Steven Unthank: What do we really know?

by SweetBabyCheezits 503 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • slimboyfat
    Acknowledge the mistake? For supporting someone who wanted to carry on a fight when the state wouldn't?

    For lending credibility to both Fearon and Unthank when both do more harm than good in the fight against the Watchtower.

  • shamus100

    I ask again:

    Did he ever ask for money?

  • NomadSoul

    Why can he just say, "I screwed up on the girl's image", instead of using another excuse that's probably also a lie (hyperbole, whatever you want to call it).

    Anyways, anyone want to buy a house in Arizona? It has a ocean view.

  • undercover

    Did he ever ask for money?

    I saw a post about a PayPal account being closed. Don't know if he was asking for donations or was just accepting any that anyone wanted to give out of the goodness of their heart. I'd have to go look for the thread.

    You said it earlier and was seconded by james_woods and a couple of others... something smells fishy, but let's not go off on a tangent until we get answers. I wish people had seen those sensible posts in addition to the ones that got em all riled up...

  • darthfader

    Im with Wha Happened:

    ...I'm just going to ignore the threads that speak of new alligations, changes from within, whatever. It's all wishful thinking about an organization that apparently is going to be around to harm individuals for some time. Just like other cults.... If and when the WT suffers some sort of public embarressment, it won't be the result of any self declared doer of good who uses sensationalism as part of their discovery of truth.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I like Tims' point. It was filed and we have proof. It may be getting dumped because it has no merit. The person who filed it has a reputation for exagerrating the truth. So maybe it was. Or maybe it wasn't. As I've said before, govt agencies are more concerned about compliance, over punishment. Maybe they struck a deal.

    By the way, how did that campaign of distributing free newspapers with this case to areas where JW's shop go?

  • undercover

    Know what I really hate? Having a slow day at work, which gives me time to get caught up in this shit. If I had been busy, I'd have never seen this...or at best, skimmed it and chuckled at the OCD of it all...

    Which reminds me of a joke:

    I have CDO... It's like OCD except the letters are in the correct order like they're supposed to be...

  • koolaid-man

    Many on this forum would rather sit behind the protection of their computer and never allow themselves to go public, even to the point of not wanting their voice to be heard on a conference call.

    For those that do step out in the open..... wounded by the Watchtower, losing family and friends ... they also get wounded here.

    A few brave soldiers speak out using their real names, about the evils of the Watchtower and immediately they become suspect by the same old negative ,nit picking posters.

    The vicious unwarranted attacks that come against honest hearted former witnesses can only lead a reasonable person to conclude that these cynical spewers of condemnation are indeed not working to solve the problem...... They are disparately working to cause a problem.

    I must ask, who could be behind this plot to destroy the messenger?

    Come out from behind your computer screens and dial into the call tonight...... If you want questions answered tonight is the night.

    http://www. jehovahs

  • soft+gentle
  • soft+gentle

    speak of the devil...

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