Jehovah Bled For YOU - To Receive YOUR Punishment (the wages of sin)

by Perry 96 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PSacramento

    Pretty much every interlinear states for Zechariah "me whom they have peirced/stabbed" ( those that say whom, like the NRSV, make not that it is ME in Hebrew).

    As for Acts, there are twp ways one can read that:

    IN greek its states that the chruch of God was purchased with the blood of his own, which can be read as God's own blood OR to imply the Blood of God's own son.

    Some manuscripts do read Chrurch of the Lord instead God, but I think the oldest read Church of God.

    The most natural reading would be:

    ...His own blood BUT one can possible say: With the blood of his own, since the greel language order is a tad fluid depending on what is trying to be said.

    Leo would be the person to ask about this.

  • wasblind

    LEO, Please come to this thread.

  • ProdigalSon

    I always get a kick out of this "one in essence" stuff. What the heck does that mean? I suspect it's a fundy's way of saying, "we have no idea, but it sounds good".

    One in Consciousness is more like it.

    The Jehovah energy within you is the same as the Christ energy within you. J is the Iod or phallus and HVH is EVE, the female aspect. They are both male and female and they are the Monad, the Divine Inner Being. So Jehovah and Christ are one and the same. They are not "people" or entities, as we try to imagine in our limited minds. This is interdimensional, metaphysical energy. MOST people have this spirit within, but there are spiritless humans walking this earth. It has nothing to do with religious affiliations. It has to do with an awakened consciousness. People on this forum have awakened consciousnesses to varying degrees. Those that are still asleep will wake up in due time at their own speed and according to world events and the lifting of suppressed knowledge to help them along. But there is NO ONE here who is spiritless, as it would be impossible to ever be a JW. Spiritless people simply don't give a shit about spiritual things.

    No one dies for anyone else's sins. Your own Bible tells you this Perry. You pick and choose the scriptures that fit what you have been brainwashed to believe. There's no bloodthirsty god in the sky who magically forgives sins because of a "perfect" human sacrifice. All that shit is black magic put in your Bible by Ezra and carried on by the Catholic Church.

    Wake up man!

  • designs

    Angels and Demons, fun movie.....

  • Perry


    You seem like a very angry person and I'm not taking your Troll bait... sorry.

    It has taken me decades just to undo the mess that the WT has made of Christianity just so I could figure out what it is exactly that a person accepts or rejects as a Christian.

    The explanations I have given above are orthodox Christian doctrine believed by billions of people for 2000 years. You can believe whatever variations you wish, but it won't be Christian.

    You may resume your rant now.

  • designs

    Perry- your myth is like Swiss Cheese

    As for the socalled Orthodox Christians they killed off any who disagreed, lovely Born Againers

  • Perry


    I'm not taking your troll bait either. Orthodox Christians have the greatest record of perseverence ever recorded in the history of the world. You will never change nor silence that fact....ever.

    God bless you.

  • designs

    Perry- Bless all the Orthodox Bishops who gathered 'Christians' for war and plunder against all perceived enemies and you have a blood trail going back 2000 years.

    Good ol Orthodox Bishop Chrysotomos and his Christian thugs burned, raped, plundered a 250,000 Jewish community in Alexandra Egypt, among a few thousand other examples that could be cited from History.

    Christianty- the religion that keeps on bleeding............

  • wasblind

    Come on now guys,

    can't we just respect each other regaurdless of our personal beliefs

    I'm Out see y'all later

  • designs

    Wasn't that Rodney King's lament......

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