Say " Hello " to the Least Racist Person in America

by flipper 104 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    O.K. I'll attempt to answer pg. 2 responses again. I accidentally hit a key and erased my responses earlier before cooking breakfast . I'm so lame.

    BURN the SHIPS- Yeah, my mom is half Irish ! And with the Cherokee Indian- she had really dark features. Beautiful person inside & out.

    DACHEECH- Very true that with mixed neighborhoods racially - it creates more acceptance. There tends to be too much of a superiority thing going on in neighborhoods that are all one race.

    JEFF T- Tai chicken pizza ? MMMMM ! Sounds good. I love authentic Mexican food. Some great restaurants in Oakland , California I know of. And I eat at an authentic Mexican food place every other Tuesday on my floor buffing route. Love it !

    OTWO- Actually I feel no guilt whatsoever towards myself for what 1800's White European settlers of this country did in being racists - those people back THEN carry the shame and guilt for THEIR attitudes. If I had lived then I would have fought with all my being to prevent it. I feel ashamed that ANY of our people African American or Native Americans were ever treated so inhumanely and barbarically by White settlers. To think this countries history was in part written on slavery and chasing people off their homelands is nauseating to me.

    DARKSIDE- I don't think the " majority " of people in America expect White Americans to accept their responsibilities for their forefathers racial atrocities of the 1800's. Some may, but it was the fault of the racist White Americans of the 1800's who started the ball rolling in an inhumane way. Even in the 1700's and before ! What people find troubling I believe in OUR day presently- is that we thought we had made progress in race relations with Martin Luther King's message about unity in the 20th century - yet even now in the 21st century we see horribly racist viewpoints still permeating our society. It's been like one step forward at times, but two steps backwards to the past prejudiced views. Each of us individually need to help bring about changes in attitudes by how we treat others. It won't change EVERYONE overnight- but step by step we individually can make a positive difference in race relations by treating everyone fairly and the same - without regards to whatever race one is. Electing Obama was a positive step in race relations for this country. Except for Whites who are bigoted.

    With your statement : " Granted, I'm white and privileged. Would you rather rise to my situation or I sink to yours ? " Bingo. And therein lies part of the problem with attitudes like you just displayed. People thinking they are superior to others due to race. In your statement it makes me cringe with the air of superiority . What makes you think that because you are white- it has anything to do with you being privileged ? What makes you think you're privileged ? It's all a subjective opinion on your part. In saying that someone should RISE to your situation you elevate yourself above the person you claim you don't want to sink to their level. It's a pompous attitude.

    LISABOBEESA- When you think about it - racism is very similar to Jehovah's Witnesses thinking they are superior over " worldly " people or non-witnesses. It's a small minded way of thinking in which people are led by small minded people to favor one race over another. I think you hit the nail on the head- which I agree with - that individually we EACH can make a difference in our own little communities in changing people's attiudes. One brick at a time. When we see an attitude that's negative towards different races- call the person on it. Make people accountable who come into our presence. Then go ourselves and try to be a force for positive racial relations. Just my 2 cents

  • lisaBObeesa

    With your statement : " Granted, I'm white and privileged. Would you rather rise to my situation or I sink to yours ? " Bingo. And therein lies part of the problem with attitudes like you just displayed. People thinking they are superior to others due to race. In your statement it makes me cringe with the air of superiority . What makes you think that because you are white- it has anything to do with you being privileged ? What makes you think you're privileged ? It's all a subjective opinion on your part. In saying that someone should RISE to your situation you elevate yourself above the person you claim you don't want to sink to their level. It's a pompous attitude.

    I think Dark Side was responding to my post about white privilege, not saying that he believes he is superior because he is white. And his being white does have an awful lot to do with his being privileged in this society.

    I do agree it came off sounding superior.

  • flipper

    LISA - I call it like I see it. Dark Side came off sounding pompous. And in the 21st century- being white doesn't guarantee a person is privileged anymore- in my opinion. There are lots of Major League Baseball players, NBA players, and NFL football players that prove my statement correct. Many multicultural racial groups in those major sports nowadays. True- Some sports like NASCAR , swimming, etc. might be considered " mostly white " sports - but I don't consider that being privileged.

    I think that in some parts of this country ( California especially ) affirmitave action is helping people of different races to get employment where they didn't used to. I think having Obama as president will open doors for minority races where they weren't opened before. And that's a good thing

  • lisaBObeesa

    LISABOBEESA- When you think about it - racism is very similar to Jehovah's Witnesses thinking they are superior over " worldly " people or non-witnesses.

    Yeah. And if you were to ask a Witness if they think they are superior to worldly people they would say "Oh NO! Absouletly not!" and they would really believe they were telling the truth.

  • lisaBObeesa

    And in the 21st century- being white doesn't guarantee a person is privileged anymore- in my opinion. There are lots of Major League Baseball players, NBA players, and NFL football players that prove my statement correct. Many multicultural racial groups in those major sports nowadays. True- Some sports like NASCAR , swimming, etc. might be considered " mostly white " sports - but I don't consider that being privileged.

    You seriously just used professional sports to prove that there is no more white privilege in this country? Seriously?

    Come ON.

    ETA: I'm gonna bow out here, or at least try. If I don't, I'll just go on and on.

    Peace to you, Mr. Flipper!

  • flipper

    LISA- I'm not saying there isn't ANY white privilege anymore. Of course there is SOME across America. But the prospects for minorities have increased in areas where it was not available in the 20th century. I just used sports as 1 example. I'm sure there are more vocations where minorities have been able to make inroads also. The great thing about America is ANYBODY can pursue a dream if they work hard enough at it. Whites don't have the market cornered on being " privileged " as you called it

  • lisaBObeesa

    The great thing about America is ANYBODY can pursue a dream if they work hard enough at it.

    *biting my tonge* can't

    oh damn.

    I'm sure there are more vocations where minorities have been able to make inroads also.

    The word 'inroads' implys an uneven, unequal situation.

    "White privilege" is being able to work toward any career you can imagine, without you or someone else of your race having to make inroads into the vocation first.

    That is quite an advantage.

  • Dark Side
    Dark Side

    "but it was the fault of the racist White Americans of the 1800's who started the ball rolling in an inhumane way"

    Buying slaves in America began with selling slaves in Africa. White America didn't start or end slavery

    "even now in the 21st century we see horribly racist viewpoints still permeating our society. It's been like one step forward at times, but two steps backwards to the past prejudiced views"


    "Each of us individually need to help bring about changes in attitudes by how we treat others. It won't change EVERYONE overnight- but step by step we individually can make a positive difference in race relations by treating everyone fairly and the same - without regards to whatever race one is"

    Couldn't agree more

    "Electing Obama was a positive step in race relations for this country. Except for Whites who are bigoted"

    It sickens me when I hear that. Obama should have been elected based on his merits. It shouldn't have had anything to do with his color. Yet I believe it was, for the most part. That's racism in the worst possible way. Since then, people on BOTH sides of the race aisle have used Obama's election to further their hate agenda.

    "In your statement it makes me cringe with the air of superiority . What makes you think that because you are white- it has anything to do with you being privileged ? What makes you think you're privileged ? It's all a subjective opinion on your part. In saying that someone should RISE to your situation you elevate yourself above the person you claim you don't want to sink to their level. It's a pompous attitude"

    If you think I believe that I'm superior to anybody because of my skin color, you haven't read a single word I've written. Therefore, further discussion is a waste of my time and yours. Learn to read with comprehension. It really helps

  • flipper

    LISA- I respect your viewpoint, just respectfully disagree. I'm white/native American and it never got me anywhere. I believe in hard work, effort , and ambition to excel - not " white privilege " as you phrase it. There are lots of " trailer park " white people that haven't accomplished $hit . What happened to their alleged " white privilege " ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • lisaBObeesa

    DS said:

    "Electing Obama was a positive step in race relations for this country. Except for Whites who are bigoted"

    It sickens me when I hear that. Obama should have been elected based on his merits. It shouldn't have had anything to do with his color. Yet I believe it was, for the most part. That's racism in the worst possible way. Since then, people on BOTH sides of the race aisle have used Obama's election to further their hate agenda.

    Why do you assume Obama was not elected based on his merits?


    I hope you do not think that I think white privilege is a good thing! I believe it exists, but I think it is a bad thing, just to be clear!

    I absolutely believe in hard work, effort and ambition to excel! Absolutely, 100%. We agree here, all the way.

    I hear that you are saying that in your life you have not benifited in this society because of the fact that you have white skin. I too, respect your opinion, and respectfully disagree.

    Ok, If I don't stop this my husband is going to kill me.

    peace, love, and rock n' roll, seriously this time...I'm out....


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