Why Some Cannot "See" that the Bible is NOT the Word of God

by AGuest 98 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest
    Isn't the arguement a little like the line or reasoning we used as JWs- we said we have the Truth and in reality we were just delivering the party line, so in that respect we were telling people the true JWs doctrinal line. Some Evangelical comes here and starts preaching their 'Truth' or dogma. Its only true to them.

    Ah, so you went back and READ what I posted, this time, dear designs (again, peace to you!)? LOLOLOLOL! And yes, you're right, to some degree: we ALL "preach" OUR truth, whether JW, evangelical, atheist, whatever. What else CAN we "preach"... any one of us? We can only state what WE believe is true, some of us with more conviction than others. The difference, though, is how we TAKE it... and what we DO about it... when someone DOESN'T agree. There is nothing wrong with rebutting/disputing what another believes - there is EVERYTHING wrong with shunning, punishing, slandering, judging, condemning, torturing, killing, etc... or HOPING that someone ELSE will... one who doesn't agree with your beliefs.

    ie- people who don't believe in Tinker Bell can't understand the Bible, I believe in Tinker Bell so my take on the Bible is the right take.

    Of course, it is! And you are more than welcome to so believe. Keep in mind, however, that if you start saying that that belief is based on what's IN the Bible... or the overall MESSAGE of the Bible... or its history, compilation, authors, inspiration, etc... you shouldn't take issue if... and WHEN... someone takes issue with THAT. Rather, be prepared to respond, if you can, to what they propose to YOU. 'Cause that's all that's occurred.

    Again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ (NOT the Bible),


  • designs


  • AGuest

    MUAH! and peace to you, dear one... always!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • palmtree67

    Once again, thank you, Shelby!

  • AGuest

    You are more than welcome, dear PT! The greatest of love and peace to YOU, dear one, and may JAH bless YOU, as well!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • cantleave

    Interesting post!!

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    Shelby, I hope all is well with you!

    Very intresting argument you make here. Very logical.

    Would it be correct in believing that if the Bible is not the word of God, and has been too much tampered with by human hands and interests, then it is equally futile (if not more so) to attempt to organize an earthly organization claiming to represent God (e.g. WTBS, the Catholic Church, etc.)? Your thoughts, please.


  • AGuest
    Would it be correct in believing that if the Bible is not the word of God, and has been too much tampered with by human hands and interests, then it is equally futile (if not more so) to attempt to organize an earthly organization claiming to represent God (e.g. WTBS, the Catholic Church, etc.)?

    ABSOLUTLEY futile, dear Mr. F (peace to you!). Absolutely! As my Lord explained it to me (when I wondered which religion was "truly his")... there IS NO "earthly organization" - there CAN'T be! Because... right NOW... God's kingdom... is NO PART... of THIS... world! Yes, at one time it WAS (and will be AGAIN... when New Jerusalem "comes down out of heaven"... so that, through HER, God "brings together AGAIN the things in the spirit realm (heavens) and the things in the physical realm (earth)). To that extent, there was the establishment of [Old] Law Covenant and the erection of the tabernacle (as God' temple and "temporary" (because it was a TENT) dwelling place... on EARTH!). The tabernacle was replaced by a more "permanent" structure, the temple at Jerusalem (the last VISIBLE "representation" of God on earth), but even that structure wasn't indestructible.

    When Christ came, however, God's spirit... which "dwelled/resided" in the MOST Holy compartment of the Temple... above the Ark of the Covenant... LEFT that edifice and went... where? INTO Christ! HE became the "temple" of God (which is why he SAID, of HIS body, "Tear this temple down and I will raise it up in three days"). At Pentecost 30 CE, however, when he poured that spirit OUT... of HIMSELF (John 7:38)... he did so INTO those who were gathered there... and thus, THEY then became the "temple" of God (1 Corinthians 3:16).

    That is why little flames appeared above their heads: the "shekinah light"... which appeared as a cloud during the day and a flame by night... both of which could be seen coming from the MOST Holy... which represented God's holy spirit... went into THEM. Since it occurred at NIGHT... it was manifest by little flames. Had the event occurred during the DAY... the room would have been filled with a cloud.

    Today, the "temple" of God is made up of people, yes. However, such people have no official "organization" because... they are not ORGANIZED, per se, by anyone other than their LEADER, Christ. Since HIS presence is invisible... such "organization" is... you guessed it... INVISIBLE. We are scattered throughout the earth and know each other NOT by the religion we claim or identify with... but the LOVE OF GOD that is IN us... holy spirit... through Christ. By means of this our spirit BEAR WITNESS with one another... because of the UNION we share... in Christ.

    He is the HEAD of us, his Body. We can't do a thing... that glorifies God... and brings honor and glory to ourselves... without him (John 15:1-6). This does not include ALL of mankind, true... but it doesn't make us BETTER than any others. It makes us SERVANTS of all others. That is why there is no one AMONG us to "take the lead"... other than in such things as looking after widows and orphans, distributing to those in need, etc.

    God does not dwell in handmade temples, dear one... but in the "temple" being built by His Son, the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA, the Chosen One of JAH. That "temple" consists of people: Christ, the Cornerstone; the Apostles, the Foundation; the Prophets and others, Pillars; and the rest as living stones. Together, we are all being built up into a place for God to inhabit/occupy... by SPIRIT.

    So, wherever one or two of US are gathered... there Christ is also. We do not need to look for him in a church or religious organization; he isn't there. He is IN... his people. And the only appropriate identification, for THIS world's purposes, would be: the Body of Christ, the Congregation of the Firstborn. However, there is no institution, organization, religion, church, congregation, etc., of THIS world that applies. We ARE the "church", the temple of God.

    I hope this helps, dear Mr. F... and again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • PSacramento
    Would it be correct in believing that if the Bible is not the word of God, and has been too much tampered with by human hands and interests, then it is equally futile (if not more so) to attempt to organize an earthly organization claiming to represent God (e.g. WTBS, the Catholic Church, etc.)? Your thoughts, please.

    I agree about the organizational part, but there is soemthing we need to undestand.

    While many say the bible ha sbeen tampered with, there is no evidence of that per say AND there is evidence of "self-correction" in the bible, case in point Jeremiah and Christ both reaming the scribes for altering the WRITTEN word of God and that reaming BEING Recored IN the bible.

    Remember that the bible never makes any claim unto itself, but people do make those claims about the bible.

    Paul saying that scripture was useful in teaching and helping is quite correct, it is useful, IF USED correctly and not used as THE WORD of God but simply the word of God THROUGH human hands.

  • AGuest

    Ah, Pau... I mean, PSacto- LOLOLOL! (peace to you!).. And here I thought you got it. That was what PAUL (you know, Paul, who repeatedly tried to put folks back under the Law?) said, dear one. But NOT what our Lord said (John 5:39, 40)... or what his apostle John wrote (1 John 2:26-29).

    You have to be careful with Paul, truly. There was a reason why there was SO much dissention between Paul... and the Apostles... for MANY years. Yes, he was right in quite a lot of things... but he was also "off" on some, as well. And when others brought this to his attention, he called them "superfine" apostles. And he did not mean that affectionately. Did he need to correct Peter on the matter of hypocrisy? Yes. Did he need to assert the new understanding regarding circumcision? Yes. Yet, he was not named an apostle to ISRAEL... and thus, wasn't one of the 12... who are the FOUNDATION, after Christ, the Cornerstone. Even HE knew that. But Paul wasn't a man easily corrected, I'm sorry to say.

    The "word of God through human hands" is flawed... for various reasons but, primarily, the false stylus of the scribes. Way back then... and today. That folks keep "raising it up"... even over the TRUE Word of God... is... absolutely puzzling, to some degree. And keep in mind... when one gives glory to IT... in the same sentence as mentioning the TRUE Word... but do NOT give ANY glory to that Word... one is truly missing the point. Truly.

    It really is just a book. Really. Yes, it has some sayings of wisdom IN it... but those words, in and of themselves... are not alive. HE is, though... and I would exhort you to go to HIM on this matter... so as to hear about it for yourself.

    Again, the greatest of love and peace to you!

    YOUR servant, sister, and fellow slave of Christ,


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