Some thing for woman to think about

by is there help out there 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • Odrade

    Daring: I notice that your number of women pursuing you is inflating rapidly. You might want to harmonize your posting history before we start questioning your veracity.

    It's clear to me that you fundamentally lack any understanding or compassion for what it is like to be a woman in the Organization. You've bought hook line and sinker into the indoctrination that women are whores and that men are their innocent dupes.

    You've written multiple times on this board about how horrible and evil JW women are, (yes, I checked your posting history, and noticed that you spend a disproportionate amount of your efforts on misogyny,) and have yet to address the greater issues surrounding being a woman in the WTS: issues of lack of power and status, issues of credibility based simply on what parts they have, issues of being forced to bare their deepest secrets to a room full of potential woman-haters anytime its demanded of them, or risk losing their community entirely.

    You fail to take into account that the ONLY real power left to women in the organization is sexual power. And even then, if she tries to use that power to get a tiny bit of status or protection, she always runs the risk of being thought a "jezebel" or a whore.

    So tell me, how many judicial committees did you sit on, where the woman was df'd or publicly reproved, and the man got a lesser sentence?

    In the Organization, there's ALWAYS a power differential, and it ALWAYS amplifies in favor of the male participant, no matter how "non-character" you perceive the female to be. No matter how many (4?, 5?, EIGHT?) married women are throwing themselves at you.

  • EmptyInside

    In my experience, there are a lot of good women in the org. who get overlooked as marriage material, because they aren't pioneers, aren't pretty or thin enough, or don't come from a prominent family. But, I'll let daringhart go on this one, because it sounds like he had some bad experiences.

    And it goes both ways, as I got older, it suprised me how many married brothers liked to flirt with the single sisters. I'm not saying most wanted to take it any further, but as we know this happens a lot.

  • hereiam!

    I think the worst part for me was because all this time I was pioneering and doing all I possible could in the organization and for Jehovah. When I wasn't recieving a marriage mate that I prayed so hard for, I felt more and more guilty and worthless and new it was because of ME I wasn't "spiritual" enough, and thats just plain depressing.

  • yknot

    .... Geez Daringhart.....

    Nothing like that in my KH.......

    But my congo is of a simple rural nature, concentrating on obedience to the GB over all else.

    In so we are extrememly paternal, Elderettes have as much influence or power as a 4th wife of a muslim the larger scheme of things.

    Sure they socially they can make or break a JWgal but we have so few JWmale that it is strictly a 'boys club' and any woman who dared to hold out on sex as a power trip "would be publically scorned and left to weep bitterly"*

    * COs words apparently and suggested it was okay to reprove or DF over such usurping---


    Personally, I was trained up to never marry, never to desire to marry in this system of things.

    Granted, the millenial reign was set to occur no later than a month after my 26th birthday .

    I would marry in the NewSystem eventually......

    Things changed when I met my now husband, while we are both very independent and commitment phobic, we both knew it was 'meant to be', a 'done deal'........he proposed a week later.

  • miseryloveselders

    Daringhart, you're pimp hand is serious. 8 at one time? I'll have to start calling you the Bishop as in the Bishop Magic Don Juan(look him up for those who've never heard of him)

    So tell me, how many judicial committees did you sit on, where the woman was df'd or publicly reproved, and the man got a lesser sentence?

    In the Organization, there's ALWAYS a power differential, and it ALWAYS amplifies in favor of the male participant, no matter how "non-character" you perceive the female to be. No matter how many (4?, 5?, EIGHT?) married women are throwing themselves at you.

    Odrade, I've only been doing this Elder thing for a few years now, and sat on 3 judicial committees, two involving pornea. The two involving such ended in private reproofs for all four males and females. They all lost the privilege of commenting only. Most brothers I know don't have the personalilty makeup to seek a disfellowshipping. I'll agree organizationaly as a whole, males are catered to in regards to privileges which are like merit badges to a JW. I've read some judicial situations on this forum that made me cringe, and I'm not challenging the honesty of those posts. However, speaking from experience, and knowing the personality of other Elders I personally know, most are not Judge Dredd or the Terminator when it comes to females.

    As far as single women in the Truth is concerned, it is a sad situation. There's a side of me that understands where Daringhart is coming from. In my Hall, there's almost a dozen single sisters, half pioneers, and the chances of them getting a guy a slim to none. I'm single, and its funny how a sister might get at me periodically. Personally I think the culture of JWism is what makes relationships difficult to procure. Most sisters that flirted with me came off like a job interview. It's not attractive to hear from a woman how she's going to the Ozarks in Arkansas to witness to a Deliverance(yeah, squeal like a pig) type enviroment. They tend to want to talk about organizational matters which they believe equals spirituality. Its a real turnoff. In comparison, I work in an office enviroment, and the women there are refreshing. Educated, unique personalities, stylish, spiritual without the organizational baggage that comes with JWS, etc.. Speaking from the point of view of a single male, who's ready to settle down, buy a house, taking into consideration I'm probably going to die an old man in this system of things....nonJW women are more appealing. I refuse to work full time while my JW wife drives around with her friends 70 hours a month pioneering with absolutely no success. I don't know the stay at home mom thing, but the stay at home pioneer wife thing would make me go O.J..

  • daringhart13


    Odrade.....I stand by whatever I posted. And I've documented all of my own experiences to cover my own ass. Its not made up... "bitter driven" or 'ego driven'....

    And yes, its all true.....I feel NO reason to prove it to you or anyone else. This is not a blanket comment on "all" women.....If I didn't make that clear, I apologize.

    But for those that haven't experienced it, you won't ever or ever.

    There are single brothers ..... a handful in my own area of the world..... that keep the emails, texts, etc. from these 'great JW girls'...... its ALL provable and not some 'bitter men's club'....... good god, look at how many people are getting DF'd for wife swapping (Needs of the Circuit Talk in our area two weekends ago) and adultery. Guess what..........its mostly the SISTERS.

    This may not be true in your region.....but its VERY true on the West Coast of the U.S. Its an epidemic.... even the "Org" knows it...... dozens of congregations in this area are having Local Needs parts on it.........there is a huge undercurrent of women in their 20's - 40's that are cheating like crazy on their husbands.

    This has nothing to do with misgony....this has to do with feminism, the Bible's own prophecy on the Jezebel influence, ridiculously young marriages and a media age that has women in a general state of dissatisfaction.

    I stand by it.

  • daringhart13


    Not sure I understand the question...... but I do NOT believe that the man 'gets off' on a JC. Quite the opposite......especially if the sister is 'pretty'.......she is going to skate.

    The most popular excuse for why they do what they do ......"I'm mentally abused"

    NOTE: there are very, very nice girls associated with JW's......I BLEED for them......they stay single; with the hope that a great guy will be available after Armageddon. It BREAKS MY HEART

    My comment is for the low quality of character that is RAMPANT among married JW women. They flirt, cheat, lie and slander their husbands to each other. I stand by it......... I've never been so sickened by a group of people. They have NO loyalty to their husbands. They air dirty family laundry and openly sit in 'car groups' laughing about how they aren't going to ever give their husbands sex again.

    I've heard it. I've sat on the committees. You can argue all you want.....but until you've spent night after night after phone call after phone call dealing with it as an 'elder'......... you're not going to know how bad it is.

  • EmptyInside

    Okay, so maybe if I would stay in the org, I need to move out West, since there are a lot of newly divorced men. mmm. Sorry, that is how my Witness sister brain works.

  • daringhart13

    LOL EmptyInside.......

    ....its actually true, there are a lot of divorced 'bros' out West......Most of us in our 30's and 40's

    Maybe we should start another forum for ex JW singles.....

  • Lozhasleft

    I am so sad for so many single sisters who waste their lives this way....

    Daring...such an unbalanced post...

    Misery...what a paradox....

    Loz x

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