Have you had Dreams Lately ? Do you get Meanings from your Dreams?

by flipper 88 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    Flipper, the assassination attempt bothered me a great deal. I remember being at work when it happened.

    I was feeling sick the rest of the day.

    Also, some Arabs have opened a little store in the neighborhood. A Black merchant has set out to discredit them and discourage other Black people from shopping there.

    There have been some ugly incidents, with the police having to get involved. It's been quite nerve-wracking!

    I hate ill-will and discord.


  • BurnTheShips

    Two nights ago I dreamed of picking out a bluish-violet on white-colored calico cat out of a litter of kittens I found in a hollowed out palm tree trunk in the woods and taking it home with me.

    Very bizarre color. It was like freshly spilled ink. Very vibrant, it almost glowed. It wasn't a natural color at all.

    Unfortunately, my alarm went off at that very moment, so I don't know what would have happened next.

    I wonder what it means?


    ...picking out a bluish-violet on white-colored calico cat...

    Choosing a cat of this color show a yearning for a more spiritual life.

    For once in my life Burns, I am being serious.

  • BurnTheShips

    *scratches chin*


  • BurnTheShips

    Overall, the dream felt very positive. I was in the woods and I looked in the palm tree trunk (it was a sabal palm of the kind we have lots of around here) and was surprised to find a litter. I was amazed by the one cat and picked it out of the litter and was leaving the place, I was walking home with it in the woods, when I woke up,

    In my dream, I felt a bit troubled for leaving the other cats behind. But I only took the precious one.

    The cat was white with the calico patches, which were bluish-violet. I am trying to find the color...

    The color was somewhere between "King Blue" and "Lilac" on this link, only more vibrant almost glowing, especially along the edges where the patches ended and white base color began http://www.wallpaper20.com/templates/Reserved/images/colorPalettes.gif

    Regarding the dream, here is what one dream interpretation site has:


    Blue represents truth, wisdom, heaven, eternity, devotion, tranquility, loyalty and openness. Perhaps you are expressing a desire to get away. The presence of this color in your dream, may symbolize your spiritual guide and your optimism of the future. You have clarity of mind.

    Depending on the context of your dream, the color blue may also be a metaphor of "being blue" and feeling sad.


    Violet denotes high spirituality, religious aspiration, purification, affection, gentleness, charm, and peacefulness. There is a sense of intuitive understanding and a feeling of intimacy.


    To see a cat in your dream, symbolizes an independent spirit, feminine sexuality, creativity, and power. It also represents misfortune and bad luck. The cat could indicate that someone is being deceitful or treacherous toward you. If the cat is aggressive, then it suggests that you are having problems with the feminine aspect of yourself. The dream may be a metaphor for "cattiness" or someone who is "catty" and malicious. If you see a cat with no tail, then it signifies a loss of independence and lack of autonomy.

    To dream that you chase the cat away, signifies that you will overcome your obstacles.

    To see a white cat in your dream, denotes that you are going through difficult times.If you see a black cat in your dream, then it indicates that you are experiencing some fear in using your psychic abilities and believing in your intuition. You may erroneously associate the black cat with evil, destruction, and bad luck.

    Palm Tree

    To see palm trees in your dream, represents tranquility, high aspirations, fame, victory, hopes, and longevity.


    To see the woods in your dream, represents life, fertility, rejuvenation, and spring. Alternatively, it symbolizes the unknown and unconscious. You may be discovering your instinctual nature.

    To dream that you are walking through the woods, signifies your return to an aspect of yourself that is innocent and spiritual. If you are walking out of the woods, then the dream could be a literal depiction of being "out of the woods" or being in the clear.

    To dream that you are lost in the woods, indicates that you are starting a new phase in your life. You are expressing some anxiety about leaving behind the familiar and what you know.

    To see dried up, dying woods in your dream, suggests that there is a situation in your life that has not yet been resolved. You may also be overwhelmed with a problem or issue.

    It's all got to be contextualized, of course, but Gladiator's interpretation is interesting, and jibes very well with the meanings of the dream symbols.


  • flipper

    LEOLAIA- Intimate dreams are very strange at times in dealing with ex-girlfriends or boyfriends or ex-spouses. Lots of craziness at times.

    PAUL FROM CLEVELAND- You dream of walking naked and no one notices ? LOL ! I dare you to try that in downtown Cleveland and see if you get noticed ! LOL ! I assure you that you would definitely garnish attention ! When you dreamed of being back in High school- were you fully clothed or naked again ? Just joking.

    SNOWBIRD- I hear you about the Reagan assassination. It bothered me too. Wow ! I'm sorry to hear about the problems with the ill will and hate between the Arab and Black store owners in your area . It must really be a stressful situation. There are certain parts of California out here where racial tensions run high, yet in many areas California is pretty liberal and a real cultural melting pot . People are pretty accepting of different races . Depends on what part of California it is. I too hate ill will and discord. Hang in there my friend.

    BURN the SHIPS- Perhaps the special glowing cat indicates you have found real freedom outside the JW cult ! You cherish your freedom like you cherished that cat ! In looking back at the other cats feeling bad they didn't come may indicate you feel bad that some of your former friends or relatives did not follow you out in exiting the JW cult. That's about as good as I can do friend ! LOL ! Am i close to accurate at all ? LOL ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • snowbird


    You do good, Flipper.

    Perhaps you need to consider another line of work?


  • flipper

    SNOWBIRD- Hey thanks sis. I've actually considered getting a degree down the line if my body gets too beat up with the years of commercial janitorial. But I'm in pretty good physical shape for a middle aged fuddy dud. But I've always enjoyed psychology . Loved it in High School and read up a lot on things

  • flipper

    BTTT, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • TimothyT

    I certainly believe dreams mean something.

    I often have similar dreams and while i was going through the time of my disfellowshipping i had some pretty cool dreams. Here was one:

    I dreamt I was in the main highstreet in my town and i was preaching with my fellow JW friends. Suddenly they all turned on me and started chasing me, shouting at me and trying to grab hold of me. I knew it was because they knew i was not longer acceptable to be one of them. Heres the fun part: As in most of my dreams lately, i have developed an amazing ability to jump very far and very high without hurting myself. I remember that the chase led to me running and jumping completely out of their reach up on the top of a 3 storey building. From there I looked down at them and smiled, happily eluding their grasp. I CERTAINLY believe this has meaning.

    The JWs stand for the organisation.

    The trying to grasp me meant their authority over me.

    My ability to jump is my freedom and my desire to be liberated.

    Timmy :)

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