Evil Spirits

by LizLA 294 Replies latest jw experiences

  • baltar447

    Have you tried the usual energy clearing techniques? Like sage smudge? Do they only bother you at your home?

  • baltar447

    This lady is an ex JW who might be able to help you, if you believe that stuff. http://andreabrockhealing.org/

  • LizLA

    Yes, I've tried the usual energy clearing techniques. Actually, the critters follow me whereever I go. I think they've been around ever since I was a teen.

  • mrsjones5

    "Don't get involved in meditation, it can open you up to spirit entities."

    Sounds like something right out of a watchtower/kingdom hall and to that bit of advice I say no thank you.

  • bob1999
  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    what do these "evil spirits" exactly do to harrase? When did this occur? how long has this being going for? Have you seem a specialist (doctor)? Have you taken medication to stop this? What are you taking? Do you just hear noises? Feel presences? see objects move? see things that are not yours? like the time a doberman sang. DO NOT USE GODS NAME as this used for advocating demons (according to key and lesser key of solomon)

    An interesting court case regarding psychiatric treatment vs demons.


  • bottleofwater

    LizLA: You need medical and mental help. No exorcism. You need a doctor and pills. Lots and lots of pills.

  • AGuest
    On what do you base your statement above?

    On truth, dear bob (peace to you!). Well, that (i.e., that they don't any more power than you give them)... and the fact that, for some of us (and if I were to assume at this point that dear Liz (peace to you!) was NOT part of "us" I'd be out of line)... the authority of Christ trumps that of the Adversary, his angels... and if so, then certainly demons/evil spirits.

    I know, I know... lot of folks out there in "fear" of demons/evil spirits/Satan. I was among them some time ago. Until I found out that they're actually impotent. I mean, the accounts of Eden and Job should show you just how LITTLE power the Adversary has. He can't MAKE anyone DO anything. Nor can other spirits... unless you... or the Most Holy One of Israel... allow it.

    Hence, oppose them... and they WILL flee from you. That opposition can't be wishy-washy, however ("I THINK they'll leave me alone if..."). Nope. 'Cause faith, the kind that it takes to be rid of them... isn't wishy-washy.

    I hope that helps... and, again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • bob1999

    "the authority of Christ trumps that of the Adversary, his angels... and if so, then certainly demons/evil spirits. "

    Yes, the power and authority of Christ means that evil can not touch that which belongs to Christ.

    “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you” (Luke 10:19)


  • AGuest

    Peace to you, dear Liz! Have you tried fasting? Sometimes that is required. My understanding is it allows you to "let go" of the desires of your flesh for a bit... which "desires" may be "feeding"/or keeping you "connected" to what/whoever it is that's harassing you. For some, the "torment" is directly related to drug (and not necessarily illicit drugs) or alcohol [ab]use... and so "cleansing" can help. Of course, I don't know your health situation, so you should make sure you CAN (i.e., if you don't KNOW... ask your doctor if fasting is okay for you - you don't need to tell her/him why, if you don't feel comfortable doing so).

    Again, peace to you... and soon, hopefully!

    A slave of Christ,


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