THANK YOU Steven Unthank

by cedars 141 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • yourmomma

    Cedars, can I point your attention to the 2 paragraphs included in the apology? can you not see after reading this why some of us would be pissed off?

    "When it comes to child abuse within the religion of Jehovah’s Witnesses there is a common pattern I have noticed among many of those who protect the religion and it’s leaders over the children…as long as the children remain nameless and faceless then those who share in these sins – whether by remaining silent or by covering them up or by denying they exist – believe that they themselves can remain blameless. These children have names and have faces. Their tears and their pain are real. They are the ones that are blameless. Not you!

    Personally attacking me over my standing up for the children does not wash away your liability, your guilt, or your sharing in the sins of others, if you yourself did nothing and chose to side with those who had a valid charge brought against them both within the religion of Jehovah’s Witnesses and within the courts. You’re conscience is now either accusing you or excusing you. It will never acquit you. Take a good hard look at the face of the child in the above picture and then take a look at yourself in the mirror. There is such a thing as community fault if the community denies judgment."

    he apologises and then says those who took issue with the picture were "attacking him" and want to have abuse victims remain facelesss among other things. Just because you did something good, and he did do something good and deserves props for that, that doesnt give a person liscence to go off on people who brought up a legit point.

    i dont even really need you to respond, just read that and think about it.

  • james_woods
    Johnnytwofeet - I'm never going to discuss anything with you because you're a pathetic attention whore - so get out of my face and bugger off.

    Nobody could have said it better, Cedars.

    He has the unique talent to piss me off even when he is basically agreeing with me.

  • Twitch
    Where else can such ridiculous, laughable excuses actually work than a website full of ex-cult members that believed that God was going to ride to earth on his magical panda to destroy the evil-doers?

    So, what is your relation to JWism or interest in this site then?

  • cedars

    yourmomma - I appreciate you raising this, but I think you're missing the overall message of my post earlier. I tried to be clear that I don't approve of everything Steven says or does. I have already read the text you have quoted, and frankly I thought it was ill-advised for him to say some of those things. However, I personally know what it's like to be on the losing side of a legal verdict, and I can assure you it's an emotionally draining and humiliating experience. It really doesn't surprise me that Steven lashed out with the above words given the chain of events that led up to that statement being made, and it equally wouldn't surprise me if he now regrets saying it. In the case of Steven Unthank, I am personally able to look past the indiscretions and see the broader picture, which is that of a brave and tenacious man who dared to challenge the might of a corrupt and damaging cult on behalf of defenceless children. For that reason I will continue to support him 100%, and I strongly object to the overly negative and critical tone of the "what do we know" thread, ESPECIALLY the timing of it given the fact that this will be an extremely emotional time for Steven.


  • Twitch

    For the record, kudos to Mr Unthank, Ms. Anderson and anyone who has the nads to take the WTS on in the public arena.

    To hell with naysayers and those slinging stones from the shadows. We all know who the real heroes are.

  • shamus100

    For goodness sakes, people, don't feed the trolls!

  • Twitch

    You say you want to help the children yet do nothing yourself and criticize those who make the effort at personal risk.

    I didn't ask for your name or anything, just your affiliation with JWs and thus your interest in this site. Pretty simple questions with no risk really. What's the problem then?

  • Twitch
    I don't see how your questions have any bearing on the discussion. I have no problems with the questions themsevles but it amuses me to reject you.

    Spoken like a true pussy, er, troll. Too afraid to own up.

    What's really amusing here is when you grow up and move out of mom's basement, you might learn a thing or two about being a real person. Maybe not.

  • cyberjesus

    I'd appreciate it if you could leave this thread for those who are appreciative of Steven's brave work

    Soooo now you give me orders uh? I would appreciate if you leave this forum for those who are appreacitive of the truth... nahh! you can stay

    This is the thread for those who wont question and agree with the work of one individual.. .... this sounds very familiar.... where did hear that before....

    I yeah I was kicked out of a group because I question their statement and I didnt agree with the world saving work....

  • cedars

    cyberjesus - I'm as interested in the truth as anyone, hence my vociferous opposition to Rick Fearon and his tactics. The difference between Fearon and Unthank is that one has issued an apology, while the other refuses to. If his apology wasn't as sweeping as you would have liked, then that's your issue and certainly not mine. Before you go all "columbo" on his ass, it may be worthwhile taking a step back and trying to see things from his perspective. We men are prideful creatures and apologies don't always come naturally. For me personally, the fact that he issued any apology at all in the midst of that torrent of abuse last night, on the back of a crushing courtroom defeat, makes him worthy of my respect.


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