I feel ethically compromised by Rick Fearon being allowed to continue posting here

by sabastious 80 Replies latest jw friends

  • cedars

    I think I would have to reluctantly agree with Rick being banned from this forum. I am interested in helping as many Witnesses as possible get out of the organization, and I feel that Rick's work is counter-productive to that objective. He plays up to every stereotype that Witnesses have been warned to expect in apostates.


  • Terry

    Take a deep breath.

    We aren't THAT kind.

    We don't shun.

    Intellectual freedom allows everybody a voice.

    Rational people figure out who is who very quickly.

    Bad people and bad ideas marginalize themselves.

    We drive them out or improve them with better ideas, not ostracisim.

    We teach by example and not really very well at all by tirade and boycott.

    I think everybody should get a chance to be the best they are and sometimes that only comes from a starting point

    somewhere near the worst.

    That's my two cents.

  • james_woods

    Note that he is back on the "hundreds of reformers" thread saying that he never said what he said.

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    I have to agree with Terry. We have a lot of characters and strange personalities on this forum, but the board has put up with them for years.

    Deal with Rick Fearon's posts just as you would with anything else that makes you upset. I can't stand Fox News, but I don't call up my cable company and demand that they remove it from the program list. I just don't watch Fox.

    OBVES has been on this site for years repeating his gibberish about his calculations for the end of the world. He basically predicts that practically every day of every year has some prophetic significance. He really wears me down, so I basically just give him the badmouth every so often and then ignore him.

    The ones that I feel should be removed from JWN are those who are constantly on the attack against other posters - especially when their attacks are completely unwarranted and hateful. I also feel that Watchtower apologists that start new threads and then simply cut and paste from Watchtower publications serve no useful purpose here. If I want to read the Watchtower, then I'll download articles from my WT CD or grab a PDF of the latest magazines from JW.org.

    As to Rick specifically: Yes, I wish he would not publish his announcements of upcoming programs as infomercials. His constant pushing of Johnny the Bethelite (he now has his own conference call program sponsored by Rick) is annoying and I personally find Johnny to be unconvincing. On the other hand, Rick has invested a lot of his time and money - not to mention his personal reputation - on the line in exposing the Watchtower for what it is.

    Rick, if you read this please remember that I have supported you many times over the past few months. I think you should be a part of this forum. But (unless I totally missed it) you have not explained how you specifically verified Johnny's credibility to any of us. Johnny clearly states that he works in the Watchtower's Bethel IT Department and that part of his job is to monitor websites, forums, and emails looking for apostates. How could he not be discovered, outed, disfellowshipped and expelled from Bethel? His entire backstory is incredible and unbelievable. Please share with this group how you know that Johnny is all that he says he is.

    I have a few acquaintances who have served in Bethel and they all agree that Johnny would have been out on his ear in less than a week after any of those "closet calls" that he made. They told me that there is only two possible answers to that mystery: (1) Johnny is a very well-informed fake and a liar (or possibly a former Bethelite who is misrepresenting himself); or, (2) a Watchtower plant, set up to establish his credibility and then use his connections to the ex-JW community to feed us false information or to out those of us who still have one foot in the organization. The Watchtower Society may be led by men of questionable morals and intent, but few in power are dummies.

    The only other thing about Rick's programs is the constant evangelizing and doctrinal debates that go on between the regulars. If Rick held the call to two hours and stuck to his newsy subjects at hand, the calls would be so much more interesting. As they are now, the conference calls very rarely live up to the hype and tend to be sleep-inducing.

    Let Rick stay...


  • Iamallcool

    let rick stay? hell no!

  • sabastious

    I know I said the OP was my last comment, but Juan please compare these two links:



    ^ Profiteering is the line in my book, everyone has their limits and Terry is officially Charles Xavier.


  • james_woods

    Juan, our problem with Rick is that he deliberately posts things that are not factual - and that he knows to not be factual.

  • Twitch

    Keep your friends close but your enemies closer....

  • cedars

    Thanks for that Juan Viejo2 and Terry, I would be happy to see him stay if he heeds your advice (Juan). I'm with Terry in that I think everyone deserves a chance. Booting someone off the site should be a last resort. He definitely needs to tone it down A LOT. I think if he were to ignore this advice, it would be counter productive to the cause he claims to fight for.



    Ban Rick Fearon?.....No..

    Ban All Advertising for Rick Fearons "Six Screens Show"?..



    ............................ OUTLAW

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