Is the Borg "really" guilty in the Candace Conti case ???

by RubaDub 102 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run


    My JW father was severely abusive, both physically and emotinally. He threatened to pull me out of high school so he could supervise me. His conduct towards me was such that a professional agency suggested that I leave home at any cost. My mom was so loving. She would do anything for me - except protect me. She asked me if he made advances, at the behest of the agency. It was so matter of fact. If he had (and he did not b/c he did not have a chance yet), she would have done nothing. I asked th eprincipal for an appt b/c I knew I Had to go to a foster home. My father died before the appt. I would have to go to court and leave my family completely behind.

    I dreamed of graduating from college, marrying, and having a child. My plan was to sneak my baby into see my mon without anyone knwoing. She would die for me. Yet the culture had her strangled. For many decades, she refused to accept her role. Towards the end of her life, she apologized sincerely. She said it was so unnecessary and remarked how bad she was. She had already committed so many acts of atonement. Her transformation was complete.

    It is hard to live with knowing your daring mother will not protect you. She grew after he died. What a sick culture.

  • sf

    Sorry, but seriously?

    what the Congregation should do when a Pedofile/Murderer/Rapist moves in

    Interesting that you name three of the worst and the ones that it wouldn't take a rocket science to figure out how to ALERT others.

    A simple alert system should/ could be in place. Or how about a simple phone call alerting each ADULT member of the new CRIMINAL memer. Remember, you've named the worst three Rub. They aren't exactly there to read WT mags. They are predators, in nature. So you warn others. SIMPLE.

    I'd post an alert on a bulletin board in my community. Post facts and you can't be sued.

    With social networking and youtube, there just aren't anymore excuses not to alert others.


  • talesin


    apples & oranges

    Please do NOT lump child rape in with other crimes.

    There is no cure. It has the highest recidivism rate of any crime. It is soul murder. And they never stop - NEVER.

    I have the professional training and experience, as well as personal experience, to speak to this one point with authority.

    Your question is an EPIC FAIL on that basis alone.


  • sf

    band, how sad. {{{{hugs }}}

  • sf

    It is soul murder.

    Dude, that's hardcore. So profound. No doubt. Thanks for sharing.


  • BizzyBee

    I see Rubadub's point - by what mechcanism do the elders alert the congregation that there is a pedophile in their midst?

    It is a matter of priorities - if safeguarding the cildren is your utmost concern, then the details can be worked out. But, it is extremely important that those in positions of power understand the nature of pedophilia and the intractability of the aberration. It must be understood that warnings, threats, and sanctions are not deterrents and that the emphasis on 'repentance' is dangerously naive.

    I think that congregations can be as straightfoward as they need to be to protect children. If a registered sex offender is in the congregation, he is already subject to public exposure (no pun) through the registry. One avenue would be for the elders to approach individually and privately every family with vulnerable children and warn them.

    OTOH, if they really want to protect children, known predators should not be allowed in the KH, where they might end up sitting near a vulnerable child. Predators are not supposed to be near children - it is usually considered a violation of their terms of parole.

    Here's the registry of this particular offender, Johnathan Kendrick:¢erlat=38409907¢erlon=-121514242&starlat=&starlon=&startext=&x1=&y1=&x2=&y2=&mapwidth=525&mapheight=400&zoom=&searchBy=citylist&id=&docountycitylist=2&OFDTYPE=&lang=ENGLISH

  • sf


    What Happens If There Is A Murderer In Your Congregation?

    Does this help? Straight from the horses ass.

    You're welcomed.


  • purplesofa

    LOL, OMG, what is it with everyone and smoking pot?

    Hide he is a murderer, but give him hell for smoking a joint.

    Sounds just like the world to me!


  • Aeiouy

    Absolutely, 100%, without a doubt, the borg is guilty.

    Someone mentioned earlier that a proper response to this would be to have the person listen in on the phone. That is what should happen.

    I work in a Dr's clinic, and we regularly have patients come in that are sex offenders. When they get to the front desk, the first thing they tell me is: "Do you have a separate room I can wait in? I am a registered sex offender, and I am not allowed to be around children."

    Had the elders reported this properly to the authorities, this person would have been registered and prohibited from even coming to the meetings due to the unnavoidability of being around children. This problem could have been avoided so easily. Idiots. They ruin a childs life and don't even care.

    And then they label them apostates for suing!

  • karter


    1st let me say this.

    John douglas F.B.I Criminal profiler said about child molesters "I doubt very much they can be fully rehabilatated"

    This comming from a man who's whole live was in the F.B.I chaseing and profiling criminals.

    My point is this if a childmolester moves into a congro is his rite to privercy overridden by a childs rite to protected from people like him?

    Remember it was he who commited the crime.


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