Have you had Dreams Lately ? Do you get Meanings from your Dreams?

by flipper 88 Replies latest jw friends

  • Confucious


    I had the same dream as you. Basically though, I was on vacation at my parents home (the one I grew up with) and I can't get back.)

    And too... I'm late for High School classes.

    Plus the urgency to get back home is the nightmare part. No matter what I do, I can't get back.

    And my pets are back home and I can't call anyone to feed them.

    I've had this same dream for 10 years. And like you... maybe once a month.

    I can't interperet yours in particular. But I'll tell you how I interpreted mine.

    Me personally? I'm the Frog that became a Prince.

    I had a very unfullfilling time growing up and in high school.

    I never had a girlfriend. I was never successful in anything I did. A failure in most if not all things I've done.

    Then I moved away from home - more than 800 miles - when I was 18.

    I made a new life for myself. It took a while. I spent 10 years as a JDub.

    But eventually... I became very successful. Even while still as a dub.

    But the past 10 years - I've been having this reoccuring nightmare.

    Started maybe around 28... when my success began to rise.

    Those dreams were aweful. Basically stuck somewhere. Wanting to get back so bad. ButI can't.

    So here's how I interpreted it.

    Finally I realized that I'm never going to escape from the past - because that is who I am.

    I might be living like a prince, but I'm still that frog.

    Same guy.

    So a realized that and I set out to live like that.

    Not to say that during my life - that I was ever a jerk.

    But people who are a jerk don't always recognize it.

    But I made it a point to live my life like I'm "renting" this situation.

    I have it really good right now.

    It's a fantasy life.

    But now I make it a point to treat those around me with diginity - knowing that I'm lucky to be here in my unique situation.

    And the dreams stopped.


  • restrangled

    Confucious,....How interesting. You reminded me that I too had starving pets in the home I can't get back to and fear finding their dead bodies.

    Your interpretation sounds very accurate. I am so glad you made a good life for yourself. Those high school years are grueling.


  • flipper

    XMKX- I agree that dreams are repressed memories or emotions, very true. I'm glad your demon dreams subsided or left. Very frightening. Like you- I see many of my JW family members trapped by superstitious mind control and weird fears of not only demons but other things as well.

    KITTEN WHISKERS- After reading your post several times - I truly believe the child in the dream is you ! Even though you are saving the child in the dream. To me it appears you are escaping a dangerous situation ( panthers representing the JW cult perhaps ? ) and you realize to preserve your freedom and innocence you once had as a child- the adult part of yourself is saving yourself now. I find it interesting this dream stopped once you exited the witnesses. And your mom appearing in the dream indicates she was part of the hindrance preventing you from protecting yourself from the JW " pantherlike " organization. Don't know if this sounds accurate- but it's just my amateurish 2 cents. LOL !

    LEOLAIA- Wow ! Girl- Your dreams are REALLY out there ! LOL ! Don't know where to begin ! Is your girlfriends dad really that freaky in real life ? Perhaps it's a sign of a lack of trust in him ? Or maybe a lack of trust in father figures in general ? Just a stab in the dark. LOL ! As regards your dream about your boyfriends ex- perhaps the maid answering the door indicates that in real life you wish his ex didn't live as close as she does. With the plane crash thing too- it sounds like you have some psychic premonitions going on here as well. Very interesting. All I can say.

    DECIDED- Well, I can testify that having financial problems certainly can drive a person nuts ! Been there, done that. I'm sure you are quite sane, but going crazy in your dream it sounded like you were relieving your stress in ways you aren't allowed to do in real life. So I see it as just a major stress release in your dream. Hang in there, I know financial times are hard to deal with. Keep your chin up

  • flipper

    CONFUCIOUS- Very interesting dreams you had. I'm glad you have internalized those dreams and found a meaning to them. Glad you are successful. Take good care of yourself.

    RESTRANGLED- That's interesting you and Confucious had similar dreams. I'm glad you are getting some meanings from your dreams too

  • restrangled

    Flipper, I want to tell you about a dream....it's very obvious and funny/crazy at the same time.

    My dad died when he was 64 due to bone cancer, x elder, left the witnesess but my mom stayed in. Not long after that I had a dream as follows:

    I am searching for my mom at an assembly, but when I get there its a Disney like atmosphere and she is in a swimming pool. She is dressed like a clown, with a striped suit, and a bigger than life red hair do. I find her and she says: "You have to help me get rid of your father." I ask her what do you mean and she tells me he is dead. Fast forward, we are in a huge Cadillac, and my dad is in the trunk, a bunch of relatives are riding with us and my mom is at the wheel.

    I am panicking because all these relatives don't know he is in the trunk, but it's smelling, and she drives on.

    There is no end to this dream. Just that. But I woke up believing...my mother killed my father and she wanted me in on it.

    That's not what happened...but kind of revealing just the same.


  • leec

    I have a lot of very involved dreams, many of which I think would make bizarre Dada style films. I write them down whenever I can. Most of the weirdness is of the "psychological thriller" variety, i.e. to describe literally what is taking place it's very tame, but there is always some twisted emotional drama going on in the background of it all.

    But I don't think dreams "mean" anything. I think it's just the brain reorganizing and clearing transactions - maybe a little like computer disk defragmentation.

  • frankiespeakin


    Did the plane crash happen before the night of the two dreams?

    The two dreams all have some things in common, relationships, suspicions, jealousy(maybe), and coincidence. I can't really put them together for you but the important things in analyzing dreams is what they mean to you.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I have not had the time to read this as I have been very busy and not sleeping well.

    And yes it is because of dreams, very strange dreams.

    I had one Friday night were I was at the memorial and the attorney elder was giving the talk. He was dressed in a dirty white button down shirt and torn jeans. I was really upset with how stupid he looked and this pioneer sister was very mad at me said he was dressing like that to get the young people to stay in the truth.

    Well the memorial went on and we were all told not to turn around and just to keep looking forward, it seems a couple the pioneer sister was studying with died in the back of the hall. CDC was there and was going to keep everyone locked in the hall as they did not know why they had died. Turn out the man was molesting kids and had a horrible VD. So we were all free to go but the pioneer sister was very upset at the poor old man. I was so upset and then I woke up.

    The next night in my dream the attorney elder who is in his mid 50's and his wife is in her late 40's had a daughter. It could not happen in real life. The child was born then the next meeting the little girl was three and half years old. Grew fast. Her name was Julian Mcguggle what there last name is. I remember the name so clear. I asked the wife why they named her Mcguggle and if that was family name. The wife said oh no it was the prison where I met my husband. I said was he working as an attorney there at the prison. She said no he was there for molesting kids. I again woke up very upset.

    We are putting in a new furnace and we have had to move some of our things around in the basement. I have boxes everywhere. Well in my dream Monday night the COBE or former PO came to our house and flipped out that I had boxes of food outside said rats and mice were going to get into them. He was just screaming at my husband for not being the head of our house and keeping me in line. I was thinking who are you for being at my house and telling me what to do plus the food was not outside but when I looked it was. I clearly remember putting it in the basement. I again work up very upset.

    Then last night as also last week I have had dreams where I am again trapped in the homes I grew up in where I was molested and raped. Last night I was trying to get out and I just could not do it. All the creeps from my childhood were there and no one saw that they were bad. One man was so stoned and I was so scarred, I felt just like I did as a kid and I woke up just screaming for him to get away. I tried to get in my car to drive away but it was raining and there was mud everywhere and he had blocked the driveway. So I tried to go around and got stuck and was running from my car. But these were all people who were going to the meetings and that I knew as a kid. In my dream last night one of the elder from my childhood was remarried to a woman who looked just like if wife expect she was not his wife. I was thinking who are you and she said well his first wife died but he married me because I look just like her. I said does that not creep you out. I mean you could be his first wife's twine. She was not I am good with it.

    I am exhausted by my dreams. The one last night makes for the fifth bad dream in a week and it is all with elders and child molesters in them.

    See I was rapped and molested as a kid but I thought just by my parents and their crazy friends but who knows. I just know I am really tired and very late for work. So again forgive my spelling errors.


  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Also I must add as a child there were mice and rats everywhere in the homes I grew up in. The elders knew it. CPS was called in a lot and no one did a damed thing to help me. So in the dream where the PO was so pissed at my husband I was so mad. I said where were you when I was a kid you Knew what I lived in all the filth and you did not help me then why?. The PO turned it on me and said what good would it have done you are no better then your parents you are just a horrible person look at how dirty you are now. I was screaming I am not who my parents are and he said you will never change. It was a horrible dream.

    In real life I am not a dirty person in fact this PO's wife in real life thinks I have OCD because I try to keep thing so clean it makes her mad. She is always telling me I am too germ forbic.


  • asilentone

    I had a dream about being introduced to new elder coming to my congregation. He told me his name in the dream. Now it is not a dream, he actually did come to my congregation from Michigan, he introduced himself the same name that I got from that dream. Few years later, he got d'fd and he is still df'd for years. Strange.

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