Applying Math, Physics, Archeology to THE STORY OF NOAH

by Terry 464 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • thetrueone

    Because sin is inherent in mankind from their youth up, it eventually appeared in the children born to Noah and his sons.

    So what your saying then all those people were killed for no apparent and probable reason since sin was retained with Noah and his family.

    Why did god do such a terrible unloving and unjust thing to kill all those people ?

    The world returned to its exact wicked state right after the flood.

    That doesn't sound like something a perfect omniscient god would do.

    And once again he going to do the same thing in the very near future says the Watchtower publishing house.

    Perhaps you could once again explain why and how come those people /kings lived right thought the great flood of Noah

    unscathed as was presented in that video I posted ?

  • truthseeker


    concerning your other question, blood stops circulating at death and bacteria that is present in the gut and normally harmless will start to break through the stomach wall lining.

  • truthseeker

    I'll try to keep this short because it's late and I'm tired.

    Noah and his family were the only faithful humans living at that particular time. The whole earth was corrupt. God had regrets about making mankind. In the final analysis, God could have wiped out the human race with Adam and Eve, but he did not. The Word, Christ, pointed out in Proverbs, that he found love and joy in the creation of man, even though we are imperfect. God would not let Satan hinder his will for the human race but neither could he go through thousands of human pairs to make it happen.

    Adam’s line of flesh is under a covenant with God. When the fallen angels materialized, they took on flesh, but it did not come under the covenant because it was not of the Adamic line of descent. This was an automatic death sentence for the children of the angelic fathers and mothers. They had no covenant with God. It was like being born out of wedlock and not knowing who your father was. The Nephilim were considered outcasts in God's eyes, something he felt should never have happened.

    Genesis 6:3: "Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years."

    The calling on the name of God in the days of Enoch was not considered good because some of those fallen angels still considered themselves part of the Holy Family despite the fact they had left their duties and forsook their dwelling place (Jude 6). Those fallen angels developed lustful intentions for both men and women companions and took them as partners (Genesis 4:26) Perhaps they thought if humans called upon God's name on their behalf, God might accept their comingling and breeding among the human race. God did not want them as humans. If he had, he would have granted them the right to become humans but they lowered themselves in stature to become less than what they were. God forced the demons to return by flooding the Earth. The flood served as a dual purpose. It was also a judgment for those living on the planet.

  • thetrueone

    And you know this because your a forensic examiner of miracle theology ?

    It sounded like the girl in the bible story just abruptly died so this wouldn't have been an issue concerning her.

    Why are you not commenting on my question concerning those people that lived right through the supposed time of the flood ?

    Can you or should you be dismissive to the question ?

    Remember your an honest Truthseeker !

  • truthseeker


    I'm getting to it, but it's late...

  • tec

    I think Noah'sfamily was saved on account of his faithfulness. (not necessarily on account of their own) Same as in the story of Sodom and Gomorroh... Lot was saved and told to gather anyone who belong to him (daughters, wife, sons-in-law). They were saved (or would have been saved had they not refused to come) on account of Lot.

    Just a side-point, but it bears pondering.



  • truthseeker

    Had to laugh at this one

    forensic examiner of miracle theology

  • thetrueone

    Sure until tomorrow, one question that pops into my mind though, why did god have to kill all those non-Nephilim people

    such as all those innocent children ?

    Surely being god and all he could have just killed the Nephilim off as a warning to all angles.

  • poopsiecakes

    Yan...LOL @ popsiclecakes ::giggle::

    truthseeker, please answer my sincere question about where you learned that the bible is the word of God. :)

  • transhuman68

    There aren't enough faces & palms available on the internet for me to accurately describe how I am feeling! FFS, the Genesis flood story is just a re-telling of the Mesopotamian flood myth that predates the Biblical account by 2,000 years. It’s all there in the Epic of Gilgamesh. For the love of God, do some research, or I will reach through my computer screen and slap some of you!

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