Feb. 15th WT - WT Society says DFed Ones are Lawless- Just Like Demons

by flipper 217 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    "Do your kids engage in sexual relations to their boyfriend or to their girlfriend? Do any of them use any form of birth control when engaging in premarital sexual relations? Do they practice "safe sex" through the use of condoms? Are any of them sterile due to having contracted chlamydia during their teenage years, so that they are unable to have children or are not able or willing to get married for fear they might unintentionally pass on human papilloma virus (HPV), or some incurable disease like Herpes simplex or Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes virus (HHV-8) to their spouse, or maybe unwittingly affect their child with a loathsome disease at some point during the marriage, should they marry? Not my children. My children know that in Christ there is no such thing as "safe sex.""

    Don't fool yourself Eggnog, once your kids leave the nest you have no control over who they decided to poke or let poke them.

  • villabolo


    "I did notice that you embedded videos into your post; I don't watch YouTube videos. To do that would arguably be socializing with you and I don't wish to do that. I am really speaking to "All" even if the convention here may be to post a message to a particular poster."


    That's really funny, djeggnog. Watching my posted You Tubes of two raped girls, facing disfellowshipping for exposing Brother Rapist, is somehow associating with me. However, reading what I and everyone else on this board has to say and responding to them is not.

    Well, there's nothing funny about the faces of those girls. Your gutless, spineless soul would not be able to look at them face to face. The faces of traumatized victims of your Demon Goddess, the Bitchtower.

    You think yourself so 'manly' and 'spiritual' when you vomit your Pharisaical excrement at people on this forum, from the safety of a keyboard, but you'd likely run away from those teenage girls on CNN if they were to run into you out in the real world.


    PS: You make a good argument for Eugenics.

  • villabolo

    Djeggnog puking at cantleave:

    Cantleave: I refuse to commit [idolatry], and am DF'd for it.

    Djeggnog: Idolatry? I don't follow.

    I can not show repentance for what I did without compromising my belief that the governing body are setting [themselves] up as idols.

    I read this above-quoted snippet of yours, but I cannot follow your logic here.

    First, you said you didn't believe the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses to be God's sole channel of communication on earth. I told you that this statement doesn't constitute lawlessness, because lawlessness is sin.

    Now I think that you are telling me that you also told someone -- one or more of the local elders? -- that you believe the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses have set themselves up as gods (or "idols"). If this is what you are essentially telling me that you said, this still sounds to me like an opinion, one with which I disagree, but an opinion nonetheless. I see nothing in the statement itself that would merit a Judicial Committee, but, again, I didn't hear your case and do not know all of the facts.

    My response:

    You damn liar! I was disfellowshipped for saying that the Organization should not call itself "The Truth" even if it were doctrinally correct because it would seem like an infringement upon Jesus when he said, "I am the way, the truth and the life."

    That was actually milder than what cantleave said and yet my Judicial Committee (They, under control of a CO, didn't even inform me that there was going to be a JC. They simply tried me in Absentia.).

    Face it djeggnog, your organization are self worshipping narcissists who are constantly glorifying themselves.


  • nugget

    you have no interest in anything but your old agenda and the term old light still applies to anything from the nineteen seventies. You don't know enough about your own religion to debate properly and your conduct tells me everything I need to know about you. You don't want to research shows me that you are happy to be led by men please go back to the vomit you came from.

  • nugget

    as far as Cantleaves statement goes I was there and it happened to him and it happened to me. You can be disfellowshipped for saying that you do not believe that the governing body is not god's sole representative on earth. If you think you can't I dare you try it.

  • Listener

    Thanks Qandry. I wrote another thread to explain a little further about my situation. I ended up leaving, I was 19 and chose a bad path as has been explained on this forum by others that we tend to go a bit bizerk. My father advised the other elders of my immoral life and they requiredtwo witnesses to df me, one of my sister's, who also knew, was not prepared to be the second witness so I was not df'd officially but those of my family who are JWs treated me as if I was. My father did end up standing down for a short while.

    Over a 20 year period he only spoke to me once. He came to my door one morning and said he was there just to have a little word to me as he knew I would not be recieving occassional visits from the elders. He said above anything else to never, ever accept the Trinity. That was a strange visit and left me puzzled. I didn't have any communication with him for another ten years and he became very ill with cancer. I had planned to stay with my mother (a non-believer) in a Motel and was shocked when he said I could stay in his home. I was nervous as he was a very controlling/demanding sort of person, he always aimed for perfection. He asked me how I felt about the religion and I said I still could not accept the authority and I felt the men were overbearing.

    He was a very spiritual man and his love of Jehovah meant he put him first, he told me that I had caused him the most anguish in his life, even though he had two sons (unbaptized) who could not accept the religion and lived very immoral lives. I respected him greatly for his devotion even though it meant me missing out but I fully understood his position.

    On that first visit home after 20 years, he told me something that plays on my mind to this day. He said 'Listener, there is something that I have truelly learnt in only the last couple of years and that is God is Love' He went on to explain that he now fully appreciated and understood how God works. That is, he does absolutely everything firstly and foremostly from Love and what a fine thing that was. What I couldn't understand is how could he just be understanding this now after being such a devoted Christian and elder for most of his adult life. He understood the bible better than most elders, was very intelligent and chose to leave his highly paid job and became a full time pioneer for the last 20 years of his life. I wondered why it had taken so long to understand this principle. Why with the hungdreds of pieces of JW literature he had read, the hundreds of talks he had given, the amount of meetings he had attended and all the direction provided by the GB, this principle had only been impressed in his mind and only later became impressed on his heart with a true understanding?

    So I felt a special closeness to him as I knew exactly what he meant and I was privelaged to be able to return home monthly to help look after him as he slowly died. This was the worst period ever during my life and he made it a most rewarding experiance. His peacefullness and acceptance were truelly a blessing to see. One of the nurses that visited weekly said there was something special in this household that she hadn't seen before and even though they were the experts in their job he would have died months sooner if he had been cared for in the hospital. It was in this atmosphere and with the devoted love and caring from my mother that all seven of his children were at home sleeping under the one roof as he died peacefully in his sleep. A good man will draw this kind of love around him.

    Sorry about the long winded answer Qandry, but yes he died faithfully 'in' the religion but much more importantly he died as faithful as any man could to his father, Jehovah.

    Through this loving kindness that he showed me and his devotion to God I have gained so much and since then I have renewed my own relationship with God but I cannot do it through the JW religion as I do not see this example of love as set by Jehovah and his son and my own father. The title of this thread and how they deal with the disfellowshipped is just one example.

    Thanks also for your comments DJeggnog. Unfortunatley our circumstances and experiances in life set of a chain of events from which there seems no return.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I am laughing my socks off at you eggnog!

    so you can excuse your being on this forum because "some are apostates'' (obviously those that are NOT make it ok)

    and you think ''not counting time'' makes it ok too!

    you tool!

    As to TOPIC, evil is as evil does. No amount of sugar coating poison makes it safe.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    @ DJegg:

    Don't bother crafting responses to me. I'm not posting anything to you. This is Flipper's thread, not yours.

    You are a poseur.

    That's all I have to say to a phony like you.

  • ziddina
    " [From Flipper to Djeggnog...] "You waste a lot of words- to basically say nothing. ..."

    Flipper, you took the words right out of my mouth!!

    Miles of blather by a guy who CLAIMS to be a Jehovah's Witness in good standing, who's named himself after a PAGAN Christmas drink and posts on an apostate site...

    Yeah, I'm sure that DJEggnog is spouting the "Holy Spirit" of the Watchtower Society, all right...

    Sic 'im, Just In From Bethel!!

  • ziddina
    "What other religion declares that anyone who formally resigns is a wicked and lawless person? ..."

    Ah, well, Mr. Monroe, if you're talking about Christians, then almost none of them do, except for a few small fundamentalist sects and extremely conservative groups such as the Amish...

    But in general, Muslims take the same attitude, with the difference that fundamentalist, extremist Muslims frequently execute the person leaving the Muslim religion...

    Something that the Gov.Bod probably has fantasies about, no doubt...


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