What Do You Miss About Being An Active JW?

by minimus 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • Reality79

    Apart from the very few halfway decent people who didn't slander me or make my life a total misery - absolutely nothing.

  • cyberjesus

    a double life

  • OnTheWayOut

    It's Friday. I thought some visuals might help.

  • minimus

    I know that chick.

  • straightshooter

    Do you miss the "friends"? There were a few really good jw in the cong. It used to be more fun with all the gatherings that happened, then gradually that vanished.

    Do you miss the meetings? They were boring and a waste of time

    Do you miss field service? Total waste of time

    Do you miss the elders? Even ones I thought were originally friends, because two-faced when around other elders.

    the singing - No, I could never carry a tune.

  • minimus

    I miss the parking spaces only for clergy at hospitals that I was able to park in.

  • confuzzled777

    I miss being able to get together with my in-laws . We were always doing things with them, whether it was hanging out at each others homes, going out to dinner, going to concerts together, celebrating each others anniversaries......so on and so forth. I miss the football parties that we used to have at our home where all of our friends and family would come over and hang out. I miss the card parties that we would hold or go to. I miss staying up till 5am having drinks in our hot tub with our friends from the hall. Conversations would take on a completely different tone outside in the freezing cold while were were all having drinks half naked! LOL I miss the good times that we all had, the vacations that we took together, the bike rides we used to take as families. I even miss our "service" days where we would drive from one end of town to the other to drop off magazines in the laundry mats. Then hanging out at the local HyVee drinking coffee or eating lunch to finish out the morning.

    I do not miss the meetings (partially because I have gone to the last 2 lol) I do not miss knocking on peoples doors trying to hand them a watchtower or reading them a scripture. I do not miss the hypocricy in the cong. I do not miss the self righteous brothers and sisters who think their shit don't stink. I do not miss the singing. I do not miss getting up on stage with another sister and trying to put together a talk that sounded conversational. I do not miss the CO visits where people come out of the woodwork just to make a showing for another man with a title.

    Since I have been df'd I have made AMAZING friends. My hubby has always been close with his family and has good friends from work, so no need to make new friends for him. But my friends are MY friends and his friends and family can't talk to me (with the exception of those from work). We do not do things together as families and I don't forsee it happening in the future. So, I do miss the close knit group that we had in our cong. Funny thing is those that "tattled" on us were NOT the ones that we did things with regularly. Maybe they were just jealous of the fun that we were having without them. Who the hell knows!

  • minimus

    I miss very few of the "friends".

  • Magwitch

    I miss the new clothes every month from Neiman Marcus. I no longer have any need for them nor the money to shop there anymore.

  • minimus


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