Watchtower found guilty ruled to pay 7 million to 1 victim? wow

by yourmomma 361 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • shamus100

    I wonder what the Fremont congregation publishers and BOE will be thinking when they're on the hook for over a million dollars. I imagine some people are thinking about changing congregations if not religions!

    Oh just imagine the announcement.

    This is what happens when child molesters are let into congregations!

  • snowbird

    Since all parties are agents of WT, I think the elders should appeal the decision, and let WT do the heavy lifting.

  • doinmypart

    Hmmm, I wonder if Abrahamson and Clarke were the two elders assigned to "investigate" the case for the BOE?!? Usually two elders are assigned to determine if there is any merit in allegations going to a judicial committee. Perhaps those two elders did the investigation and consulted with the Service Desk. I don't know...just thinking about how stuff like that played out in congregations I was associated with.

  • snowbird

    Oh, think of the BOE letters that are going to be flying from HQ!

    Thankfully, we've got Atlantis.

  • irondork

    Is it wrong to smile right now?


    Oh, good!

  • MrFreeze

    Do you think they will make any announcement to the Fremont congregation or will the WT just put up the money they owe real quick and try to sweep this under the rug?

  • Diest

    Looks like the Victim is a proud owner of a Kingdom Hall. OO and the Kendrick home.

  • doinmypart

    The WTS will probably put the money up for Fremont cong, but you know the Fremont BOE knows what is happening. I don't know of many elders that were able to maintain confidentiality, so even if WTS tells them not to discuss, everyone in the congregation will be talking about it at the next meeting.

  • shamus100

    Mr. Freeze,

    The more I think about this the more I think the local media will get ahold of this at the very least and the story would leak out. I don't know what the glubberning body will do.

    What a mess for them....

  • cofty

    Just wanted to underine the last point on the verdict form in case anybody missed it...

    "was engaged in with malice..." - YES

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