Nazi Propaganda: Propaganda Techniques

by 116 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • GLTirebiter

    Opponents of Jehovah's Witnesses will take a trivial matter and exploit it for self-serving purposes without identifying any organization that measures up to a given standard.

    Which trivial matter?

    Making a false prediction of armageddon, then telling the believers to liquidate their assets, forego education and careers, not have children, and devote their existence to "the pioneering work" because "the time remaining is so short" is not a trivial matter.

    Convincing believers to forego medically appropriate blood transfusions, organ transplants and vaccinations on the basis of far-fetched interpreations of scriptures taken utterly out of context (animal sacrifice and kosher dietary laws having nothing to do with medical treatment) is not a trivial matter.

    Telling prospective converts they must question the truth of their own religious beliefs, while insisting believers must not engage in similar "independent thinking" about Watchtower doctrines is not a trivial matter.

    Telling members they should treat those who leave the organization with "hate in the truest sense" and should avoid contact with unbelieving family members as much as possible is not a trivial matter.

    The Watchtower organization, in particular its Governing Body, has taken serious matters and exploited them for self-serving purposes. Their product is propaganda, no more, no less.

  • Mary
    Mary's a little sumpthin' fer Alice:

    LOL! I'm off ta bed. Nighty night Alice!!

  • DaCheech

    the watchtower is guilty of propaganda techiniques.

    you cannot erase from history all those watchtower and awake and brochures. they vividly use cartoons to poke at catholics and such!

    lights out alice


    "...Opponents of Jehovah's Witnesses will take a trivial matter and exploit it for self-serving purposes without identifying any organization that measures up to a given standard. "
    "Are you referring to pedophilia standards, medical standards regarding blood changes over and over, tearing families apart standards, false prophecy predictions of the end standards?

    Really, what is trivial in your mind?

    How long have you been a JW? In reality maybe your time in has been trivial,..... hence this post."

    One thing at a time.

    I was born into the organization: 32 years old. If you're referring to Jehovah's Witnesses disfellowshiping unrepentant wrongdoers...short story:

    There was someone in the congregation I knew for quite sometime that slept with his best friend's wife. Shortly after, his best friends wife filed for divorce and they were both disfellowshipped shortly afterward. Not long after that they got married and started going back to the meetings to get reinstated. Right after they got reinstated they quit attending meetings. Their getting reinstated was so they could hang out with the family. The “brother” I'm telling you about had great parents and didn't deserve such a jerk for a son. There's nothing you can get disfellowshipped for that is conducive to family life. How is sleeping with your best friend's spouse not, “tearing families apart standards?” Most people I've seen get disfellowshipped leave behind a trail of destruction as they exit the organization (myself included but I'm reinstated now ). It's that person that tears families apart, not the organization.

  • yknot

    Alice it is time to admit to yourself........ you are way out of your league.

    All of us are pretty well versed on WTS history, and you are not...

    Why not drop your defensive pretenses and take the time to actually talk to some of us.

    Practice the 'golden rule'......

    If not than you are wasting your time here...... you honestly have nothing to offer the forum with all this silliness and if you don't want to learn from us than really what is the point besides you trying to get a quick hit of 'persecution' to make you feel better and temporarily forget your doutbs and insecurities.

    Take yourself back to the KH!

    DCs are about to start down in Houston....

    Here is the 2010-publications and a partial copy of 2010 DC Talk.....

    Brochure 1: Was Life Created?

    Brochure 2: Origins of Life, 5 Questions Worth Asking

    DC Talk Outline that discusses the Generation and DVD

    God's Word For Us Through Jeremiah (Sunday release)


    yknot, It's my opinion you're an apostate who claims you go to the meetings with a deliberate intent to deceive. I plan on attending the meeting this Thursday. If I do I seriously doubt I'll be back here.

  • palmtree67

    He/She/It has not gotten the point in even one post.


    You don't have anymore reason to say "He/She/It" to me than I do about you. I sent Cagefighter a picture of me and daughter.

  • palmtree67

    I am not Cagefighter.

    I am Palm.

    We are two totally different people.

  • AllTimeJeff

    yknot, It's my opinion you're an apostate who claims you go to the meetings with a deliberate intent to deceive. I plan on attending the meeting this Thursday. If I do I seriously doubt I'll be back here.

    Not that y'all need me to tell you anything (and not like thats ever stopped me) but.....

    Ynot is the only person who has asked "us" apostates to give AIW a chance.

    AIW responds by calling her of all people an apostate. This makes me what, a jedi?

    If anyone wonders why this two bit excuse of a troll is being identified as such by "us" apostates, when he/she/it starts threads with inflammatory words like "nazi propganda", quotes Ayn Rand, steadfastly defends JW's by cutting and pasting unrelated junk, then takes a dump on those who defend he/she it (like yknot) who would actually like to believe there is a heart and a soul behind the juvenile delinquent who is laughing their ass off, posting in their pajamas and waiting for momma and dadda to come home to tuck them in (right before the Clearasil is applied, hopefully to the face...)

    AIW, I only speak for myself, but I seriously hope you won't be back here either. Hope you're enjoying 11th grade. (again.)

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