Christian Apologists - Please Watch This and Tell Us Why it is wrong?

by cantleave 834 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sabastious
    I'm not sure. I think he gets a bit hyperbolic and it just comes out. Or perhaps he really believes it, in which case he is being a lot more honest than many other believers. Not sure. But clearly he also thinks I'm a criminal for using my free speech, and thinks there are certain things I have no right to say---particularly against belief.

    Stop misdirecting this conversation into free speech. You have every right to say anything you wish in regards to faith. I think it's a crime to attack one's faith. Attacking as in forcing them into a discriminatory role. For instance say Jeff is a PHd scientist and Brad is a layman construction worker. Brad believes that God directs his life and Jeff is an atheist. If Jeff wants Brad's ideas to go away and actively works for that end at the cost of Brad's freedom then Jeff should answer for his crime. The crime of removing Jeff's freedom. If Jeff merely tries to convince Brad that there is no God that is fine, but if Jeff uses tactics in order to expose Brad's intellectual deficiency then that is a problem.


  • Finkelstein
  • sabastious
    The god of the gaps - if you don't understand it, it must be god.

    I never said God is in the gaps. I said the theory of God is in the gaps which should be respected like the theory of the center of the sun.


  • NewChapter

    So sab has used every trick in the theists book.

    1. The god of the gaps - if you don't understand it, it must be god.

    2. Putting the onus of disbelief and lack of evidence for belief on those sceptical of the god myth.

    3. My god myth is right everyone elses is wrong.

    4. If you don't believe in my god myth you are evil.

    It Was Textbook!

  • bohm

    sab: For a believer, which you have no sensitivity to for obvious reasons, the difference between good and evil is an important distinction.

    skip the arrogance, the difference between good and evil is important for me as well.

    It's part of one's faith not just definitions in a book.

    obviously its not just definitions in a book. As we learned on the previous page, you get to make up definitions of words, and then you get to call people evil based on those definitions. Everybody who read this page think thats plain stupid and quite frankly, you should know better.

    Your reaction is nothing but a knee-jerk to a percieved insult. Is NC a damsel in distress or something? She can defend herself.

    irrelevant much?

    Now your just trying to save face by making this about NCs sex. Obviously your allegations are false and without evidence, even more, i specifically referred to NC as a "he(she?)" one page back so i can even demonstrate you are wrong. Nice try though.

  • sabastious

    2. Putting the onus of disbelief and lack of evidence for belief on those sceptical of the god myth.

    3. My god myth is right everyone elses is wrong.

    4. If you don't believe in my god myth you are evil.

    I must say this is a very poor representation of my posts in this thread. Either I am doing a bad job at presenting or you are doing a bad job at explaining my presentation. I suspect the latter.


  • sabastious
    skip the arrogance, the difference between good and evil is important for me as well.

    Skip the assumption. Good and evil for a believer is tied to their world view very differently than for a non believer. The very concepts could be apples and oranges because of diametrically different fundamental values and beliefs.


  • NewChapter

    Bohm--I'm a she. Check out the avatar! And from yours, I assume that you are a multicolored, feathery kind of --- microscopic image or maybe an alien!

  • Knowsnothing
    Correct me if I am wrong, but Zeus and Greek Mythology was based upon the star constellations.

    Ok, and how does this negate the personification of Zeus? Did people believe he was just a star?

    Most of my belief comes from myth of which is tied to real historical people who have been turned into myth.

    Like for example, Jesus, Mohammad, Siddhartha, etc.? I would just like your current position on belief, because it's kind of hard to determine. You strike me as being into Kabalah.

    Do you believe Jesus actually performed miracles? Or do you find some allegorical meaning in his words, which are of benefit to us all?

  • cantleave

    I never said God is in the gaps. I said the theory of God is in the gaps which should be respected like the theory of the center of the sun.


    The idea of god comes no where close to being a theory! Putting the word god and theory in the same sentence is total fallacy.

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