Rush Limbaugh in Hospital in Serious Condition

by RubaDub 72 Replies latest social current

  • SixofNine

    Here is one of this pimple's greatest hits:

    'Everyone knows...Socks is the White House cat. But did you know there is a White House dog?"

    Then he held up a picture of 13-year old Chelsea Clinton.
  • darkl1ght3r

    I certainly feel for his family and loved ones for the pain they must be dealing with right now, and I wish them all the best.

    That said, he is (was?) an egotistical moron, and proud of his smug arrogance, and although I wouldn't necesserilly be happy over his death, I would not be sad for a second that he would no longer able to spew his sewage upon unsuspecting individuals. I felt that way about him even when i considered myself a moderate conservative.

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    3 hours/day, 5 days a week for 40 weeks/year (give or take) for 20 years = 12,000 hours of air time (a conservative estimate) and this is all you people got? The awful joke dredged up from 15 years ago about the Clinton girl being first dog was really disgusting, but "Barack the Magic Negro?" That bit came from the LA Times.

    I'm waiting for the real story of Limbaugh's heart attack to come out. Tiger Wood's scandal all started with a seemingly innocent car accident. Its possible that Rush's story will take some equally sordid turn also. Maybe something involving cocaine, Viagra, and hookers...male hookers?!? Or maybe he really did just have a heart attack after too much golf.

    Godspeed on your recovery, Rush. Sixy, bks, et al need you back on the air to serve as a distraction from the current crop of dipshits running Washington.

  • watson

    I was going to say something positive about him, but that would make me a racist. It's funny, he sounds like a reflection of many of the "folks" on this thread. You guys are awesome!



  • mrsjones5

    Aw, don't be afraid. Grow a set, suck it up and say something positive about the man.

  • watson

    Well, when he's not on stage, playing to the liberals (that's really what he's doing, you know), he is actually quite a gentleman.

    I think people forget what the media was like in this country before he came along. It was really weighted/leaning toward the left. Many felt that their conservative beliefs weren't being heard. He had the "set" to say it like many were feeling.

    Whether you like the dialogue or not, you at least have the dialogue now. You may not like what you hear, but at least you are able to hear it, it's out there, and maybe over time, as a nation, we can address it.

    Of course now, 20 plus years later, Rush has become quite a caricature. It makes money.

    I am not a fan of extremists on either side.

  • mrsjones5

    Now, was that so bad?

  • watson

    Thank you, I needed that.....pathetic, huh? Do you cary a rider's crop?? Just wondering.

  • beksbks

    Watson, I'm sorry dear, but you are wrong. And you know I love you. What I remember about news 20+ years ago (and it's not much considering how incredibly young I was at the time), is news was Reporting. Now it's opinion. Agenda. Quite possibly the nature of your past made it appear to be left leaning, but if you really look at it, it was actually very conservative.

  • watson
    watson were younger then.

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