The Witnesses are freaking out

by Sour Grapes 84 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sass_my_frass

    Yeah sure, we should be SO grateful! For every year that armadillo doesn't happen, Jehovah has to kill another 134 million babies when it finally does. SO worth it to get a few more thousand JW's through to the new world...

  • carla

    Do I have this right? They are stoking the r & f up about the end being so near yet they are also teaching the word 'generation' has a new meaning so that the 1914 doctrine could go on literally for hundreds of more years?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Yep...... That's a pretty good summary of it, Carla.

  • zeroday*

    I don't know about the rest of you blinded APOSTATES but I'm going back to the Kingdom Hall... **now where did I put my tin foil hat**

  • debator

    I am confused here.

    Are you questioning the bible prophecy of Armageddon here and whether it will happen?

    Or are you just questioning that witnesses believe this?

    2 Peter 3:9
    The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

  • teel

    You are confused? Lol, then how about us, who have been told for 120 years and counting, that the end is very near.

    Personally I'm only questioning the mental sanity of someone who can be fooled for so long, and don't wisen up. 'Fool me once shame on you, fool me continuously 120 years, call me a JW'.

  • metatron

    I can only hope that this backroom push becomes manifest among Witnesses and the public. The more they push, the more hysteria they whip up, the bigger the crash when it doesn't happen.

    The Governing Body is almost out of ammunition. They are shrinking, liquidating, downsizing and cutting back everywhere they can. All they have left is a vain attempt to whip up hysteria amidst worn out, tired cultists that Armageddon is months away.

    They may actually believe this deception themselves. They are faced with the stark reality that the whole organization is and always has been a pious fraud. With branch offices being shut down and donations weak, their only feeble hope is that the 'preaching work' is ending, as per Jehovah's Will - and not just simple decay.

    This is a very unstable situation. It will not end well.


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Are you questioning the bible prophecy of Armageddon here and whether it will happen?

    Or are you just questioning that witnesses believe this?

    2 Peter 3:9
    The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

    There is no question at all. The Bible prophecy of Armageddon is so incredibly vague and picturesque that there is no possible way of knowing when it is going to happen or if it may have already happened. It's a struggle between God and the governments of the world. The entire thing could be done at an invisible supernatural level for all we know, IF it happens at all and John wasn't tripping on 'shrooms or something. Basically, we CAN'T KNOW anything about Armageddon other than what the Bible literally says; EVERYTHING ELSE IS SPECULATION, including and especially the WT explanation.

    As for 2 Peter 3:9, it has been pointed out many times that with the birth rate this planet experiences compared to the JW conversion rate, waiting KILLS MORE PEOPLE THAN IT SAVES. Therefore either A)More than just JWs will have to be saved to make the scripture true, or B)God sucks at math. I am leaning toward A but haven't ruled out B.

  • debator

    Technically the bible has being predicting Armageddon 4000+ years. Jesus was asked when will the "conclusion" be. So if you think Jehovah's witnesses are slow after 120 years, you must really struggle with the length of time the bible has made you wait?

    Armageddon only has to happen right once!

  • parakeet

    the "end is very very near."

    Oh, well, if it's very very near, then it must be true.

    He said that he became aWitness in 1990 so he missed all of the fun in 1975.

    But he wouldn't have missed all the fun! He would have been one of the billions of men, women, and children slaughtered by a loving God. I was there in '75 and I can tell you it was a real hoot.

    I'm not going to get worried until they say, "I triple-dog dare you to deny the end is very very near." But they'll never say that, because dubs don't watch Christmas movies.

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