Please read and sign ... Grace had a scarey fall ...

by wannabefree 88 Replies latest jw friends

  • only me
    only me

    I'm glad you're okay. hope you feel better soon. I think the cell phone is a great idea.

  • ziddina


    You be careful, girl!!! Who'll be the board's Grandma, if you're laid up????

    I like Heaven's suggestion - we use those all the time to go hiking in Boulder, Colorado in the winter. They're called "YakTraks".

    Although, they don't do so well for miles of hiking - eventually the metal coils cut thru the rubber straps.

    I built my own version, using rubber tubing from the hardware store and steel springs - mine are linked with chain links, and the rubber is only on the TOP of the boot - hopefully, these will last much longer than the "YakTraks" or "YakTraX"...

    But "YakTraX" will do nicely for the occasional trip down an icy sidewalk...

    Take good care of yourself!!! ZID said so!!!

    Zid N' hugs...

  • BabaYaga

    Precious One I just saw this! Thank heavens you're alright...

    You are indeed our Amazing Grace...

    Great big love and hugs from Baba!

  • LV101

    Glad you're getting a cell and that you're OK. The Life Line might be a good idea --- keep care.


  • nugget

    Grace, what a scary experience. Be careful out there the snow is treacherous. I am so pleased that you are ok.

    love and hugs

  • Newborn

    Get well soon and take care out there!

    Love Newborn

  • eddie c
    eddie c

    Hi Grace, just popped in and seen this. Glad to hear you are okay. Us oldies need to be careful in the snow. Working outside on my own, as i do, my family insist i have a cell phone. The trouble is i either let the battery run flat or leave it in the car when i am working. Or if it rings when i am at the top of my ladder i almost fall off trying to get it, or it stops ringing when i do, and then i cant see it because i have left my reading glasses in the car. The only good thing is that we all want to get old..because the alternative is to die.

    Anyway greetings from snowy now raining Manchester. Be careful and keep well.


  • AgentSmith

    Hello Grace,

    Big BIG hugs. Hope you feel better. Come and visit SA, none of that silly, slippery snow over here.


    Agent Smith and Mrs Smith

  • cantleave

    Grace Sorry to hear about your fall - so glad you are OK.

  • poppers

    I just saw this, Grace. I'm so sorry about your fall, but am glad you seem to be OK. Please be careful.

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