Father Elders going mad !

by koolaid-man 104 Replies latest jw friends

  • shamus100

    Well hell, it's only 8:43 here. I've got to wait 2 more hours.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Simon, why do you put up with this guy?

  • shamus100

    I know, I don't know how he puts up with me either. Or lying Rick.

    Take all the shots you want....... Tonights program speaks for itself .....
    It is very successful.....KoolAidMan/RF

    If your show was so successful..

    You wouldn`t need to Advertise on a Forum where your show is held in Contempt by 99% of the Posters here..


    You would be busy with your show right now..Your the Frigg`in Host..

    You wouldn`t be posting here..

    Nothing you say has the Ring of Truth..

    The WBT$ can point to you and say to JW`s..

    "Thats why we Warn you about Apostates,they couldn`t tell the Truth if you put a Gun to their Head"..

    Your the best Ally the WBT$ could have..

    You fulfill every "WBT$ Nightmare" JW`s have about exJW`s..


    The WBT$ walks away Clean..


  • Morbidzbaby

    It's my personal opinion that Rick Fearon shouldn't be allowed to post his bullshit here anymore. This site helps a lot of people wake up from WT influence, but if the first thing a doubting JW sees is Rick's posts, they're likely to RUN back to the "flock". I know that's how I felt when I saw the Six Screens site when I started questioning things. I saw a foaming rabid apostate harrassing the people in Bethel about ridiculous crap instead of focusing on the REAL issues.

    For those lurking , it is very important to know who my attackers are
    the most part these criticizers ( WHO ARE OF A DIFFERENT PERSUASION) find joy in discrediting everything I say.....KoolAidMan/RF

    If you have a Problem with Shamus being Gay,say so..

    It doesn`t make Shamus a Liar..

    It makes you a Bigot..


    We won`t put up with Homophobic Attacks on Shamus..


  • shamus100

    Of course it's the gay's fault, lying Rick. It's everyone's fault but your own, lying Rick.

    Kind regards,


  • sizemik

    Your audience is JW's and non-JW's Rick . . . neither of whom is boggled by the bullshit here. Both sides see the sensational approach for what it is . . . but you don't see that. There are mindless sychophants on both sides of the fence . . . they've got theirs, you've got yours . . . and they're always emailing each other. Same for psychopaths . . . they're everywhere. You just won't find any here.

  • NewChapter

    When I called in to your show a few months back, and read portions of the Watchtower Corporation's booklet on "charitable contributions" titled "Charitable Planning to Benefit Kingdom Service Worldwide", your response indicated that you - and several of your coterie - had never even heard of it.

    This is very interesting. I don't think I ever read it. Can I read it somewhere, or is there a thread that addresses it?

  • WTWizard

    Rather, I wonder how many of these stories will actually make the mainstream news. It's sxxx like this that the hounders keeps hidden from the public that makes me wonder how much of this, and worse, there is that doesn't get reported. We only hear about the ones that reach the mainstream media or if someone, despite threats of disfellowshipping and destruction, snitch to the media. Stories where people get beatings on a regular basis, or other abuse, and the hounders successfully hide it from the public never get brought to light.

    And, since they go to such great lengths to hide problems instead of fixing them, I believe that this and worse goes on all the time. Not every day you see someone getting beaten to death, but I have seen more than my share of people getting threatened with beatings when they get home from boasting sessions or from wasting their whole school vacation in field circus because their mothers dragged them out while they could pious-sneer. I have even seen them get spanked and "Just wait 'til we get home'd" while out in field circus. With this being so widespread, I am not surprised that a few actually do horrible things. But, when they go to extreme lengths to hide these problems, that is what makes me think it could be much more widespread than they want people to think.

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