Applying Math, Physics, Archeology to THE STORY OF NOAH

by Terry 464 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • truthseeker

    Wow, this thread has over 5,000 views.

    I think this will be the thread to beat the flood horse to death.

  • thetrueone

    Here's another fact from the bible itself

    Genesis 7:20

    20 Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.

    Ah ... 15 cubits is only @ 300 inches or 25 feet.

    It only took 25 ft. to cover the mountain tops did it now

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    [This is actually a reprint of my earlier post.]

    A thought experiment:

    Say that we found the ultimate scientist. He knows EVERYTHING about physics, geology, archeology, chemistry, biology,etc. Super smart guy.

    The only thing he knows NOTHING about is the Flood Story. Never exposed to it, has no idea it exists.

    So you take this guy and say to him, "Using your knowledge of physics, archeology etc., tell me what was going on around 2370BCE."

    What would he find?

  • frankiespeakin

    """"Say that we found the ultimate scientist. He knows EVERYTHING about physics, geology, archeology, chemistry, biology,etc. Super smart guy.

    The only thing he knows NOTHING about is the Flood Story. Never exposed to it, has no idea it exists.

    So you take this guy and say to him, "Using your knowledge of physics, archeology etc., tell me what was going on around 2370BCE."

    What would he find?"""

    To answer that one would have to project a great deal. Since the projection comes from a mind that is incapable of such a feat(know everything about physics, and etc..) and so therefore it would be a false and highly subjective projection.

    Since you thought of this little thought experiment do you feel capable of giving a true projection of what he would find?

  • thetrueone

    As I pointed out in my previous post in how many other ancient cultures made proclamations that their god creating floods as an expression of anger.

    It is therefore not surprising that we find a similar story within the ancient Hebrews in their era of existence.

    I think Truthseeker got too much Truth and he's run away now, too much logic and rational subjective reasoning I guess......Next

  • tec

    Appears that they've had an unfair advantage. God personally told Noah what to do, Noah had better believed it.

    There is a big difference in God whispering something in your ear and someone else whispering in your ear what God whispererd to them...


    But perhaps the lesson to take from that is that some people can be saved on account of one righteous man. All those who belong to that man. In the same way, all those who belong to Christ are saved on account of HIM. Not on account of themselves.

    So Noah was saved because of FAITH? Where did he get this faith from?

    From God, Himself. Perhaps his father taught him about God, but Noah had faith in God, direct. That is how he 'walked with God'.

    No holy book needed, because no holy book IS needed. Perhaps the writings help teach about God, but they can also make people put their faith in them, to the point where the truth could be slapping them in the face but they won't believe it because it doesn't mesh with what they think is meant in a particular writing.

    The rest of the world was not destroyed for their lack of faith. The rest of the world had become corrupt, and evil. It's just that Noah had the faith to be saved; to hear and to obey what he heard.

    Tammy, i respect you and your faith very much. Even when defending your beliefs you are reasonable and respectful and i wouldnt want to take that away.

    Thank you, EE. I respect you as well, and find that you show a lot of respect and caring in your posts too.

    But jesus said they took no note. They were eating and drinking etc etc.

    What do you think 'took no note' means?

    I mean, they had no faith to take note, right? Or they might have asked and heard an answer for themselves. But they would not have wanted to do that if they and their actions were evil, because that would have shown them the truth of the evil that they did.

    Its good to ask questions though. You might consider asking God to send you His Truth... if you want to know. To help you understand. Even for faith, if you need that too.

    Anyway I think it wise not to take such stories as true but search for a deeper meaning

    I also think it is wise to focus on the meaning of the story, without becoming so focused on whether or not it is literal or allegory or a deep truth told in a simple manner... that the meaning is lost under a fruitless debate. Believe as you will. Just look for the meaning either way, and ask for help in understanding if you need to.



  • truthseeker


    Don't flatter yourself, like most people here I have to work and eat and do all the other things so cannot be present at all times.

    As for being rational, you picked some poorly made obscure video about the flood chronology which I already answered.

  • thetrueone

    In all archaeological evidence gather of the many the ancient cultures why is there not a break or stoppage to their culture/civilization within

    the time frame of the biblical flood ? Between 2500 BCE and 2300 BCE relatively speaking.

    Would you also like to explain TS the noted 25 ft. covering over the highest mountain tops ?

    I'm eager to hear your explanation of this purported statement from the bible.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Tammy says:

    But perhaps the lesson to take from that is that some people can be saved on account of one righteous man. All those who belong to that man. In the same way, all those who belong to Christ are saved on account of HIM. Not on account of themselves

    Perhaps....but perhaps the lesson is that ONLY the people (and their immediate families) who were communicated to DIRECTLY by God survive mass executions....

    See, we can make it mean anything we want....

  • thetrueone

    Here I will help you out, this is Mount Ararat, note the elevation at its highest peak is 16,854 ft.

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