What Do You Miss About Being An Active JW?

by minimus 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Nothing whatsoever

  • Scully

    Not having to think for myself and figure out how I really really felt about things... on the level of my conscience. That was actually tough to get used to for a while, not having pat answers to questions... but now that I've learned to think for myself, I wouldn't give it up for anything.

    Being able to defer to Mr Scully on a lot of requests from other people and chalking it up to Headship™. I now use a variation on the theme, but it's now more along the lines of "Let me check with Mr Scully to make sure we're on the same page first".

    I used to like wearing dresses. After culling the contents of my closet, I think I have only two dresses left and I'm probably going to throw them out in spring cleaning.

  • beksbks
    Nothing that I haven't found elsewhere of higher quality without the painful cost.


  • tec

    Shelby, I loved your last post.

    Factfinder - I am sorry you lost your mother. I am sorry your faith was so tied to the JW's that it is shipwrecked without them. But God is so much more than what they taught you; than what they believe. I hope you will discover that one day.

    Your mother died, yes, but she did also have life - a gift, and one that she can have again. And I agree that the only ones who might not be given this life are those who actively seek out to destroy those who do love God, and belong to Him. Does He want to destroy anyone? No, I believe (as even the gospels state) that He wants all men to come to life.

    I pray you find peace and comfort,


  • crapola

    Nothing at all.

  • factfinder


    Thank you very much! Yes, Shelby wrote a very encouraging post and Syl too! I appreciate the concern that those here have shown for me.

    I wish I could believe that my MOM (and Dad) will definatly be ressurected and I will see them again.

    I hope too that I can somehow find faith again without the jws- but yes- everything I learned about Jehovah, Jesus and the Bible was through them.

    Thank you for saying that God is so much more than what the jws taught me. I too hope I can find balance and discover what the real truth about God is and find the hope and comfort that so many of you have found. I am tired at being bitter and angry at god ( and at the cong and wts too) it wears me out being so negative. But my anger is so engrained. If I knew for sure I'd be able to be with my parents again my bad feelings towards God would change. Thank you Tammy!!!

  • AGuest

    It's late, dear FactFinder (the greatest of love and peace to you!) and, unfortunately, I'm feeling a bit tired so I won't do my usual "bump-by-bump" response. Besides, dear tec (the greatest of love and peace to you, as well!) did what I'm often unable to do and that is respond concisely. I would like to address and respond to one thing you stated, that might help you "see" what I (and dear tec) are speaking of. You stated:

    If I knew for sure (emphasis mine - SA) I'd be able to be with my parents again my bad feelings towards God would change.

    I would like to offer, dear one, that:

    "Faith... is the ASSURED EXPECTATION... OF... the THING HOPED FOR... the EVIDENT DEMONSTRATION... of REALITY... though NOT beheld."

    I encourage you, then, to exercise FAITH as to the hope you have for your parents. And if you are lacking faith... regardless of the reason... just ask for it. It is a fruit of God's spirit... which He doesn't withhold from those asking... through Christ. But ask, dear one, without doubting... as to receiving faith... AND as to the hope for your parents. Without doubting... which, admittedly, isn't as easy as it sounds for some.

    Again, peace to you and may the undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, the Most Holy One of Israel, and the love and peace of His Son and Christ, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit... my Lord and King, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... be upon you... your mom and dad... and your entire household... if you so wish it.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,

    SA, who, yes, could simply tell you and others here these things (and actually would SO love to be able to just do that!) but thinks that perhaps if you see it in writing (or remember that you once saw it in writing), you might be able to put just a little MORE faith in them (as some here are able to do). For some, that is what works for now; that is, until such one receives the promised holy spirit and through it discerns... the Law [of love] written on his/her heart...

  • zeroday*

    Not a God Damn Thing...

  • MrFreeze

    I miss a few people. But I think that about covers it.

  • serenitynow!
    Someone please, please, please abuse me so I can feel normal again!

    I like to inflict pain! Are you close to Windsor?

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