DC 2010 Releases and info

by JWFreak 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWFreak

    Sorry I have been very busy and forgot

    As promised

    Friday Afternoon

    Two Brochures

    Was Life Created? and The Origin of Life- Five questions worth asking?

    Sat Afternoon

    192 page book - God's word for us through Jeremiah

    Sun Aft

    New DVD -Jehovah's Witnesses Faith in Action -Part 1: Out of Darkness

    No Talks on Blood.

    However the last talk on Sunday is so desperate...a whole 44 minutes trying to prove the new generation theory, how all 4 modern presidents were contemporaries of each other. WTF! And how there are 2 groups of Anointed, one from 1914 and a more modern day version, ----has to be seen to be believed

    I will see if I can scan the outline next week.


  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    Thanks JWFreak.

    This always throws the brothers (BOE) for a loop in my congregation on how I always know the new releases even before the first district convention starts. In this case, two weeks from now.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • blondie

    Sounds like the Elijah hand off to Elisha concept they gave regarding in 1942. Other "analogies" Naomi to Ruth.

    *** w67 10/1 p. 595 pars. 14-15 Following Faithful Shepherds with Life in View ***

    In 1942 the change came. In the throes of World War II, with the change in administrations of the second and third presidents of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, the Elijah work passed away, having realized its purpose to Jehovah’s praise. It had been actively directed toward beginning the work of "dividing the waters" of the symbolic Jordan River, that is, dividing the symbolic waters of the peoples, gathering the "other sheep" or "great crowd" to the right hand of the reigning King Jesus Christ. (2 Ki. 2:8; Matt. 25:31-46) As the Elisha class vigorously took up the "mantle of Elijah" or the divine commission Elijah had so actively fulfilled, the time for unparalleled expansion had begun. The years since 1942 have told their tale regarding the exploits of the anointed Elisha class, accompanied by an ever-increasing number of the "great crowd."—Rev. 7:9-17.

    To parallel the many miracles performed by the original Elisha, sixteen as compared with Elijah’s eight, the modern Elisha class at once began arrangements for producing better preachers of the Kingdom good news in furtherance of the prophecy of Matthew 24:14. On February 1, 1943, the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead was set up for training missionaries and special representatives of the Watch Tower Society to serve in all parts of the earth. That same year, 1943, a new training program, the Theocratic Ministry School, began in the congregations of Jehovah’s witnesses. At first only male students were enrolled in these schools, but in 1958 provision was made for the women of the congregations to enroll and participate.

  • Soldier77

    WTF? 2 groups of Annointed now? Oh man, they are laying it on thick and fast. Makes you wonder how long they can keep this up.

  • leavingwt
  • upnorth

    The "Truth will be revealed" as we make it up

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    They suck. I can honestly say I hate that organization and what they've done to millions now dead and living. Did I mention THEY SUCK!?!?

  • blondie

    NEW INTERPRETATIONS FROM 1928In 1928 came the new interpretation that the dead members of the 144,000 rose to heaven in 1918 as “spirit creatures”. Those still in the flesh on Earth would go to heaven individually at death.

    Judge Rutherford, the president of the JWs from 1917 to 1942, now divided the Remnant of the 144,000 into two subcategories:

    1. Those who joined the cult by 1918 he called the Naomi class and Mordecai class;
    2. Those who joined the cult from and after 1919 he called the Ruth class and Esther class.

    In the book Preparation (1932) Rutherford presented this interpretation in detail. (Pages 22, 45, 46, 78, 157, 164-166) The two groups, the pre-1919 and post-1919 converts, together constituted the Remnant of the 144,000.

    Some of the Remnant then alive, when Preparation was published in 1932, would live to survive Armageddon. (pp 158-166) Preparation implies that the Armageddon survivors would even include some of the “Mordecai class” – the converts who joined up prior to 1919.

    Frederick William Franz (1893-1992), the fourth president of JWs, was baptized in 1913 and was therefore of the “Mordecai class”. Franz wrote:

    A number of these should survive still longer to see and go through the war of Armageddon… (The Watchtower 1970 January 15 p. 52)

    This, like everything previously in this doctrine, proved false. When Franz died in 1992 the pre-1919 converts were virtually extinct.

  • sir82
    a whole 44 minutes trying to prove the new generation theory, how all 4 modern presidents were contemporaries of each other.

    What "4 modern presidents"?

    Do they mean Russell - Rutherford - Knorr - Franz?

    This is really confusing. Do they mean that because the lifespans of all 4 overlapped from 1905-1916, that that is "one generation"? And that "one generation" overlaps with the "current generation" of GB'ers? So you really don't have 2 overlapping generations, you have one smushed up overlapping set of multiple generations which overlaps with another smushed up overlapping set of multiple generations?

    That's really a stretch. The lives of Russell - Franz ran from 1852 - 1992. It's farfetched enough to consider that just "one generation" - but to then consider that to be just one component of another overlapping set of generations....

    I'm thinking they're just trying to dazzle the R&F with enough BS that people just throw up their hands and accept it.

  • Soldier77

    So basicly the org is going in a big circle? We are now back to old doctrine, hey maybe in a few years they'll allow celebrating xmas, bdays, and allow smoking again!


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