Christian Apologists - Please Watch This and Tell Us Why it is wrong?

by cantleave 834 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NewChapter

    Oh he was direct. See above.

  • mrsjones5

    Yeah he was but now he's backtracking. Someone said he should man up and own those words. Why is he backtracking now?

  • sabastious
    How about showing some humility and examining your definitions a bit if they lead you to say stupid things like calling NC evil? There is the odd chance you got them wrong and NC is not *really* evil.

    For a believer, which you have no sensitivity to for obvious reasons, the difference between good and evil is an important distinction. It's part of one's faith not just definitions in a book. Your reaction is nothing but a knee-jerk to a percieved insult. Is NC a damsel in distress or something? She can defend herself.

    A crime you say? A CRIME? LOL, and how does that flush with the right to freedom of speech? I'm a criminal. Ideas are always on the block---attacking ideas is not violent. Are you being hyperbolic again? Let me play too!

    Freedom of speech is the first right and I hold that value true to my heart. Maybe moreso than anything else. It's not hyberbole it's strong belief, remember you argued for strong belief a page ago. A crime is when you infringe the rights of another. I'm not talking about hurt feelings here, I am talking about clearly creating class segregation and then discriminating. Discriminating is a crime already.


  • bohm

    That's called a crime. I believe it's a crime to attack someone's faith because they can't defend it with evidence.

    In sabs perfect world its a crime to be critical of sabs favorite ideas and attack them with EVIDENCE!

    Funny how every two-bit dictator on the planet has gotten the same idea for their favorite political/economic system.

    Dont attack the dear leader by demanding evidence why he should be worshipped, thats a crime!

  • NewChapter

    I'm not sure. I think he gets a bit hyperbolic and it just comes out. Or perhaps he really believes it, in which case he is being a lot more honest than many other believers. Not sure. But clearly he also thinks I'm a criminal for using my free speech, and thinks there are certain things I have no right to say---particularly against belief.

    Some Muslim countries have laws against speaking out against Islam. Some have the death penalty. I heard and Atheist speak from a Muslim area that had to flee her country and live as a refugee. In the dark ages, it was a very dangerous thing to speak out against faith. Got you burned. Maybe Sab is simply living in the wrong time or place.


  • sabastious
    Yeah, those watching the thread saw it all NC. I think Sab was hoping you and others missed it.

    Evil is a very important concept. It's what defines Good. What is good is human progression and what is bad works against it. Faith IS human progression so working against faith would be working against what is good for mankind therefore being evil. NC has the opportunity to identify with my definition or not. I am not backtracking, but you are free to cotinue the silliness.


  • sabastious
    In sabs perfect world its a crime to be critical of sabs favorite ideas and attack them with EVIDENCE!

    No crime has been committed in this thread. Why do you assume that I think that? Is that a blade sharpener in your hand?


  • NewChapter

    A crime is when you infringe the rights of another. I'm not talking about hurt feelings here, I am talking about clearly creating class segregation and then discriminating. Discriminating is a crime already.

    Uhm, first of all you said I had no RIGHT to attack religious beliefs. Later you said it was a CRIME to attack faith of those who cannot defend it. NOW you are saying that I'm guilty of some kind of discrimination (I'm assuming this, because you have already called me guilty of a crime and now define the crime as discrimination, although your first defintion was simply speaking against a faith---forgive me if I don't follow perfectly---this little journey is getting twisty-turny).

    Now I need to ask--where did I discriminate?

    Your reaction is nothing but a knee-jerk to a percieved insult. Is NC a damsel in distress or something? She can defend herself.

    Hmmm---have you just corrected someone for coming to support me because I have been the victim of so many of your insults? WWJD??? Hmmm. Would he stand by and let someone continue to lob insults? Just wondering. You do make a lot of rules---they always seem to be in your favor. Carry on.

  • cantleave

    It looks like I missed the fun whilst watching "The Voice".

    So sab has used every trick in the theists book.

    1. The god of the gaps - if you don't understand it, it must be god.

    2. Putting the onus of disbelief and lack of evidence for belief on those sceptical of the god myth.

    3. My god myth is right everyone elses is wrong.

    4. If you don't believe in my god myth you are evil.

    Good job Sab!!!!

  • NewChapter

    Sab said: I believe it's a crime to attack someone's faith because they can't defend it with evidence.

    THEN Sab said: No crime has been committed in this thread. Why do you assume that I think that? Is that a blade sharpener in your hand?

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