Are we losing members quicker than the WT ??

by wobble 79 Replies latest jw friends

  • sizemik

    Sobering post Lois . . .

    It is for you that this place exists . . . make yourself at home.

  • still thinking
    still thinking


  • MrFreeze

    Some people no longer need this website. They've said what they needed to say. They've read what they've needed to read. Maybe they get bored with it. Looks to me like people come and go. That's the great thing about this place. You are free to come and go.

  • ziddina

    Welcome, Lois...

    I hope this site proves to be as much of a shelter and - as you called it, a lifeline - for you, as it has for many other people.

    Bryce canyon with snow

  • steve2

    Hi Lois. You're perfectly welcome to be here, whether or not you post. Sounds like you're doing your best to come to terms with a lot of stuff that's been less than ideal for a long, long time.

    Give yourself time to reflect and process what you've been through. The only 'rush' or 'pressure' is created by well-meaning people who need you to be anxious so they can manipulate you.

    On this site, you've got the company of others who understand. You won't necessarily get the boot-strapped uniformity found in the organization - which is good. At least here when people say they understand and accept you, they pretty much mean it. All the best for you.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Thank you ALL for your kind and encouraging help/words.

    You, are suppose to be the bogey man. That is what I was taught/told.

    THEY, are about love.

    No. THEY are the bad, bogey man/men.

    YOU are the good guys full of truth and love.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    We are the bogey man....LOL

    Bogeyman (folklore)

    Edit A common depiction of the Bogeyman. B1bl1kalAdded by B1bl1kal The Bogeyman is the archetype of the creature type known as bogeymen - a monster that is designed as a tool to scare children into good behavior or to protect them from harm: the Bogeyman himself is a formless being that can take any shape the storyteller wishes though he tends to be a grotesque humanoid with a tendency to hide under beds, in closets and other dark places.

    The Bogeyman is said to only go after naughty children and his punishments are said to vary from mischievious pranks such as pulling hair, biting toes or shaking beds (akin to a poltergeist) or more malevolent behavior such as manifesting as horrible creatures to scare the child or even going as far as kidnapping the child and taking them away to his shadowy realm to an undisclosed fate (though he is often said to eat them).

    The Bogeyman is related to many similiar beings - who, together, form an entire villain type in themselves: however he is definitely the most infamous of them all and is especially prominent in Western cultures.

    Even to this day some people will use the Bogeyman to scare children into good behavior, though it is becoming less popular due to negative effects it can bring to some children - fear of the Bogeyman is also a natural part of children's development and it is very common for children to go through a period of fear over the Bogeyman in the closet or under their bed: usually people grow out of this fear when they grew older but the few who don't can suffer the curse of the Bogeyman for their entire lives (unless they are fortunate enough to get help in conquering this fear--Like the boy In the film BOOGEY MAN).

  • sizemik
    Looks to me like people come and go. That's the great thing about this place. You are free to come and go.


    Really . . . the speed with which members come and go . . . are both measures of the success of JWN.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    LOIS LANE LFS- numb is a perfect description of how I felt when I learned TTATT. This site has definitely helped me to ground myself somewhat and keep up to date on any new happenings which might help me liberate at least some of my family.

  • Balaamsass


    HUGS from 3rd Gen and I

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