I feel ethically compromised by Rick Fearon being allowed to continue posting here

by sabastious 80 Replies latest jw friends

  • Violia

    I agree with Terry. I have leaned so much from the posts of this board . I have learned new ways of thinking and the posters have helped me. I am a better person for being exposed to many different ways of thinking. I do not want to live in a tiny controlled Island. I say live and let live.

  • AllTimeJeff

    I agree with Terry as well. When motivated, I will call our Rick whenever he is here. I think the dichotemy he brings is actually healthy.

    Plus, it's an internet community. I don't think it is a good idea to remove a poster simply because we disagree with him. That's just like JW's.

    Speaking for me, I have at times got a lilttle hot under the collar regarding certain posters here. I think that reflects poorly on me, and I have made a conscious decision whenever I am here to make it a positive experience whenver I can possibly do so.

    I share my opinion. If I disagree with someone and I feel I HAVE to say something, I will. If I can ignore it, I will.

    Not everyone will agree with me and the reverse is true. Hopefully, I have learned the lesson to simply ignore people who annoy me. It's a rather handly tool to have. :)

    I think this thought bears repeating: JW's attract a certain kind of lunatic fringe. I happened to be born into the cult thanks to parents who were not totally possessed of themselves when they bought in. There is no way to leave JW's in peace. There is no way to keep the crazy from either being attracted to JW's or trying to bring down the whole group. It's just how it has been and how it will be. We all need to be at peace with that.

    Remember, if some of these crazy people didn't join JW's, they would go to another place just like them. We can't save people from themselves.

    People who are attracted to, and support Rick Fearon, do me a great service, as I now know who to stay the hell away from!

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    Sabastious -

    I'm sorry, but I have no idea what your point was in posting those two links. I see no value, only online shouting and end times drivel on OBVES's FocusontheBible2011 link. OBVES offers nothing of value. So, unless you are OBVES in Sabastious' clothing, why would you even refer to his site?

    Rick's website may be sensationalistic and dark, but at least it is professionally presented. Plus he has a large group of sincere backers and friends who have good intentions. Rick's enterouge is made up of former JWs who really want to help those caught in the Watchtower's web of deceit, not push a bunch of ridiculous and unsupported eschatology on us as does OBVES.


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Iive just read a few of the threads. If he is actively soliciting money for this site, he should be banned. Otherwise, banning him turns us into the GB. Every thread I have read has had so many people giving fair warning and notice as to problems he presents. We should have a higher standard for banning people. I don't see how we can know his intent b/c we can't read his heart.

    There is JW.org and this site. We are not polished in our presentation. There is chaos here. I find that a true strength.

    I just hope that people continue to issue warnings concerning his message so an innocent person does not bite.

    Everyone has their own style of dealing with the hurt from the Witnesses. How can we define one style as the right one and another as wrong?

  • Iamallcool

    juan, he has a large group of sincere backers that are never witnesses that does not really understand what is really going in the JW world.

  • james_woods
    Iive just read a few of the threads. If he is actively soliciting money for this site, he should be banned. Otherwise, banning him turns us into the GB.

    Well, that is a pretty reasonable position.

    A lot of us that have been here longer than Band On The Run are equally sick of him deliberately posting false representations and other nonsense.

    But, like OUTLAW also said - at the very least, the spamming for the site should certainly be banned.

  • Giordano

    I wouldn't call for banning Rick......... I would for those that violate #1, 2 and 3. He is flamboyant in his comments abou this site but modest in his personal comments, especially in the face of the hostility of some. As far as being irritated there are others I find far more irritating.

  • cantleave

    No way - How else will we find out what Johnny is up to?

  • Iamallcool
  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I would not vote to ban rick but I will vote to have him tone down his thread titles.

    That is where the real misleading comes when you see a title 'bethel brother confesses to being kept in dungeon' or 'GB announce JW boot camp' those sensational titles only mis lead.

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