Jehovah Bled For YOU - To Receive YOUR Punishment (the wages of sin)

by Perry 96 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough
    The Trinity is farsical theology.

    I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

  • designs

    Live in fear, that the Christian message, no thanks.....

  • beksbks

    Let's see I'm going to create man in my image. Now I'm going to give him free will to do things that piss me off. Now I'm going to pronounce punishment on him. But I'll give him a get out free card by sacrificing myself Ok got it.

  • trevor

    Perry, I know you believe all this bleeding stuff, punishment, redemption, wages and so on.

    Give yourself a break and enjoy your moment in the sun on planet earth. It is unique, irreplaceable and priceless.

    The gods will take care of themselves.

  • wasblind

    " Let's see I'm going to create man in my image. Now I'm going to give him free will to do things that piss me off. Now I'm going to pronounce punishment on him. But I'll give him a get out free card by sacrificing myself Ok got it."

    Beks, I know why I have always liked you as a poster, and that's because even if what I believe ( and you summed it up pretty good )

    sounds ridiculous, you still like me too ((((((( Beks & Wuz )))))))

    Edit: If you read back through my post you won't find me referin' myself as a Christian because I have a habit of using colorful language and for me that would be bein' a hypocrite, but I do believe in Jesus and he knows my flaws

    I hope he don't put no hot sause down my mouth

  • Vanderhoven7


    Right on. Every knee will soon bow, and every tongue confess to the glory of God that Jesus Christ is Jehovah.


  • designs



  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Let's see I'm going to create man in my image. Now I'm going to give him free will to do things that piss me off. Now I'm going to pronounce punishment on him. But I'll give him a get out free card by sacrificing myself Ok got it.

    Oh sure, it sounds stupid the way you say it.

  • undercover
  • SweetBabyCheezits

    lol @ Keyser & beks - you two make a good team.

    MM: All gods demand sacrifice, and there seems to be something in the human psyche that longs to sacrifice to a god, be it literally or symbolically, or it wouldn't have been going on since humans were human.

    MM, I'm gonna try to politely challenge that idea: The same could be said of war, which has been going on as long as sacrifice. I certainly hope the idea of slaughtering one another wasn't programmed into our psyche by a higher intelligence. If so, what does that say about [G]od?

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