Are You Raising An Introvert?

by darth frosty 172 Replies latest jw friends

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    6 Things Introverted Women Do Right

    Posted: 05/16/2014 10:14 am EDT Updated: 5 hours ago Print Article 482167057

    Women's Empowerment Women Introversion Signs of Introversion Women's Empowerment Personal Growth Introverts Introverts and Extroverts Introverted Personal Development Power of Introverts Susan Cain the Power of Introverts Introvert vs Extrovert Introvert Introverted Women

    "Let's go," he says, taking my hand -- more pulling than leading me along. My heels clip-clop on the damp sidewalk, the evening's storm lingers. But the cool air hits my face, my back, my shoulders as we leave the packed theatre. It's welcome. The sun has set, the rain has stopped and I immediately feel free as we shed the crowd.

    Months of heart and work and crossed fingers led me onto a stage in front of 500 or so people last week. And when I was done, I was done.

    While my friends and my love wanted to raise their filled glasses -- beer frothing, wine spilling -- I wanted to go home. My husband usually knows when this is the case, but every once in awhile, he hedges his bets and pushes -- shoves? -- me toward a way that's not my own.

    But (almost) four decades in, I know my introverted self well and after spending a short time at the party, fondly observing the cheers I had no desire to join in on, I went home. Where I spent the next four days -- blissfully -- recovering.

    And absolutely everything was right -- for me -- about that introverted response. I love being an introvert, here are six reasons why.

    1. Introverts listen more than they talk. So they know -- really know -- how their people are doing. They understand what makes people tick, they connect the dots between vignettes that people share and thread them to create a roadmap of the people they love.
    What introverts are doing right here: In a time when we hide behind screens and share best-case-scenario versions of ourselves, truly seeing someone and wanting to understand their story is a gift.

    2. Introverts know when they need to shut down and that's exactly what they do. They understand self care and dive into it -- no excuses, apologies, or no thank yous to be found.
    What introverts are doing right here: This world moves quickly, finding stillness within it is a skill.


    3. Introverts know how to be by themselves. They require alone time to refill their energy stores and get back to even, to the point where they have the ability to be with others. Loving people but being content without them is something that people spend their angsty 20s -- and 30s, and maybe some of their 40s? -- striving for. Unless they're introverts.
    What introverts are doing right here:
    Introverts understand how to be alone without being lonely.

    4. Introverts pick the people they surround themselves with carefully.Unsupportive, unkind, take more than they give are traits that that drain and introverts already deplete quickly. They know when to cut their losses with a relationship. Introverts aren't hasty, but they do understand the "let go of the things -- and people -- that aren't serving you" mantra well.
    What introverts are doing right here: Surrounding yourself with good people is both a lift and a gift that everyone deserves.


    5. Introverts are sensitive to how others are feeling. Writer Lindsey Meadcalls this being porous -- feeling the sting of other people's hurts.
    What introverts are doing right here: This world is so peppered with sadness, kids -- and adults -- being bullied, misunderstood, asked to be who they're really not, that I have to believe that, while sometimes painful, tricky and difficult, being sensitive to others is a positive.

    6. Introverts engage in a lot of self talk. A lot of self talk. Their brains are constantly swirling with ideas and thoughts and opinions. And because they process better alone than with others, when they're ready to share, their words aren't careless.
    What introverts are doing right here: They only talk when they actually have something to say.


    Like most personality traits, there's an introverted-extroverted spectrum that people fall on. How often you do these things -- among others -- compared with how often you do their opposites tells you whether you lean toward extroversion or introversion.

    Either way, it's so easy to beat yourself up for who and how and what you are, isn't it?

    For introverts, it's questioning not always -- ever? -- being the last one at the party, or the first one for that matter, for choosing a book instead of an outing, mismatched jammies instead of a LBD, slippers instead of heels. For needing equal "off" time to balance "on" time.

    But our puzzle pieces fit together with room for all of our positives and these are just 6 of the traits that I think introverts can go ahead and (proudly) claim.

    Are you more introverted or extroverted? What trait do you love about being either one?

  • tornapart

    Really love this thread! Thanks Darth Frosty! (It'a all SOOOO True!!)

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    15 Things That Introverts Would Never Tell You

    Posted By Expanded Consciousness on April 29, 2014 Share 3.5K Tweet 25 14 10 Share 3.7K feature_image_template

    Introverts get a bad rap in a world that celebrates extroversion and “people-persons”. There are things introverts wish you knew about them that would help any relationship or situation. For instance, we are not anti-social or depressed, we’re just different. In fact, many envy us for our self-contained, cool manner that keeps others calm, focused, and safe. People love us, in secret. As introverts, we have many “ways” that only our closest friends understand. Here are several things about introverts you may not know.

    We don’t care about your birthday.

    Any introvert who works in an office knows how it feels to be hustled for birthday cake money. It makes us squirm when a random office person cheerily volunteers that it happens to be their birthday. We think they expect us to respond with like enthusiasm and interest, and maybe even accept their invitation to join them for drinks with a group of about 300 other random people to celebrate. Three hundred is a bit of an exaggeration, but feels that way to an introvert who just wants to go home. If you don’t invite us, we’re not offended. We’re relieved.

    We don’t need you to care about our birthday.

    Yeah, we don’t. We have friends who genuinely know us and care, if we care. However, an interesting thing about introverts, is some don’t need to celebrate it. We’re okay with quietly honouring the day on our own or with a group of friends we’ve carefully selected. We don’t have to let the world know.

    We are not really listening as you recount your weekend.

    Unless you are part of our circle of friends, we don’t care what you did last weekend. We are of the mind that everyone has a right to privacy, and if you chose to spend it in a drunken stupor or beating down the door of your ex, then that is up to you. We don’t judge, and find it takes too much energy to give it to people we don’t know. Just because we work with you, that doesn’t mean we know you.

    We hate crowds.

    Large groups of people make us tired. All the stimulation of having so many different types from all walks of life can make us a little woozy. Some introverts are empaths, so they tend to take on the energy of others easily. We sometimes feel like we “know” everyone in the room and get easily overwhelmed with the swirl of activity.

    We don’t really like networking events.

    This is especially hard for introverts who run a business. Networking makes us feel like we have to perform. We struggle to say the right thing and listen attentively. We don’t really care since we don’t know you. Even in business, we have to feel connected to someone on another level to get the most out of a networking type of event. This takes time, and choosing the right event, and coming up with a plan to offer value to others, while getting some for ourselves.

    We force ourselves to act like we like you.

    This is the nasty truth. We know who we like and don’t. It can stem from many reasons that can have its roots in childhood to what we ate for breakfast this morning. Don’t take it personally. We appreciate honesty, and sometimes it hurts. To survive, we have to supersede these feelings and be nice. Nice can be harder than being real.

    We know how to get stuff done.

    We pack our alone time with activities–projects, phone calls, emails, rough drafts and blueprints for world takeover of our next big idea (which we have lots of). We value solitude because it lets us experiment with new concepts, plan and stretch our imagination. Anything is possible when we spend time alone, and what we create may change our lives, and yours, too.

    We like to write things out.

    We love email because it helps us get what we need without interruptions. Interruptions throw us off course, and we need to expend more energy to get back on track. So, please don’t call unless it is a close-ended question.

    We feel safe with the right people.

    When we have the right people in our lives, we give our all. We give our best selves. We become protective warriors who will fight almost any cause for someone we love. Just ask our friends. We blossom in the right company, and shine. It takes us time to find the right people, and when we do, we don’t hold back.

    We do have friends, who really like us.

    Introverts like people, and people like us. Most introverts have no issue with hanging out in groups, and spending time with others. If we have friends, it’s because we consciously chose them. We’ve put effort into the relationship, and our friends know that. We go to bars, parties, and meet new people. The difference is that not everyone we meet becomes a friend.

    We can do the extrovert thing, for a while.

    We have to do that to get along. We can be the life of the party, host the networking event, and be the chairperson of the charity. We do this willingly, knowing that at the end of the day we can go home. When we get there, it may take days, or weeks to replenish ourselves, and feel ready to do that again.

    We are not shy, rude or uptight.

    At first, we may seem that way. Get to know us, and we can actually make you laugh, and hold a conversation that lasts more than 15 minutes. The thing is, we don’t share this with everyone. Being “social” or “sociable” is an option, not a way of being. We can’t fake happy or excited really well, and we show what we think on our face, not as much in our words.

    We are okay alone.

    We have lots going on in our heads and don’t need more. Unlike our extrovert counterparts, we don’t need others for stimulation. We’re constantly working out life in our heads. We entertain ourselves with creative projects and know how to take ourselves out for a good time. More people, means more stuff to deal with, and we’ve got enough of our own energy to hold.

    We hate small talk.

    We’re thinkers, and we relish conversations about big ideas, theories and ideals. We rarely get into small talk and do so comfortably.


  • talesin

    I'm thinking about many years ago, sitting around the kitchen table at the farm, in the evening. Everyone doing a jigsaw. There was no TV, no computers, and a party-line phone with a crank on the side to ring the operator. (lol, okay, it was the 60s, country, all right? I'm not *that* old)

    ~ Where's cousin Edwin?

    ~ Oh, he's off in his room, drawing or reading.

    ~ Oh, okay.

    I guess cuz was an introvert.


  • LisaRose

    I can totally relate to the sweet, sweet energy juices. I have an extroverted friend, she wears me out. I love her, I enjoy her company, but after we spend time together I feel exhausted and depleted. She, on the other hand, had a great time and feels ready to spend more time, she is planning the next day together. She also calls me constantly, it's weird. She called me three times today. I am flattered that she likes me, but it's getting to be a bit much. You would think that the fact that I never call her would be a clue, but no.

    I need my me time.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty
    23 Signs You’re Secretly An Introvert

    Huffington Post | Think you can spot an introvert in a crowd? Think again. Although the stereotypical introvert may be the one at the party who’s hanging out alone by the food table fiddling with an iPhone, the “social butterfly” can just as easily have an introverted personality.

    “Spotting the introvert can be harder than finding Waldo,” Sophia Dembling, author of “The Introvert’s Way: Living a Quiet Life in a Noisy World,” tells The Huffington Post. “A lot of introverts can pass as extroverts.”

    People are frequently unaware that they’re introverts -– especially if they’re not shy — because they may not realize that being an introvert is about more than just cultivating time alone. Instead, it can be more instructive to pay attention to whether they’re losing or gaining energy from being around others, even if the company of friends gives them pleasure.

    “Introversion is a basic temperament, so the social aspect — which is what people focus on — is really a small part of being an introvert,” Dr. Marti Olsen Laney, psychotherapist and author of “The Introvert Advantage,” said in a Mensa discussion. “It affects everything in your life.”

    Despite the growing conversation around introversion, it remains a frequently misunderstood personality trait. As recently as 2010, the American Psychiatric Association even considered classifying “introverted personality” as a disorder by listing it in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5), a manual used to diagnose mental illness.

    But more and more introverts are speaking out about what it really means to be a “quiet” type. Not sure if you’re an innie or an outie? See if any of these 23 telltale signs of introversion apply to you.

    1. You find small talk incredibly cumbersome.

    Introverts are notoriously small talk-phobic, as they find idle chatter to be a source of anxiety, or at least annoyance. For many quiet types, chitchat can feel disingenuous.

    “Let’s clear one thing up: Introverts do not hate small talk because we dislike people,” Laurie Helgoe writes in “Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength.” “We hate small talk because we hate the barrier it creates between people.”

    2. You go to parties -– but not to meet people.

    If you’re an introvert, you may sometimes enjoy going to parties, but chances are, you’re not going because you’re excited to meet new people. At a party, most introverts would rather spend time with people they already know and feel comfortable around. If you happen to meet a new person that you connect with, great — but meeting people is rarely the goal.

    3. You often feel alone in a crowd.

    Ever feel like an outsider in the middle of social gatherings and group activities, even with people you know?

    “If you tend to find yourself feeling alone in a crowd, you might be an introvert,” says Dembling. “We might let friends or activities pick us, rather than extending our own invitations.”

    4. Networking makes you feel like a phony.

    Networking (read: small-talk with the end goal of advancing your career) can feel particularly disingenuous for introverts, who crave authenticity in their interactions.

    “Networking is stressful if we do it in the ways that are stressful to us,” Dembling says, advising introverts to network in small, intimate groups rather than at large mixers.

    5. You’ve been called “too intense.”

    Do you have a penchant for philosophical conversations and a love of thought-provoking books and movies? If so, you’re a textbook introvert.

    “Introverts like to jump into the deep end,” says Dembling.

    6. You’re easily distracted.

    While extroverts tend to get bored easily when they don’t have enough to do, introverts have the opposite problem — they get easily distracted and overwhelmed in environments with an excess of stimulation.

    “Extroverts are commonly found to be more easily bored than introverts on monotonous tasks, probably because they require and thrive on high levels of stimulation,” Clark University researchers wrote in a paper published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology . “In contrast, introverts are more easily distracted than extroverts and, hence, prefer relatively unstimulating environments.”

    7. Downtime doesn’t feel unproductive to you.

    One of the most fundamental characteristics of introverts is that they need time alone to recharge their batteries. Whereas an extrovert might get bored or antsy spending a day at home alone with tea and a stack of magazines, this sort of down time feels necessary and satisfying to an introvert.

    8. Giving a talk in front of 500 people is less stressful than having to mingle with those people afterwards.

    Introverts can be excellent leaders and public speakers — and although they’re stereotyped as being the shrinking violet, they don’t necessarily shy away from the spotlight. Performers like Lady Gaga, Christina Aguilera and Emma Watson allidentify as introverts, and an estimated 40 percent of CEOs have introverted personalities. Instead, an introvert might struggle more with meeting and greeting large groups of people on an individual basis.

    9. When you get on the subway, you sit at the end of the bench -– not in the middle.

    Whenever possible, introverts tend to avoid being surrounded by people on all sides.

    “We’re likely to sit in places where we can get away when we’re ready to — easily,” says Dembling. “When I go to the theater, I want the aisle seat or the back seat.”

    10. You start to shut down after you’ve been active for too long.

    Do you start to get tired and unresponsive after you’ve been out and about for too long? It’s likely because you’re trying to conserve energy. Everything introverts do in the outside world causes them to expend energy, after which they’ll need to go back and replenish their stores in a quiet environment, says Dembling. Short of a quiet place to go, many introverts will resort to zoning out.

    11. You’re in a relationship with an extrovert.

    It’s true that opposites attract, and introverts frequently gravitate towards outgoing extroverts who encourage them to have fun and not take themselves too seriously.

    “Introverts are sometimes drawn to extroverts because they like being able to ride their ‘fun bubble,’” Dembling says.

    12. You’d rather be an expert at one thing than try to do everything.

    The dominant brain pathways introverts use is one that allows you to focus and think about things for a while, so they’re geared toward intense study and developing expertise, according to Olsen Laney.

    13. You actively avoid any shows that might involve audience participation.

    Because really, is anything more terrifying?

    14. You screen all your calls — even from friends.

    You may not pick up your phone even from people you like, but you’ll call them back as soon as you’re mentally prepared and have gathered the energy for the conversation.

    “To me, a ringing phone is like having somebody jump out of a closet and go ‘BOO!,’” says Dembling. “I do like having a long, nice phone call with a friend — as long as it’s not jumping out of the sky at me.”

    15. You notice details that others don’t.

    The upside of being overwhelmed by too much stimuli is that introverts often have a keen eye for detail, noticing things that may escape others around them. Research has found that introverts exhibit increased brain activity when processing visual information, as compared to extroverts.

    16. You have a constantly running inner monologue.

    “Extroverts don’t have the same internal talking as we do,” says Olsen Laney. “Most introverts need to think first and talk later.”

    17. You have low blood pressure.

    A 2006 Japanese study found that introverts tend to have lower blood pressure than their extroverted counterparts.

    18. You’ve been called an “old soul” -– since your 20s.

    Introverts observe and take in a lot of information, and they think before they speak, leading them to appear wise to others.

    “Introverts tend to think hard and be analytical,” says Dembling. “That can make them seem wise.”

    19. You don’t feel “high” from your surroundings

    Neurochemically speaking, things like huge parties just aren’t your thing. Extroverts and introverts differ significantly in how their brains process experiences through “reward” centers.

    Researchers demonstrated this phenomenon by giving Ritalin — the ADHD drug that stimulates dopamine production in the brain — to introverted and extroverted college students. They found that extroverts were more likely to associate the feeling of euphoria achieved by the rush of dopamine with the environment they were in. Introverts, by contrast, did not connect the feeling of reward to their surroundings. The study “suggests that introverts have a fundamental difference in how strongly they process rewards from their environment, with the brains of introverts weighing internal cues more strongly than external motivational and reward cues,” explained LiveScience’s Tia Ghose.

    20. You look at the big picture.

    When describing the way that introverts think, Jung explained that they’re more interested in ideas and the big picture rather than facts and details. Of course, many introverts excel in detail-oriented tasks — but they often have a mind for more abstract concepts as well.

    “Introverts do really enjoy abstract discussion,” says Dembling.

    21. You’ve been told to “come out of your shell.”

    Many introverted children come to believe that there’s something “wrong” with them if they’re naturally less outspoken and assertive than their peers. Introverted adults often say that as children, they were told to come out of their shells or participate more in class.

    22. You’re a writer.

    Introverts are often better at communicating in writing than in person, and many are drawn to the solitary, creative profession of writing. Most introverts – like “Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling – say that they feel most creatively charged when they have time to be alone with their thoughts.

    23. You alternate between phases of work and solitude, and periods of social activity.

    Introverts can move around their introverted “set point” which determines how they need to balance solitude with social activity. But when they move too much — possibly by over-exerting themselves with too much socializing and busyness — they get stressed and need to come back to themselves, according Olsen Laney. This may manifest as going through periods of heightened social activity, and then balancing it out with a period of inwardness and solitude.

    “There’s a recovery point that seems to be correlated with how much interaction you’ve done,” says Dembling. “We all have our own private cycles.”


  • Apognophos

    That all describes me quite closely. One of the things that I used to find puzzling about myself was that it wasn't hard for me to speak to groups (like in a Ministry School part), but actually milling about in the Hall afterwards was slightly terrifying (esp. after talks when people would want to compliment me), and I would always retreat to another area of the Hall where I could interact with people in a more intimate, controlled manner.

  • darth frosty
  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I tested highly extrovert. My sister is an introvert. These categories appear flimsy psychobabble to me. We did a course on temperament in church. I always assumed my siblings hated me. We were just born with different strengths. I spent so much of my childhood reading books alone that I was certain I would test introvert. Corporate culture is all about extroversion. Skills can be taught. When we left the Witnesses, we had no social skills. We were afraid of strangers. What is a party? How do you make small talk without referencing the WT? It is funny now but I recall great pain. I paid a choreographer to help me dance. The business banter where you talk without revealing anything personal is hard.

  • Mum

    Amerian culture highly favors people with great social skills. It's hard on introverts to go to job interviews and not look disinterested or "standoffish." My mother told me that I was "standoffish." Both of my biological parents had excellent social skills, They were ignorant as a box of rocks, unmotivated to achieve anything, and violent - but people loved them because they had the "gift of gab" and seemed so down home and folksy. As for my "career" success, I learned that working for temp agencies would get me hired much faster than an interview because they could see that I was capable even though I was quiet and withdrawn.

    In the '70's, I recall a Watchtower article that recommended not being an introvert (and, to some degree, it might be a choice?) but, rather, a "happy, loving extrovert." I maintain that extroverts are neither more happy nor more loving than introverts, though I can understand how it might appear to be the case.

    As I've gotten older, I've come out of my shell a lot. After having to look for jobs for much of my life, endure countless interviews, and interact with crazy religious people and wacky co-workers, I've learned to appear more friendly and talkative.

    I, and most introverts, I would wager, like myself just as I am and cannot see the possibilty of any growth or gain by not being just the way I was made.

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