Sleaze Update...

by White Dove 209 Replies latest social relationships

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Sex in secluded, public places (illegal) with strangers (dangerous) is pretty deviant and not at all mentally healthy (low self-esteem and risk taker).

    He's into mental health. He runs a clinic.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    White Dove:

    I didn't see anywhere in his email where he asked you to have illegal public sex in the park. Did I miss that or are you totally jumping to conclusions here? Accusing people of stuff that is just speculation and then calling them unethical sleazeballs is a little crazy too!

    At worst, he's guilty so far of being inconsiderate and a bit controlling and rude in his tone. Reasons enough not to date him. But seriously, lets not turn it into a federal case of harrassment!

  • lisavegas420

    So you have this person's first and last name? I'd be interested in finding out what kind of "mental health professional" he is. Does he have access to women/girls that won't have your ability to call him on his bs.

    He didn't want to get to know YOU. He's a freak...glad you figured it out before you got to know him.


  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    Hi White Dove, I've been following your threads.

    I had some advice for you on the other thread but refrained from saying it because I'm really not good at all with that sort of thing.

    I'm really glad I kept my mouth shut. My advice went something like "give the poor guy a chance, he's probably just nervous about asking you out and said some silly stuff, in real life he might be a great guy"

    So, yeah, I'm staying out of the giving advice on dating group.

    It sounds like your own instincts are working just fine though.

  • notverylikely

    Illegal public sex in secluded places with strangers is pretty deviant and not at all mentally healthy.

    Oh, i guess i better never have sex in my tent while camping again!

    And sex with strangers is far from deviant, it's pretty normal.

  • Violia

    This guy may just have no social skills- that does not make him jack the ripper. Ted Bundy had excellent social skills and well, he was a serial killer.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Oh, good, I'm not the only one who noticed this guy has gone from socially clueless to deviant sexual predator in a mere 3 pages! Perhaps he is the one who should be running scared! ;-)

  • Gregor

    They have parks in Greenland?

  • Quentin

    Gotta read between the lines folks, guys like that are slick as greased owl_________. Good for you White Dove your BS meter was running at top form.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Yup! I noticed that it was just a few of the guys on this thread that did not get it. He repeated his statement of "I'm used to the heat. The heat doesn't bother ME. Maybe YOU can't take the heat. I'm not interested in a relationship, but the HEAT doesn't bother me. Just wanted to make myself CLEAR. I prefer the park."

    Come on! What part of that whole thing did you men not see the innuendo?

    I repeat: Meeting strangers in secluded parks for what is obviously sex of some kind IS deviant behavior, the kind he counsels others to avoid. He's encouraging behavior that he's supposed to help others to overcome. Strangers, sex, parks and seclusion don't mix for a healthy social environment.

    You can't be that dense.

    PS Simon's got me trapped in Greenland. I'll be moving to Ireland when he lets me.

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