Some thing for woman to think about

by is there help out there 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • av8orntexas


    Hahahaha. Do you live in So Cal ? Namely the LA metro area ? Wow. Have dated two people from there, and I can say, I NEVER gone through such headache and heartache than the two people I met from that area.Throughout the organization,as a whole. Alot of nice sisters,but it always seems to come down to the same thing. Every sister seems to say they don't need a MS, Elder, but just a guy who is trying. But my experience tells me if it's not that, it's something else. I know others may not agree with you,but I understand where you're coming from. 'Entittled' probably best describes the attitude I usually get as you said. It's like pulling teeth in trying get to know someone.

    miseryloveselders probably best described what I can say I have gone through. It's like a job interview. Yes, you want to know a guy/gilr goes to meetings and all,but the constant talk of pioneering, meeting, etc gets tiring. You have to prove your sprituality beyond a doubt and be Jesus Jr every waking moment. The point he made, I agree with. Being a JW encourages this type of thinking, and thus relationships within that religiuon can be jacked up. Because as a Woman/Man, you readily put the ORGANIZATION before your significant other, and that is troubling.

    I agree with you daringhart13. There is no bitter men's club. I've experienced it, and it's true.

    Bottomline, from a single guys point of view, forget dating. Just TRYING to get to know a sister is a big pain in the ass. Again, mainly because it feels like a job interview,which as miseryloveselders pointed out, is a big turn off.

    It screws with your head...I'm stable in my career, I have my act together, but my generation doesn't appreciate maturity ( I'm 33 ) MTV, Reality Tv,etc.. there are people out there who I honestly view realationships and life through that garbage.

    Ok, I had to vent that out.

  • miseryloveselders

    exactly Mindmelda, you summed it up in a nutshell. I went to my Circuit Assembly recently, I had a little business to handle behind the stage, and rubbed shoulders with a few of the elite. The amount of brown nosing and butt kissing would make a homosexual prison inmate blush. I've always prided myself on being a man, and looking at some of those clowns trying to get in with the DO, and the CO made me sick. A couple of them I would have liked to have taken in a room and smack some sense into em. Grown men acting like groupies. Disgusting.

  • av8orntexas


    You don't really think we're looking for Carol Brady ,lol

  • miseryloveselders

    av8orntexas : Every sister seems to say they don't need a MS, Elder, but just a guy who is trying. But my experience tells me if it's not that, it's something else. I know others may not agree with you,but I understand where you're coming from. 'Entittled' probably best describes the attitude I usually get as you said. It's like pulling teeth in trying get to know someone.

    It screws with your head...I'm stable in my career, I have my act together, but my generation doesn't appreciate maturity ( I'm 33 ) MTV, Reality Tv,etc.. there are people out there who I honestly view realationships and life through that garbage.

    This is what I love about this forum. Somedays I think its just me.

  • miseryloveselders

    Prefer Marcia Brady myself....... before the football hit her in the nose.

  • rebel8

    OK I'm with you--the missed procreation opportunity can be counted as one of the many things dubs skip for no good reason.

    However....I am glad for every one that doesn't breed a new generation of zombies.

    Less children to be physically, psychologically, and sexually abused, neglected, or mindfarked.

    Overpopulation is a very serious environmental and economical problem as it is. The last thing we need is more kids who are starting out life with a lot of strikes against them, many destined to be unproductive members of society.

    That may not sound nice, but it's true.

  • miseryloveselders

    Rebel8, I agree 100%. I said it in another thread, but JWs having kids is tantamount to cruelty. Its wrong to put someone in a position where they're pressured to get baptized at an age when they're not even legally able to drink. Then hold the threat over their head of losing everyone they know and love for changing their mind when they get older. Cruel.

  • rebel8

    I wish the borganization would go back to pressuring the masses not to have children at all.

    The cult would wither and die, all while preventing a lot of anguish on the part of innocent children.

    I just got the news that another able-bodied welfare abusive dub couple popped out yet another rugrat.

    It's so sad.

  • av8orntexas

    miseryloveseldersRe: Some thing for woman to think about posted 4 mins ago (5/2/2010)

    Post 250 of 251
    Since 8/31/2009

    av8orntexas : Every sister seems to say they don't need a MS, Elder, but just a guy who is trying. But my experience tells me if it's not that, it's something else. I know others may not agree with you,but I understand where you're coming from. 'Entittled' probably best describes the attitude I usually get as you said. It's like pulling teeth in trying get to know someone.

    It screws with your head...I'm stable in my career, I have my act together, but my generation doesn't appreciate maturity ( I'm 33 ) MTV, Reality Tv,etc.. there are people out there who I honestly view realationships and life through that garbage.

    This is what I love about this forum. Somedays I think its just me.

    Sorry, I'm not good and cutting and pasting this stuff. I try to speak from my experience, and mine only. Realtionships within the JW, hell, the process of getting to know someone, is beyond frustrating. It's not just you. Well I've often thought it was just me.

    I constantly try to look at myself and see what it is about me, that may be causingthe problem, because we always see ourself differently than what others least I think so.

    Nevertheless, dealing with SOME sisters always leaves me thinking what the hell. I've always become the guy who is good to talk to,but they always marry someone else.

    Marcia,marcia,marcia ! miseryloveselders,nothing some ice could help out with. hahahaha

  • AGuest

    Unfortunately, I might have to corroborate what dear Daringhart has posted (may you all have peace!)... at least to the extent that I know of such things. And to do it, I have to invoke memories of my ex again, which I really kinda hate doing. BUT... you would not BELIEVE the number of "sisters" who were not only willing to risk their marriages to be "with" him... but a couple actually made up some lies about ME! One even made up one or two about HIM (i.e., that he was actually having an affair with another "sister"... which was SO off-the-wall that the sister "accused" wanted to whoop some booty!)... so that I would leave him.

    Unfortunately, what these ladies didn't know is that, even though the ex was a bit of an "a**hole"... he was TERRIFIED of them... and so would tell me each time one approached him. I mean, he had his issues, but infidelity wasn't one of them. But some of the things he told me some of them would say to him... OFFER him... offer to do with/for/to him... blew HIM away... let alone ME. I mean, NO shame. None.

    And that was the MARRIED "sisters"! The single ones (and there were even more of them) wouldn't, fortunately, make such offers (I'm guessing they didn't know what to offer to do... yet). But they would wink and blink and flutter and stutter... and manuever their way onto work/cleaning/KH "beautification" committees that he was on to be "near" him. So that he would say to me, "Uh-uh, YOU'RE coming WITH me and working right next to me!" I remember one time, one single "sister" was acting SO outrageous and evident that I went up to her and gave her our phone number. Ooh, he was mad about that - LOLOLOL! But, heck, I just hated to see her "suffer" so - LOLOLOL! She soon changed congregations... and was married within the year!

    I wasn't mad at any of these ladies, though. I was actually embarassed for them. First, because they were so desperate... that they became almost pathetic (and sometimes not even almost)... that they would do anything... and take anything (meaning, my ex. I knew him and trust me, he didn't turn out to be all that great of a "catch" after all - LOL! At one point, I was even hoping one of them WOULD take him - LOLOL! Not to happen, though - sigh...).

    And it wasn't just the women. Please don't ANYONE think "elders" are above reproach on this. Oh... my... gosh... the double entendres and innuendos.

    Seriously and sadly repressed people. In many ways, not just sexually. I really believe that if either of us had taken anyone up on any of the "offers"... the offeror wouldn't have had a CLUE what to do!

    Sad. But true.

    Anyway... just my $0.02 to say dear Daring may not be as "out there" as some here may think.

    Peace to you all!

    A slave of Christ,


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