Do You Really Care About the People On Here?

by snowbird 158 Replies latest jw friends

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Yes, I do care about the people here. That's what keeps me coming back.

    There is also a certain amount of trust I feel for many of the posters.

    That's what keeps me posting about sensitive (to me, anyway) subjects that need mulling over to figure out.

  • MsDucky

    Of course, I care! Sometimes, I care so much that I get mad at them/you!

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    This forum is made up of a pretty wide range of folks. I need to work on being sympathetic in a lot of ways but there are two specific areas in which it happens, more or less, automatically:

    1. When something happens to a friend's kid (major illness, accident, ER visit, etc..), I have sympathy because I immediately start to think about that something happening to my own kid.
    2. When someone recognizes they're being controlled by a group that operates like the WT Society, I want to see them get out with their families intact. And then I want to see them thrive. I hate to see couples split over religion, esp when they have kids.

    Obviously, it's the latter that applies to this thread. I especially care about them.

    There seem to be a few posters on here who remind me of the Society in that they clearly believe they have a special position with god. I don't care how good their intentions are.... anymore than we on this board care how good the Society's intentions are. Considering how easy it is to mislead people when it comes to something subjective like faith, and the fact that I believe that much of religion is primarily about control, I get frustrated seeing good people taking these posters' words at face value. I care that people who have already suffered much at the hands of the Society have not learned that they must develop critical thinking and demand real testable evidence for claims to divine "direction." It makes no difference that there's no apparent immediate harm. I'm sure many felt there was no harm in buying what Russell said either.

    So sometimes my caring comes across as being a jerk but I do care.

  • snowbird

    Chenoa and Egg.

    McD, I love you, too!



    More than it may appear. Whenever I have been unnecessarily rough with someone I feel regret.

    I am learning from the example of the gentle posters and the well deserved affection they attract.

  • snowbird




  • ziddina

    I like nearly everybody on here, and care about them - much as that can be, since on this site I'm just words [and pictures, and smileys, and dragons....] on a page... Except for the trolls.... I don't like them very much...

    On the other hand, they do provide the occasional comic relief... Oh, yeah, trolls can be pretty funny, at times!!! (And darn obnoxious, at other times...)

    Ah, well... Off-topic again...

    I care for - and not necessarily in this order.... Mouthy, Snowbird/Sylvia, MrsJones, OUTLAW, Sabastous, BroDan, Undercover, the guy with the lightsabre character for an avatar, CoCo - of COURSE!! Satanus, AK-Jeff, Soldier77, Gladiator, FlyingHighNow, Loosie, LifeisTooShort, Oompa [remember him?], the Almighty Homerovah - whatever his current incarnation is, CoCo - no, wait, I already mentioned him...

    NotVeryLikely, MiseryLovesElders, Terry, Jeff-T, bottledwater, littledove, BabaYaga - oh, yeah, the dynamic BabaYaga! Magwitch, WhiteDove, Poppers, Sir82, Coffee_black, coffeeshopgirl, Poopsiecakes, Quirky1, MsDucky, Leolaia, Gnat, LadyLee, Blondie, Mary, FourCandles, Minimus!!!

    dancing red dotdancing red dotdancing red dotdancing red dotdancing red dotdancing red dotdancing red dotdancing red dotdancing red dotdancing red dotdancing red dotdancing red dotdancing red dot

    And many more, whose names I've momentarily misplaced - blasted Alzheimers!!!

    Argh... I've suddenly morphed into a "Facebook"-type geek who's counting friends...

  • snowbird

    Gladiator, in the past, I've rubbed you the wrong way.

    Thanks for forgiving me.


  • MsDucky

    You know I love you Jonesy! I'm just persnickety, weird, and sometimes I just don't know what to say. Love and Peace

  • snowbird


    You made it.

    No love for John Doe?



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