours doing things for the community. Onced that's done then become a Master Naturilist. Attend CERT classes and then you'll have more opportunities to volunteer than you know what to do with. There are a thousand things to do that really need to be done. Volunteer at the Zoo if there's one close by, pick up trash on the beach, etc. etc. You need to stop focusing on yourself and try to see how you can assisst the community. Too many ex Witnesses end up wallowing in their misery and enjoying every minute of it. DO NOT define yourself as an ex Witness, worst thing you can do.

  • misguided

    Dear Oompa

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    From Oompa's final post:...i am increasingly challanged and am having serious thoughts about going back for some stability i need in my life....but part of me thinks i would die inside...i may be at a crossroad.

  • Iamallcool

    (I posted on the wrong thread)

  • Scott77

    I cannot believe the author of this thread has died. What a big loss. Sad


  • still thinking
  • watson
  • Tatiana

    So angry and sad at the same time. I need a drink...

  • Tater-T

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