DC 2010 Releases and info

by JWFreak 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • dissed

    7 million JW's don't have a clue yet as to the new releases and talks, but....on this site we are already analyzing the DC, BEFORE it happens!

    Who's got you covered baby?!

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Food at the proper time.

    Thanks JWFreak.


  • chickpea

    it seriously makes me sick to my stomach to think
    had i not had the window of opportunity to make
    a break from the b0rg, i would be furiously trying
    to scribble notes from the Talk © in order to commit
    the BS to memory so i could try to convince others
    that "the end", ever coming, never here, is NEAR!

    thank YOU JWFreak, for the bother to share!
    stay busy with your real life too!

  • besty
    Judge Rutherford, the president of the JWs from 1917 to 1942, now divided the Remnant of the 144,000 into two subcategories: 1. Those who joined the cult by 1918 he called the Naomi class and Mordecai class; 2. Those who joined the cult from and after 1919 he called the Ruth class and Esther class. In the book Preparation (1932) Rutherford presented this interpretation in detail. (Pages 22, 45, 46, 78, 157, 164-166)

    If anyone would like to have a copy of Preparation from 1933 it is available either original or download from the freeminds store

    Thanks for the heads-up JWF - looking forward to outline scans.......

    also sounds like they are pushing creationism quite hard - it plays into the 'where else can we go for scientific information' meme for those that can't be bothered to engage their brains....

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Thanks JWF!!! I would love to see that outline. They are really pounding this new generation "understanding". CO mentions it in his talk, WT study article and now DC talk. I would think this would be one of those things they would just gloss over and act like its always been this way. The more they talk it up, the more people should notice how insane it is.

    I remember the recent CO visit mentioned Franz and how current GB members who were annointed while Franz was alive comprised the "overlapping" generation. They want to create a sense of urgency but know they can't name a date. Hinting however strongly at 2034 isn't an option at this point because its too far away. 2014 is too close and gives them no wiggle room.

    Hey Bethel monitor, you guys have to get more creative. Even you must realize the GB is grasping at straws!!

  • Sapphy

    192 page book - God's word for us through Jeremiah

    Oh fantasic, because the Isaiah books were so popular...

    Actually if they do another everything means 1918/9 book I'll cry. - I bet this book will follow the format of the minor prophets book:

    Q) Amos was a nipper of figs, what does this teach us?
    A) Jehovahs servants should support themselves through humble yet honorable work and not go to university.

    Q) Joel said the Lord's day is hurrying very much, what does this teach us?
    A) Don't go to university or look at porn.


  • donuthole

    I agree with Sapphy --

    I fully expect another watered down prophecy book -->

    What does Jeremiah's prophecy teach us about Christian dress and grooming, avoiding Internet pornography, meeting attendance? Find out in this new 192 page book

  • Elsewhere

    In the book Preparation (1932) Rutherford presented this interpretation in detail. (Pages 22, 45, 46, 78, 157, 164-166) The two groups, the pre-1919 and post-1919 converts, together constituted the Remnant of the 144,000.

    Damn good find Blondie!

  • sd-7

    I was waiting for this post. I'm going to attend, maybe even take notes. But not till July, though. I'm excited. Jeremiah contains prophecies relating to the destruction of Jerusalem, and thus the start of the appointed times of the nations. Excellent literary cannon fodder ahead, then.

    Actually, I'm thinking of wearing a "Hello, My Name Is" sticker with "NON-PERSON" written on it as a silent protest.

    I am curious to hear the arguments for this new generation thing. If this is the best that can come out of the current uh, think tank, I am sad that I stayed in so long. My brain really was fudge the whole time...

  • zoiks

    Thanks, JWFreak!

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