Applying Math, Physics, Archeology to THE STORY OF NOAH

by Terry 464 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • truthseeker

    Tell me Cofty, what is it Dr. Mortenson is not qualified to do?

    Geology is the science comprising the study of solid Earth, the rocks of which it is composed, and the processes by which it evolves. Geology gives insight into the history of the Earth, as it provides the primary evidence for plate tectonics, the evolutionary history of life, and past climates.

  • truthseeker

    No, ziddina, you're quite wrong there. Does it make you feel better to poke fun at my screen name?

  • elderelite

    Lol seeker, Its telling that you make wild claims of tv shows where so called warlocks make staments about jw kids and the flood that you fail to back up, you make wild statments about manner of geological and practical matters related to a global flood and get very defensive when you are asked to be reasonable and back them up, and above all its telling that you cut and paste somethig that cant summerize. You dont understand yourself.

    I feel sorry for you.

  • cofty

    truthseeker what part of "History of geology" do you not understand?

    Mortenson has no qualifications at all in geology. He wrote a thesis on the HISTORY of the science of geology.

    If I was an expert on the history of medicine but had no medical training at all would you let me operate on you?

    So why are you quoting Mortenson's personal opinions on geology?

  • truthseeker

    I'm quoted the Dr. intially to show how high the waters of the flood were but you decided to take it one step further and attack the man.

  • elderelite

    Seeker.... Think about this for a minute before you pound out a response and hit "submitt"..

    HOW did he prove or in anyway give evidance of the flood or its height? He simply quoted the bible. The bible is in dispute on this and we are seeking alternative reasoning. You cannot quote someone quoting the disputed source and expect it to be accepted. Please ponder that a moment...

  • cofty

    If you are going to appeal to "experts" to support unscientific claims don't you think you ought to make sure your "expert" is qualified?

    I could tell you what my dentist thinks about astronomy - but why would I?

    elderlite is making a fair point. If you can't explain it in your own words in terms my granny could understand you shouldn't cut and paste random stuff as if others should take it seriously.

  • thetrueone

    The Bible does not give all the specifics concerning the preflood era.

    As it shouldn't being the writings were constrained upon one singular culture.

    The thing that has to realized with these mythological stories is that they were carried over and retold and perhaps rewritten by scribes

    over the centuries, but still retaining the same original intension as to bring relevance to worshiped gods.

    Speaking or putting thoughts on tablets was no less a natural progression of God's purpose for mankind.

    Interesting comment, I'm wondering what purpose did the god of the ancient Hebrews evoke in all the other writings

    by other cultures who worshiped other gods than himself ?

    Since there is much evidence to show that civilizations existed well before the chronological time frame established in the bible !

  • truthseeker


    I asked someone about the warlock appearing on TV, apparently it was a talk show interview that was broadcast sometime in the '90s.

    I am not using this as evidence for my beliefs, it was just an interesting experience to relate.

  • truthseeker

    I have to go now but will be back later to check for updates.

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