Other Sheep will start taking the emblems.

by hamsterbait 101 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AGuest

    Perhaps, dear ones (and may you all have peace!), but if so, it will be her "undoing." Because they will have NO way to explain all those who they PREVENTED from doing so… and thus "shut up the kingdom of the heavens BEFORE"… for at least 74 years. Matthew 23:23 It does not seem, then, that that is what they're leaning towards.

    First, based on one particular statement in the paragraph, it appears that what they're actually trying to do is PREVENT such a thing... by offering a[n] (totally OUTRAGEOUS and UNTRUE) "explanation" of what eating Christ's flesh and drinking his blood "really" means. To wit:

    "If anyone eats of this bread,"that is, exercises faith in the redeeming power of Jesus' sacrifice, he will be in line for everlasting life."

    Funny how the explanation is DIFFERENT... for the so-called "anointed" class... in LIGHT of the FACT that the "Law" they ALL still live under... and consistently attempt to push others to live under… started AND continued on the premise that the law/rules should be the same... for Israel AND those who go with them:

    "... in case an alien resident resides as an alien WITH you... and he WILL actually celebrate the passover to JAH... let there be a circumcising of every male of his first, then he may comer to celebrate it; and he must become LIKE A NATIVE of the land. ONE law is to exist... for the NATIVE (Israel/Jews/little flock and, therefore, the WTBTS "anointed")... AND for the alien resident who is residing as an alien in your midst. (the vast mixed crowd/nations/other sheep and, therefore, the WTBTS "great crowd") Exodus 12:48, 49

    "The alien resident who resides as an alien with you should become LIKE A NATIVE of yours; and you must love him AS yourself... for YOU became alien residents in the land of Egypt." Leviticus 19:34

    "The alien resident should prove to be... THE SAME... as the native... because I am JAH, your God." Leviticus 24:22

    "There should prove to be ONE law and ONE judicial decision for you... AND for the alien resident who is residing as an alien WITH you." Numbers 15:16

    "There is neither Jew NOR Greek, there is neither slave NOR freeman, there is neither male NOR female; for you are ALL... ONE... in union with Christ." Galatians 3:28

    "He that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood... REMAINS IN UNION WITH ME." John 6:56

    "... where there is neither Greek nor Jew, CIRCUMCISION NOR CIRCUMCISION, foreigner, Scythian, slave, freeman, but CHRIST IS all things... and IN ALL." Colossians 3:11

    "ONE body there is… and ONE spirit… even as you were called in the ONE HOPE to which you were called; one Lord, ONE FAITHONE BAPTISM…" Ephesians 4:4, 5

    "And I have OTHER sheep… which are not of THIS fold; those also… IT IS NECESSARY FOR ME TO LEAD… and they will listen to MY voice… and become ONE flock… ONE shepherd." John 10:16 (fnt., NWT Ref. Bible)

    "Circimcision" is merely a "cutting away of the flesh"… surrounding a man's means for procreating. For the physical man, it means cutting away the foreskin that covers his penis so that his means for procreating is EXPOSED. For the SPIRITUAL "man"… whether "he" be Jew, Greek, slave, freeman, male OR female… it means "cutting away the flesh"… that covers our LIFE FORCE… so that the SPIRIT man that we are is EXPOSED. Then, our SPIRITUAL means… for being RECREATED… is exposed… allowing God to "conceive us" in HIS SPIRIT… which will allow us to be BORN… again.

    The "law," however, that that BOTH groups… Israel AND the alien resident can and should celebrate the Passover… IN THE SAME MANNER… did not "pass away." Just like ALL of the Law Covenant... which was fulfilled by Christ… it was REPLACED… with a BETTER Law. One that no longer requires us to be circumcised, literally, in the flesh… but rather, asks that we become "circumcised"… literally, in the SPIRIT. That we CUT AWAY… and so move PAST… the flesh… so that we no longer live… according to the things OF the flesh… but the things… of the SPIRIT.

    It's also "funny" (well, not really) that such "exercising" of faith in Christ's sacrifice doesn't require the "non-anointed" to actually DO anything... other than sit and "observe" others "exercising" THEIR faith (though, even that doesn't happen unless there's actually someone there who does partake, in which case, they are actually only exercising their faith... in someone else exercising their faith... in Christ's sacrifice. Duhhh...).

    It will never come to pass… everyone "in" her partaking… because it will be her demise. She will have to explain why "everyone" should… and her only means of doing that will be the very verses she is now wickedly explaining away (John 6:48-51). Once they actually READ these… and get the SENSE of them… her members will ask, "If you were wrong about that VERY serious matter, Harlot, what ELSE have you been wrong about?" She can't afford that… for she LOVES the "luxury" that she lives in. She is NOT about to give up her gold, precious stones, and pearls.

    I bid you all peace… and ears to hear.

    Servant to the Household of God, Israel, and ALL those who go with… the alien residents and reside in its midst… and a slave of Christ,


  • lepermessiah

    If Watchtower decides it wants to make a specific change, it will find a way to rationalize it. Always has. Always will.

    WBT$ Doctrine could change in a HeartBeat..

    It`s called "New Light"..

    Marvin and Outlaw said it best!

  • yknot

    Most JWs are happy with the interpretation of two hopes with the 144,000 acting as co-rulers in the millennial reign.

    Partaking could easily be expanded, including mediation and still have the significance of a literal 144,000.

  • undercover

    For the OS to start taking the emblams would be a pretty big change. I don't see it happening myself.

    It raises questions. What about the generations of dubs that didn't take the emblams? Are they screwed now? Sorry, you didn't take Jesus body and blood so you can't recieve the reward.

    It also leaves open the room for critics (both inside and out) to point out the fallibality of the GB. If they can make a mistake this big, what else might they have fucked up? I can't see the GB ever changing something drastic enough that it basically amounts to them admitting error.

    Instead they'll keep making minor changes that no one really understands until the number of the partakers isn't that important. They've already laid that groundwork. Dropping the 1935 date and then stating that members of the annointed aren't any more special than members of the Great Crowd.

    They'll leave the dubs the tradition of ignoring the emblems (or for the loopier ones to take) and keep the class system intact enough so that regular dubs will never feel worthy and will keep working harder to gain approval.


    Good Afternoon Shelby!..

    You make a good arguement..


    As with Mikey Mouse,it has one fatal flaw..


    Make no mistake..

    If the WBT$ wants to change doctrine..It will..

    No JW will dare challange the WBT$,without Consequense.

    The religion is not about Jehovah`s Witness`s..




    The religion is about the WBT$..

    In Watchtower World..

    The WBT$..




  • daniel-p

    Well, needless to say, this owuld be the biggest change in doctrine, since... well probably since they created the "other sheep" class in the first place!

    I think most Jdubs would just go ga-ga over it. Who wouldn't love to be part of a more ritualistic ceremony? It would make them seem more mainstream and not so strange to younger ones and newcomers. It's always weird sitting in the hall and just passing the emblems around like idiots. Now they would have more purpose in being there.

  • garyneal

    I would be real interested to see if they indeed began increasing the number of memorial partakers to include the 'other sheep.' The Society has a real problem on its hands, how can the literal number of 144,000 not be filled up by now? I understand that the Society may even consider appointing people from the 'other sheep' to the Governing Body.

    If the 'other sheep' do begin to partake of the emblems or even become appointed to the Governing Body, I can see it causing a stir. But the society will find some way to explain it away. I will, of course, point out the major shift to my wife but she is so sold on the religion that the society could tell her that the sky is purple and she would believe it. I guess she'll keep drinking the Koolaid for after all, she has too much family involved to leave it behind.

  • AGuest

    If the WBT$ wants to change doctrine... it will.

    This is QUITE true, dear Outlaw; however, the operative word here is "IF." They don't. Not this one. I mean, I am sure that SOME have already suggested it... quite possibly as far back at 1935 (when some opposed the separation to begin with).

    There are some teachings they can change and get away with for awhile. This isn't one of them, however... because THIS is the one they teach will cause people to "die at Armageddon" if they do so "UNWORTHILY." To now say that "non-anointed" are, in fact, now "worthy"? Uh-uh...

    Heck, they're only going to be able to change the 1914 false teaching only so many more times - in fact, I don't think they have any more times. This last one, if it flies... and that's a BIG "if"... will be the last one. Why? Because our children... who are much, MUCH smarter than we are/were when it comes to things like this... will see through it. Thanks to the Internet, our children's world... and the WTBTS "world"... has grown astonishingly smaller... closer... and easier to "access."

    I have not heard anything from my Lord as to what they will or will not do with either teaching, though, so we shall see...


    Your servant, friend, and a slave of Christ,


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Here's a scan for anyone who wants one:

    WT Oct

  • Narkissos

    Compare the issue I was referencing above (2/15/1986), 23 years ago:

    Consequently, it was for "the life of the world"the entire world of redeemable mankind—that Jesus gave his flesh. And "anyone" of the world of mankind who eats symbolically of that "bread," by showing faith in the redeeming power of Jesus’ sacrifice, may enter onto the way to everlasting life. Here, the "vast mixed company" that shared with the Israelites in eating the manna in the wilderness foreshadow the great crowd of Jesus’ "other sheep" who, along with the anointed remnant of "the Israel of God," are now eating Jesus’ flesh in a figurative sense. This they do by exercising faith in his sacrifice.—Galatians 6:16; Romans 10:9, 10.

    Back in Galilee, many of Jesus’ listeners are shocked by his talk. So while still on the topic of his flesh, he even goes a step further, telling them: "Most truly I say to you, Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man anddrinkhisblood, you have no life in yourselves. He that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has everlasting life, and I shall resurrect him at the last day; for my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink." (John 6:53-55) Shocking indeed! Not only is the idea of cannibalism repulsive to those Jews but the Law at Leviticus 17:14 positively forbade eating "the blood of any sort of flesh."

    Of course, Jesus is here emphasizing that anyone who is to attain to everlasting life must do so on the basis of exercising faith in the sacrifice that Jesus later made in offering up his perfect human body and pouring out his lifeblood. (Hebrews 10:5, 10; 1 Peter 1:18, 19; 2:24) This provision is not restricted to Jesus’ joint heirs. It must also include the "great crowd," who survive "the great tribulation," for these "have washed their robes and made them white in theblood of the Lamb." Their having faith in Jesus’ sacrifice, as demonstrated also by their rendering God "sacred service," results in their preservation through earth’s greatest time of distress. Similarly, Rahab was declared righteous and survived when Joshua devoted Jericho to destruction.—Revelation 7:9, 10, 14, 15; Joshua 6:16, 17; James 2:25.

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